
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Volume 34 Christmas

Shion was amazed to see the Christmas decoration at the palace, the guards were holding a bunch of presents. It was just a day before the festival day, Yuri gave him a light kiss. Yuna and Juan were busy wrapping presents in their room, when Shion opened the door they hid the presents. Yuna embraced Shion and said, "Welcome home Papa." Shion lifted Juan up and said, "Aren't you going to welcome me home? Where is Takato?" With a flustered face Juan replied, "He fell asleep when we were playing, welcome home Papa." As per tradition the kids and their father had the responsibility to decorate the tree, Yuri filmed his family as they decorated the tree.

The maids helped Yuri to dress for a traditional ball that was held at Qin kingdom every Christmas eve. The children were downstairs with their father anxiously waiting to see their mama. Only the adults were attending the function, Yuna helped Shion to fix his tilted crown, to show his gratitude Shion kissed her on the forehead. Juan was holding Takato's hand, Rose with a smile bowed her hand, "Here comes our King, may the heavens bless you with a thousand years." Yuri was dressed in a white and gold tradition Kingsman robe. Shion knelt with one leg and kissed Yuri's hand. Juan had never seen a beautiful elegant man in his life, Takato reaching his hands to Yuri said, "Mama…"

On their way to the festival Shion said, "Honey, thank you for becoming a part of my life. I love you…merry Christmas." Yuri passionately kissed Shion, he replied, "I love you very much Shion…thank you for being a good father to my children." As they got closer to the venue Shion said, "I know you hate these functions, we can sneak out after greeting the Generals." Cameras flushed at them; it was the couples first public appearance together. The guards dispersed the media, paving way for the royals. Shion lightly kissed his wife in front of the media driving them crazy, with a smile on his face he waved at the crowd before opening the doors for Yuri.

Countless people greeted and welcomed Yuri to their kingdom, Shion was beside his partner all night long. When the time for the dance arrived Yuri whispered, "Shion, we didn't practise these ballroom dances." Shion kissed Yuri's hand and replied, "Just follow my lead, shall we my King?" The dance was cleared for the couple to lead the dances, soft music was played for the lovely couple. Yuri looking at Shion eyes said, "This is our second Christmas together, remember the first one we escaped to the park running away from these boring events?" Shion with a smile on his face replied, "Now our presence if of great importance. You look ravishing my love…I can see hungry eyes starring at you." Lowering his head slowly Shion gave Yuri a passionate kiss, the people in the room truly admired the bond between the lovely couple. Others couples joined on the dance floor, Shion embraced Yuri in the middle of the dance floor.

Yuri and Shion managed to sneak out of the event, when they arrived home an unwanted company was waiting for them. Yuri taking Shion's coat asked, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over Victor?" Victor closed the magazine he was reading, he replied, "I came with Jihun, my apologise for intruding." Yuri's eyes brimmed with joy to hear about his dear friend's arrival, "Where is he?" "He was worn out after playing with the children, he retired to bed before your arrival," Victor replied to Yuri. Everyone in the room was startled when Victor knelt with one knee before Yuri, he lightly kissed his hand and said, "You look truly handsome tonight." Yuri cleared his throat and said, "Please make yourself at home, my husband and I will retire to bed early." Shion kept his composure to avoid ruining Christmas for his wife, he wanted the evening to be memorable is a good way.

Yuna ran inside her parents bedroom, she jumped on top of Shion and exclaimed, "Papa, it is snowing outside!" Yuri gently patted her head and said, "Good morning to you too Yuna…" "Let us go now!" Yuna was dragging the blankets away. Shion looking at his lovely wife replied, "Honey, look…" Yuri realised both of them were naked, giggling lightly Yuri said, "Yuna, we will meet you downstairs, go and wear a coat and wake Juan up." Yuna getting down from the bed replied, "Juan is sleeping with Takato, I will wake them up!" When Yuna dashed out of he room Yuri said, "We better dress up before she returns." Shion and Yuri quickly threw over warm pyjamas and winter robes, they met Juan on the staircase holding Takato. Yuri whispered at Shion, "Don't you think Juan is extremely close to Takato?" "Maybe it is because they are both boys. Yuna is Daddy's girl…" Shion didn't notice their attachment, Yuri had a hunch these two could end up being more once they are a bit older.

Yuna led the way outside, the grounds were already covered in snow. Shion was holding Yuri around his waist, Takato snuggled in Juan's arms for warmth. Yuna jumping up and down in the snow smiled brightly at her parents, Shion moulded a small snowball and threw it at Yuna. The snow fight began, everyone ganged up on Shion…their smiles were priceless. Jihun standing at his bedroom window noticed the warm and lovely family Yuri created for himself.

Yuri and Shion helped the kids to take a hot bath, after taking care of their kids they quickly took a bath and changed their clothes. Yuri wore bunny ears which look perfect on him, Yuri warmly welcomed Jihun to his humble home. Yuri plated food for his family, Juan insisted on feeding Takato. Yuri was surprised to see how Takato obediently listened to Juan as he fed him food, looking at Jihun, Yuri said, "I am very sorry for taking long to visit you. I was planning to visit for New Year with my family." Jihun with a smile on his face replied, "No apologies needed my King, I can see you have your hands full with your lovely kids." Yuri held Shion's hand on the table, Victor was calmly eating his breakfast, "My husband and l are honoured by your visit, I hope you will enjoy Christmas with us." Their rings were elegant and matching, Shion said, "It is my pleasure to meet you Jihun, please feel at home. Daddy's princess, can you help Dad in the bedroom? Juan when you are done you can join us too?" Yuri looking at Shion asked, "Why aren't I involved?" Shion stood from his seat and kissed Yuri, "You can catch up with Jihun, besides this is a father and children activity. I will be upstairs if you need me honey."

When the nuisance crew left, Victor received a message and immediately left the room. Jihun placed his coffee mug on the table, "I am happy to see you alive and happy again Yuri." Jihun starred at the wedding portrait on the wall, "I thought you would remarry a woman." Yuri busted out in laughter, "Yeah but I fell for a man who is now my husband…" "I thought Crown Prince was your soulmate." It was expected of Jihun to ask Yuri about his messed-up love encounters. Yuri touching his ring replied, "There was a time I loved Victor, back then I had hope to spend the rest of my life with him. As time passed, I realised with Victor our marriage wasn't tied to love but our children…and I realised I had feelings for Shion. In his presence my heart flattered, and my soul felt at peace…I didn't want to hurt Victor back then because he was trying so hard to be a good husband. I supressed my feelings for Shion and I worked on loving Victor as much as l loved Shion…the day I gave birth to the twins I made a wish to meet Shion in my next life in order to fulfil my unrequited love. When I opened my eyes I realised I wasn't the only one who has supressed his feelings, and life had given me a second chance to be happy." Victor and Shion were both listening standing in hidden places.

Jihun after listening to Yuri asked, "I thought maybe Victor betrayed you and you chose his ex-wife as a perfect way for revenge. Looking at his eyes I saw all the pain he was enduring; fate has been cruel to your love story." Yuri looking at his wedding portrait replied, "I was wrong to assume Victor was in love with Anya, I thought maybe my death would at least make him reunite with his lost lover. I didn't know he was hopelessly fallen for me. time heal all wounds, I just hope his true soulmate will truly love him. I love Shion with all my heart, he is a good husband and a great father to our children."

Yuri was busy preparing for lunch, he met Rose in the kitchen already washing dishes, "Rose, didn't I give you all a day off to celebrate Christmas with your families?" Rose with a smile on her face replied, "This place is all l have, I will help in the kitchen." As they cooked Rose gladly shared her tragic story to Yuri, Shion's father looked after her when she lost her family in an accident. Shion saw Victor standing at the entrance of the bedroom, "You can join us if you want." Yuna was holding tape for Shion who was wrapping presents for Yuri. Juan was fixated on Takato, Victor sat beside Yuna and asked, "What are you doing Princess Yuna." Yuna cutting a piece of tape replied, "We are wrapping presence for Mama." Victor stared at Juan who was playing with Takato, their bond was clearly visible in his eyes. "Yuna, how about you two help me pick a present for Mama…" "I will get my coat…" Yuna dashed out of the room. Juan with a frown on his face replied, "I will stay home with Takato…you can go with Papa. Let us go Takato." He walked out of the room with Takato hand in hand.

When they arrived at the mall it was busy with late Christmas shoppers, Yuna was holding Shion's hand. Victor said, "I will meet you at the car." Yuna led the way holding Shion's hand, for a while she had her eyes on a doll. With puppy eyes Yuna said, "Papa, can l have it?" Shion squatted down to face his daughter, he lightly gave him a kiss and replied, "We can buy the doll if you promise me to behave and look after your brothers." Squeezing the doll in her arms, she replied, "I promise Papa!" Victor went inside a jewellery store and bought an expensive watch and bracelet made out of pure gold. The ladies at the counter admired his handsome face, but the bond between a father and daughter melted their heart.

Shion saw Jihun seated all alone in the garden when they arrived at the palace, "Baby, why don't you heard inside first? Give daddy a kiss." Yuna standing on her tip toe kissed Shion before she dashed inside.