
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Volume 26 A fight with Yuna

When the convoy escorting Yuri arrived, the maids were all waiting outside to pay their respects. Takato was in his royal suit standing beside his father, Shion opened the door for Yuri. Yuri held his hand as he climbed down from the car, Takato hugged his leg and exclaimed, "Mama!" The twins came out of the car, they were in their royal robes. King Shion lowered his head and said, "Greeting my Prince and Princess, welcome to our palace." Takato with a brimming smiled at the twins, the servants kept starring at the two little angels. Yuri led the way to the palace, they were shown their room, Shion knocked at the door, "Honey, can we talk?" Yuri was helping the twins settling down, he said, "I need to have a word with my husband, I will be back shortly." Yuri closed the door behind him, looking at an anxious Shion he asked, "I have been worried about you. Are you alright? I ma sorry l left you all alone." Facing the dragon clan and standing up to them was hard for Yuri, but he had to be strong and courageous to protect his family. Yuri warmly hugged Shion, he whispered, "I picked up a few courageous tips from you, I am sorry I brought he twins without consulting you first." Shion kissed Yuri on the forehead, "Are you kidding me? The twins are always welcome here, in my eyes and heart they are also my children." Yuri felt grateful to be married to the coolest husband ever, "The royals will come for our coronation, you will seeing more of Victor now that the twins are here." A buffet was prepared to welcome the twins, Yuri made a toast, "Here is to Yuna and Juan, welcome home." Yuna looking at Shion said, "Thank you King Shion for welcoming us in your palace." Takato handing Yuri a piece of cake shouted, "Mama!" "Addressing me as King Shion is too formal, you can address me as what Takato does. We are family after all, if you have any other needs in mind reach out to me."

Yuri always helped Takato with his bath, the maids loved how active Yuri was in his children's life. After Takato was fast asleep Yuri checked if the twins were tackled in bed, he carefully opened the door and saw them fast asleep. Juan was on top of the blankets, Yuri carefully tackled him inside his blankets. Shion was caught up in work, Junta had sent several projects that needed his approval and signature. Yuri went straight to the bathroom; his bath soap was mesmerising and a bit enchanting. Shion was focused on the documents before him, wearing a satin bathrobe Yuri sat on his lap facing Shion. Gently kissing his husband Yuri sad, "These glasses look absolutely stunning on you, what was keeping you busy?" Shion placing the folder on the desk replied, "Just some pending projects, however one project require my full attention right now." A gentle kiss turned into a steamy sexy kiss, both of them were super horny. Shion lifted Yuri up, he gently placed him on the bed. Slowly loosening Yuri's robe, he drooled over the sexy body of his lover. Shion unbuckled his trousers, Yuri titled him over seizing full control of the process. Yuri started to suck on Shion's dick, it was hard and huge that it barely fit in his mouth. Shion wanted to help Yuri but he replied, "Today just sit back and enjoy the pleasure my King." It was really hard for him to hold back whilst starring at the sexy and flushed face of Yuri. Slowly Yuri sat on top of Shion as he inserted his huge dick inside of him, Yuri's insides were warm and soft. Yuri's dick dribbled with cum when Shion's cock was all in, his legs were weak to move a muscle. Holding Yuri's waist Shion said, "Honey…maybe I should help now." The sexy steamy night lasted for hours, after his husband was fully satisfied Yuri said, "I don't have an ounce of energy left in me." Shion kissed Yuri's swollen lips, placing Yuri's hand on his heart he said, "I love you." Yuri cuddling with Shion replied, "I love you."

Victor looking at Yuri's portrait said, "You are mine Yuri, no one can take you away from me. I love you and I know you love me Yuri…" Anya cleared her throat to have his attention, "Dinner is getting cold." Victor kept starring at the portrait, "Your family is responsible for my misery, what do you want from me?" Victor suddenly grabbed Anya by the neck and lifted her up in the air. Struggling to break free Anya slowly lost her consciousness, "Put her down Victor!" Nara shouted as he walked down the stairs. Anya fell on the ground, she coughed really hard, "Take her away." The maids quickly escorted Anya to her chambers, with a surprised face Nara asked, "Are you out of your mind?!" Victor with tears in his eyes replied, "I need Yuri back mother, he is mine." Kneeling on the floor whilst clenching to his heart Victor broke down to tears, Nara knelt before him and gave him a warm hug. Nara patted his head, "I wish I could bring him back Victor, he made a choice and married Shion." Victor squeezing his mother's garment asked, "Where did l go wrong mother?" Lord Usagi felt helpless to see his son in a depressed and heartbroken state.

Anya left the palace and went to visit her mother and brother. Merah panicked when she saw bruises on Anya's neck, Junta was held back by Anya from interfering. Anya said, "What will you possibly do?" Junta clenched his fists as he threw himself at the couch, "Now that the Dragon mother is alive and married to my brother, we are so fucked…I never knew my lousy brother would one day have the greatest power in his hands." Anya looked at her mother, "He has to die for real this time, I need that ring. Imagine what we can obtain with that ring, my marriage is hopeless, and those children are gone. That ring is my one-way ticket to have what l want." Merah looking at Anya replied, "Killing him will not be easy, if you fail you die." "If I succeeded, I live with power, are you with me or against me mother," With desperate eyes Anya made an ultimatum with her mother. Together they plotted a plan to finally achieve what they have always wanted.

Adapting to a new life was challenging to the twins, especially getting familiar with new customs and faces. Shion returned home late because of work, Yuri had his hands full preparing for the coronation and looking after the children. Yuri left to pick up Takato custom made suit, he left Rose in charge of the twins. When he returned, he saw one maid kneeling at the front of the house, with a confused face Yuri asked, "What is going on?" The maid had been kneeling for four hours in the sun, Rose taking the bags from Yuri's hand replied, "Princess Yuna instructed her to kneel for a day reflecting on her mistake." The behaviour was totally unacceptable for a child her age, Yuri said, "Take her inside and attend to her needs." Storming inside the palace with an angry face Yuri saw Yuna watching television, he dismissed the maids and Juan. Yuri switched off the television and said, "How dare you humiliate such an elderly person?" Yuna with an innocent face replied, "Servants should be punished for being clumsy." Yuri felt really angry he almost gave her a tight slap, holding back his hand he pointed to the stairs, "Go upstairs and apologise for your behaviour!" Folding her arms Yuna replied, "I will never apologise to a commoner…" Yuri slapped her so hard that her cheek was red, "In this house everyone deserves respects, we do not discriminate. As a royal member of the Dragon clan you have to protect people instead of hurting them! It is either you apologise sincerely to that woman or never show your face to me!" Yuna ran inside her room, she threw herself in bed and busted out in tears.

Shion was brimming with joy when he finished work early, he was looking forward to spending time with his family. When he arrived at the palace, he saw Yuri drinking a glass of whiskey sitting in their bedroom. Shion quickly closed the door before Yuri spotted him, "Oh God, what did l do?" Rose startled him when she tapped him on the shoulder, they went downstairs to talk. Rose explained to Shion what had taken place, neither of the two had eaten since lunch. Shion sighed and said, "For a moment I thought l had done something wrong and forgot about it. How is she? I hope you called Daniel or Mike to examine her." Rose assured Shion the maid was in perfect health, it was up to him to fix the situation. Shion slowly opened the door and saw Yuna all alone in the room, Juan was playing with Takato. Shion with a gentle voice said, "Hey my little princess, can I come in?" Yuna with teary eyes shook her head, Shion grabbed a chair and sat facing Yuna. With a warm smile on his face he asked, "Do you want to tell Papa, why his princess is sad?" Offering Yuna his handkerchief Shion patiently waited for her to calm down, "I didn't want to make mom angry; we were always taught that maids should be properly punished. Princess Anya always punished the commoners. I only did what I was taught." Shion knew from the start that Anya miseducated the twins, holding the soft tiny hands of Yuna he replied, "Yuna, as royals it is our duty to protect all those who are around us. As a princess it is your duty to help people not mistreat them, in this house we do not discriminate. You might be royalty but who take care of you, they work hard to ensure your health and happiness." Yuna realising her mistake looked at Shion, "I am sorry my King." Wiping the tears off Yuna's face, he said, "As a thank you how about you stop calling me King…it is too formal." Yuna hugging him said, "Thank you Papa."

Yuna wore a tiny apron Shion gave her, "The best way to apologise to our dear friend is by helping in making her favourite porridge." Yuna with swollen eyes brightly smiled as she assisted Rose in making the rise and shrimp porridge. After they were done Shion helped Yuna carry the tray to the maid's house. Shion opened the door and saw the maid lying on the bed with sun burns on her face. Shion cheered at Yuna, filled with sincerity she said, "I am here to apologise for my behaviour, I am sorry. Please accept my rice porridge." The maid at up straight, with a smile on her face she replied, "I forgive you, thank you for the porridge." Shion cleared his throat and said, "You can take a week off, take this opportunity to visit home and relax." After fixing the mess with the maid only one angry mother was awaiting for an apology. Slowly opening the door Shion said, "Hey honey…I have someone who would like to talk with you." Yuri hid the glass of whiskey, Shion quickly went to the bathroom. Yuna felt scared, looking at the floor she said, "Mama I am sorry for being rude." Yuri was hurting deep inside his heart for hitting his daughter, "You have to apologise to Miriam…" "Papa helped me to apologise, we made porridge for her." Yuri confidently assured her mother that she had fixed her mess. Yuri kissed her on the forehead, "I am sorry for slapping you, can you forgive me?" Shion came out of the bathroom in a bathrobe with water dripping down his chest. His hair was wet, Yuri placing a towel over his head said, "Thank you Papa for helping me out today. I cant help but blame myself, for four years I failed to be there for them…" Shion hugged Yuri who was at the edge of breaking down. Yuri cried bitterly in Shion's arms, patting his back Shion said, "It isn't too late for you to properly…" A drunkard Yuri passed out in the arms of Shion, the whole situation was dragging him down all day.