

      In the 18th century, the appearance of vampires were quite frequent, werewolves and witches lurked in the shadows. It was known that vampires were the enemies of werewolves and witches, they had been battling against each other for decades. These creatures were being trained at the monster school with other monsters til they were ready for the human world, being trapped together always meant chaos and destruction. Giselle, a college student was in the  bathroom of her dormitory, suddenly a portal opened in the mirror she stretched out her hand to feel the portal, and she fell through, unbeknownst to her she had entered a new world hidden from humans.

           She fell from the sky and fell straight into the lake, before she could react she was drowning. William dived into the lake to save her, he pulled her out of the lake, with her vision blurred she could hardly see the face of the handsome pale guy who had save her life. She woke up on a bed in a room which seemed like a dormitory, her new roommate, Dina said "you have finally awoken from your slumber". "My name is Dina your new roommate, "I'm a witch and what type of creature are you?" She said, Giselle looked puzzled what did she mean by creature, Dina said "it's okay, you don't have to answer you might be pretty tired, i hope we will be good friends". She laid back down to ingest all that transpired, the school siren soon wailed for supper, Dina accompanied her to the cafeteria, the meal disgusted her she asked Dina curiously "what sort of food is this?", She responded saying "oh it is just the usual, frog eye's with swamp soup, try it it's quite tasty ".

              She asked "don't you have pizza or sandwich?", "umm we do have frog egg sandwiches, if you aren't interested you could try the punch is made of mangoes and passion". They finished their meal and headed towards their shared room, Giselle laid on her bed wide awake, her newfound friend  asked " won't you take a rest?, classes begin tommorrow". She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep, the alarm clock rang and woke the both of them up it felt like minutes to her, but to her surprise it had been eight hours. She and Dina rushed into the bathroom to get ready, they were done in a few minutes and headed down for breakfast, this time it was boiled eggs with toast and she was relieved at the sight of this. Dina couldn't help but say "i see you have quite an appetite today, you must really be starving since you didn't have supper  yesterday". She simply responded "yes I'm really starving, don't they have any beverage at all?, Dina said "oh they have apple tea if you would like?".

               The siren wailed for classes to start, a  vampire held a magic mirror to confirm the species of creatures the students were, it was Giselle's turn he asked "what's your name", she said in response nervously "Giselle Montel", he said "you are the daughter of the most powerful werewolf and witch it's an honor to have you in our institute, you are werewolf-witch hybrid, you are the first of it's kind hope you take on your parents legacy". She left the queue dumbfounded, how could her parents keep this away from her and she is the first hybrid of these two creatures, she left for the basic theory class still puzzled, she reunited with Dina in the class, she said "so i guess you are a witch?, Giselle said "yes I'm a werewolf-witch hybrid", her friend said " wow, these species of creatures haven't existed before". She answered "apparently it seems im the first werewolf-witch hybrid and could you tell me about the most powerful werewolf and witch?", Dina asked curiously "do you mean Mr and Mrs Montel?, these two are the most powerful legends im history, legend has it that they defeated the vampires decades ago, i wish i could be like them it  would be great to have parents like that".

              Giselle felt a knot in her stomach, she had to keep her parents identity a secret or she might end up in a horrible situation especially with the vampires, it was time for lunch break and she bumped into William in the hallway, she said to him "umm thanks for saving me the other time, i owe you", he said in response "i don't make deals with witches nor werewolves, if i knew you were a witch i would have let you drown" and he sped out. Giselle didn't really care about it anymore, she went to the cafeteria to grab a quick bite, then return to charms class. She joined Dina in the hall and together headed for class, Dina was struggling with the standard spell and Giselle came to her aid since she also helped her with the history of wizards in the basic theory class.

         The siren wailed for classes to end and have students return to their dormitories to refresh themselves for the next day. Giselle was so tired and wondered if her parents knew about her enrollment in monster high, she shook her head and went to take a bath and headed out with Dina to the cafeteria for supper, it was fried lizard with a side of boiled flies, She mustered courage to have a bite of the meal and to her surprise, it tasted delicious. Dina asked "how is the food?", she said in response "i didn't know it would taste this good, wow it may look disgusting but.....", they both chanted "as the saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover" and laughed. They returned to their dormitory, as soon as they returned Dina fell asleep but Giselle was still wide awake and decided to write in her diary about her parents legacy, her enrollment and newfound friend, she drifted off to sleep in some minutes, she had been worn out by the day's work.