
Chapter 156

The fact that Jessie would finally go shopping with Din was one aspect of the holiday that was beginning to go well. Shopping was never her thing, but this time, tree shopping was.

She had a conversation with Taylor the day after Thanksgiving and knew why she had opted to spend the holiday with her boyfriend rather than her friend. Din had talked her into not being angry, and Jessie realized that Taylor had her life now. 

"Come on." As the door was opened, Din grabbed Jessie's hand. He grunted as he assisted her, and because Jessie was already gaining weight, carrying her was similar to lifting weights at the gym. Din didn't want to go near that area. Even though he loves Jessie dearly, he won't risk hurting himself by attempting to carry her into the mall. Besides, Jessie could walk perfectly. "I can help myself, Din."

"I know, but it's my responsibility as your husband—er, boyfriend—to assist you."