

An unknown virus is sweeping across the US and hit a small mountain town. Rebecca Alveraz a scrappy young women whos trying to find her brother finds herself in the middle of an apocliptic horror in the making. She shall come across many dangers. Monsters. Zombies. But these are are not all she may have to face.

TheRevenantcell · Seni bela diri
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She woke up with a groan and a pounding headache. She went to roll over but came crashing down to the concrete floor from the cot. Her dark messy hair falls past her face. She blew part of her white bangs out of her eyes.

"Where the fuck am I?" She groans once more, shaking her head as she pushed herself up to her feet dusting off of her shirt and jeans.

"Morning Sunshine." A deep raspy voice sounded from her right.

She looked up to see a familiar face in his early 40's with shaggy black hair with a bit of gray on the sides with a mustache and goatee. His deputy uniform hugs his lean form.

"The hell happened Crawford?" She asked annoyed.

"long version or short version?" He asked.

She puts out her index and middle finger and swipes her left two fingers over the right, the ASL sign for short.

"Short version it is then, well you broke Tina's face at the bar last night, and her and your brother ended up in the hospital." He said.

"What happened to Johnny?" She asked with slight confusion and a tinge of worry in her voice.

"Ok Rebecca, I don't want you to lose your head, but your brother was stabbed last night during your little brawl." Crawford said leaning against the wall outside her cell.

"The fuck you mean don't lose my head, my brother is in the hospital with -," she started to say grabbing the bars before the officer cut her off

"He's fine it was just to his leg. The wound wasn't too bad, he just lost a bit of blood." Crawford said.

"Well did ya get the fucker that did it?" Rebecca asked stifling her anger

"Well we haven't found him yet but we're still looking. It's a small town, he can't hide for too long." He assures her.

Rebecca takes a deep breath in through her nose and takes a step away from the bars. she sits down on the cot crossing her arms over her chest as she leans back against the wall huffing in annoyance. She looks towards Deputy Crawford.

"So, when's he getting out of the hospital?" she asked

"They kept him overnight to stitch him up and monitor him, but he should be released in a couple of hours or so." Crawford said.

She leaned back laying down on her cot, "I'm gonna go ahead and catch some shut eye to try and sleep off this hangover, wake me up when my brother shows up."

"Alright kiddo just let me know if you need anything, I'll be working on some paperwork here."

She just throws her thumb up as a reply and Crawford goes to turn on his radio and sit at his desk. She throws her arm over her eyes to block out the light and slowly drifts off into sleep.

A loud static comes over Crawford's radio before loud screams and gunfire.

"Requesting all units for backup at Big Ben's store, I repeat, requesting ba-ACK," The radio suddenly goes silent.