
074 A Not So Friendly Fight

A single second is all that was allowed from the moment that Zare spoke his last word to the instance where both Samuel and Phinn dashed forward towards me. 

Still holding my form I refused to move a single inch. With Ven outside of the barrier maintaining the structure, it fell on my shoulders to fight these three. Of course I had asked her to step away because they would never respect us if I didn't do this alone.

The only thing that worried me was the fact that I didn't know how strong these three were. Putting me at a deeper disadvantage was their clear experience working as a team. With that alone their combat power was exemplified. 

I would have to fight with caution and trickery. Baiting them into making mistakes simply to just analyze their fighting style and hopefully find a weakness.

My focus returned back to the fight ahead. 

Quickly. Far too quickly both Phinn and Samuel had already cleared more than half the distance between us.