Betrayed at the hands of his trusted circle, He manipulated time seeking their downfall. Forced to start from the very beginning, he scours The Land Of Luna in search of his lost power. Fighting against waves of tribulation, persecution, and perversities he endures for a single purpose. To fulfill his vendetta by seeking and destroying The Three Kings
"What do you mean you need my body!?"
A heady mix of panic, fear and embarrassment tackled Ven head first.
I couldn't help but smile at her reaction. I'm sure that wasn't what she expected to hear. Truthfully I could have phrased it differently but I didn't want to.
She gave me a concerned look in response to my smile.
"Relax it's not what you think."
I raised my hands in front of me hoping to calm her down.
She reflexively put her arms across her chest, took a few steps back and continued.
"Then what is it?"
"Well I got the idea from Otto's annoying overlapping hammer strikes. I think I can overcome my current lack of mana by overlapping and resonating both of our mana pools."
All the previous emotions left Ven and she was just left dumbfounded.
"What do you mean?"
"What I am saying is I can form a mana seal on both our bodies. It will allow you to dip into my mana supply and I'll be able to do the same. By doing this we will have access to much more mana."
"I have never heard of such a thing. Does it really exists? Even if it did, does it even work?"
"It's an idea I was toying with in my previous existence. Everything had been worked out, the calculations and the formula design."
Ven dropped her arms to her side and was now giving me her full attention worry free.
"The only problem was that I didn't have a candidate to perform the sealing with. Honestly I was shocked, you would think mages would line up at the promise of a mana pool increase."
Ventus shook head and sighed in disagreement.
"Well I can see the benefits but what if one of the individuals involved was being deceitful. They would say it's to help you but then they turn around use your mana pool continuously."
Realization slowly came to me. She continued.
"By depleting both reservoirs of mana, This would be leaving you with a perpetual lack of mana. Overall making you useless."
"I guess you're right. That possibility actually never crossed my mind. It doesn't matter though, that's not the case here. We trust each other, and it's thanks to that trust that we know that neither of us will be taken advantage of."
"True enough. Well I guess if it's to help you and it's not something perverted then I'm ok with it. What do I have to do?"
"I need you to take your clothes off an-"
"What!? Do you know what it is you are asking? I just told you it couldn't be pervy!"
She seemed offended.
"If you will let me finish..."
I shook my head and continued.
"I need you to take your clothes off to expose your back. That's where I need to draw the seal. You don't have to be naked at all."
"Oh-I see."
She seemed a bit concerned and worried or was that just me misinterpreting her facial expressions?
Ven stayed silent. She was lost in deep thought and then finally she responded.
"Ok...let's start."
Something about this response was off but for the moment I chose to set my concerns to the side and address an even bigger issue.
"Sure just give me one moment."
I took the dagger that Ventus had borrowed from Otto. With deft and practiced movement I threw the blade in Otto's direction. It narrowly missed his beard and stuck itself deep in the wall behind him.
"Old man don't think I didn't notice you stopping your work when I asked Ven to get naked."
Ven immediately looked up from the floor and glared at Otto.
"How dare you accuse me of such a thing! My work is my pride and joy! I would never abandon it for worldly pleasures!"
"Yeah so are half naked Elves you pervert! Get back to work!"
"You brat! Why would you speak to me like that!"
"Cause I can and cause it's the truth old man!"
I turned to face Ven, grabbing her hand I began walking us away.
"Come on Ventus we have to go somewhere private to make the seals."
Otto seemed slightly disappointed as we walked away. I just shook my head.
Why would he think I would let him see Ventus in such a manner. Her Privacy was important. After all I was asking Ven to trust me in this way.
Ventus followed my leading and we made our way to the room that had housed the fragment of the forgotten champions sword.
The secret doors were still open so getting there posed no difficulty at all. As a bonus it was far away from Otto's peeping eyes so we were both safe.
Once we arrived to Otto's inner sanctum I turned around to ensure we weren't followed by the closet pervert.
We weren't and so I faced Ven.
"Ok Ven Are you sure about this?"
"I already said yes...ju-just hurry up."
She started looking down at the floor and began ow wobble back and forth between each foot.
Well I guess what I asked of her would be kind of embarrassing so the reaction is only natural.
"Not a problem Ven, it will be quick."
I turned around to give Ven some privacy as she undressed. I heard the sound of garments falling to the floor but even still I didn't turn around.
"Ok you can turn around now."
She was facing me. Completely naked from the waist up and with an arm across her chest. Tears were starting to pool at the base of her eyes.
What was going on? Is she offended or embarrassed by this? Did I cross the line? Dammit this is a mistake!
I'll just tell her to forget it.
Before I could say anything though, she turned around and all the questions and concerns I had went away as I got a view of her back. My heart fell in agony to the floor.
What was suppose to be a flawless and smooth pale back was instead marred by whip scars. Fading pink lashes adorned every inch of her flesh.
So many in fact that Several were overlapping each other. There was not a single place on her back that wasn't scarred.
I slowly approached her and my hand with a mind of its own began to inch it's way towards her back. I was centimeters away from touching them and yet Ventus squirmed. Almost as if she was in pain with just this.
Before continuing I had to know.
"Ventus what happened?"
For what seemed like an eternity she refused to speak and instead tears flowed down from her and stained the floor beneath.
"You don't have to give me the details now but was this related to the followers of the three kings?"
She nodded. Finally after a while she spoke.
"This is what happens to those who defy the Kings and their followers."
I kept silence as she continued but hate was starting to grow within.
"I...I was captured and tortured because I used the transportation portal on one of the floors without paying the fee."
Tears were cascading from her face in full flow and they dropped like rain in a storm onto the floor.
Newfound hate built up inside me. How dare they go this far!?
How much suffering had those bastards spread throughout Luna?
Above all this, how dare they hurt Ventus like this!
I had to stop my self from seeing red. I was livid. I only spoke one thing before I started.
"Ven...They will pay. They will all pay with their lives."
This momentarily halted her tears just enough for her to respond.
"Take what you need from me. Use me however you will. If you need my body or my soul it's yours just swear to will vindicate us all."
My voice was just above a whisper.
"Consider it done."
With a fury and anger that I had not felt before, I placed my hands on Ventus' back and got to work more determined than ever.
At first she jumped at my touch. Ven was quivering uncontrollably. She was clearly being tormented by these memories. After taking some deep breaths she settled down and I continued.
I concentrated my mana on my index finger tip and brought forth the sealing essence magic.
Carefully I began to write down several intricate looking magical formulas and equations all over her back.
I purposely used the entire canvas at my disposal. I began to write over her pain. To cover up her hurt.
Tattooing her back with hope and power.
Geometric circles, shapes, and lines began to adorn her back and they slowly took the place of the scars.
Formulas within circles. Lines connecting symbols. Truly it was an elegant work of art.
Worthy of being displayed to all.
Before long all of her suffering was hidden away. In its place was an intricately beautiful seal which would allow her access to my mana reservoir.
With the work just about done I finally spoke.
"Ven now I need you to focus and spread your mana towards your back. I need to merge both of our mana with the seal so that it can take place."
She nodded and closed her eyes.
I placed both my hands on her back and I started pooling my mana towards my hands and into the seal.
I could feel Ventus doing the same. Our mana collided against each other. Two massive waves of power clashing, grinding, falling, and finally merging with each other.
The seal on her back was radiating, glowing brighter and brighter.
Soon miniaturized versions of the seal were being carved onto the back of my palms.
This was a sign that the sealing ritual worked.
To further confirm this was a trusty notice from the system.
[Forbidden Ritual: The Binding Of Twin Mana: Success]
Bound for eternity through a mutual seal.
[Player Em and Player Ventus now have a shared Mana Supply]
"It worked!"
Ventus's shocked reply came first.
I nodded in affirmation as I removed my hands from her back.
I was tempted to look into the system's status menu to see if there were any changes to the actual numbers but first I had to make sure Ven was ok.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine but it's strange I feel stronger somehow? And my back has a fading burning sensation. Other than that there isn't much of a difference."
"I feel it too, much more mana and power flowing than before."
There was clear excitement in my voice. I couldn't wait to use the new mana pool we just created. Before that however, there was still one thing I had to tell Ven.
"Ven before I forget, I need to let you know... I drew the seal on your entire back. You now have visible permanent markings everywhere there. I should've have told you before but it completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry."
She turned around to face me and hugged me.
"Thank you."
"For what? I didn't do anything."
"For taking away my pain."
Her words struck my very core. They resonated deep inside. There was only one response I could give.
I hugged her back.
As I did I couldn't help but notice everything.
The way her body fit against mine was perfect. As my hands touched her newly marked back I could feel her skin. Soft and smooth. It was wonderf-
Wait I could feel her skin!? She still wasn't wearing a shirt?!
I broke away from the embrace quickly and my eyes followed genetic instinct and consumed every inch of her that they were allowed.
At first she was confused as to why I broke off the embrace. That confusion quickly turned to embarrassment at my response.
"V-V-Ven, you're not wearing a shirt!"
Her face turned bright red as she quickly covered her chest.
As she bent down to get and put on her shirt. I quickly turned around to prevent any more peeping.
Oh goddess I hope she doesn't hate me for that. It was accidental. Surely she understands right?
Ventus spoke with no anger in her voice.
"I'm all done you can turn around now."
Ok good everything is fine.
I turned around just in time to meet a powerful
The ringing echoed across the stone work that was around us as I fell to the floor, perfectly almost knocked out.
"I told you no Pervy stuff, and you peeped."
I gave an indignified response.
"How did you know that I'm wearing a blind over my eyes!"
I pointed to the black cloth affixed over my eyes.
"You just admitted it now!" She scoffed and continued.
"Anyway now that we are even come on, let's go try that healing spell again."
She started making her way out of the room as I began to get up from the floor.
Realization soon struck me.
...Why do I get the sick feeling she is gonna take pleasure in stabbing me again when we make that healing spell?