
Dovahkiin - Skeleton Knight in Another World

Guy does a survey and gets reincarnated with the powers of the Dovahkiin into the world of "Skelton Knight in Another World" and replaces Arc as the protagonist. harem members are Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiome (real name is Mia), and Felfi Visrotte (Dragon King/Lord)

Knight_Riku · Komik
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: Lauren and Rita

Soon I had arrived at the place I wanted to go to.

I had found the Young Lady Lauren and the maid Rita being ambushed and their carriage no longer had any guards or horses.

I waited until they were about to r.a.p.e Lauren since it will provide a valuable life lesson to her.

She was arrogant and still had said "STOP! Release me at once!"

That sounds like someone who thinks taht just because they are a noble, taht they have the power to control others with just words.

This will change her world view and make her understand that people Don care if your a noble or not.

They will plunder, steal, kill and worse if you are a noble or a peasant.

It was more satisfying to these kinds of evil scum if you were a noble.

When i had seen enough, I teleported behind the Bandit to end his life..well..not completely...

I had casted a Soul Trap spell on all six of them.

They didn't notice since I had the Silent Casting skill perk. In fact I had all the skills in every skill tree, including the Modded skull tree.

I was just able to tell from a "feeling" that I knew all this.

Must be thanks to my wish once again.

I couldn't access the Menu, but I don't need to.


They don't deserve life for the evil qnd atrocities that they commit.

This is their punishment for the Sins they commit.

I have no enotion for these kinds of people. If I killed in slef defense then tahr would be different. But I am disposing of evil to save goodness.

I raised my sword, it had the same appearance of the Bretom Hero's sword. So too did my bow on my back and my armour and mask I wore.

I swung my blade horizontally.

The three men standing before me and above an naked Lauren had been bisected.

Their souls filled three of the six Black Soul Gems I had prepared.

Soon to be Dead Bandit 4: "Aaahhhh! Monster!

Soon to be Dead Bandit 5: "Run!"

Soon to be Dead Bandit 6: "Wait! Don't leave me to die!"

Too late pal.

I swung my blade where I stood and a red Arc of energy flew out from my blade and severed the other two Bandits that abandoned their comrade.

The timer my Soul Trap was going to run out, so I casted a Lighting Bolt at the "Soon to be Dead Bandit 6".

The Lighting Bolt pierced his skull and turned his corpse to a pile of ashes as three more souls filled my remaining Black Soul Gems.

I approached Rita who held Lauren in her arms embrace.

Artorias: "You should go and wash yourself of the blood in the river and have a change of clothes. I will take care of things here until then. Call for me if there is any trouble and I'll come."

"Y-Yes, Thank you very much! I will move Ojou-Sama over there."

While they were bust doing that, I put all the items and corpses of the six Bandits into my Domain, which is a Mod tqht adds a Pocket Dimensional Home for the player.

This was the easiest spell to use as the book taht came with it said to say a command.

If words is needed to open it, then can't I do it mentally?

Not like anything is changing, you don't need to chant to use magic...well...u less your performing a highly conplex one, like how Alduin resurre to the Dragons by speaking in Dovahzul, using the Thu'um, or how the Dragon Priest Ahzidaal was resurrected.

It was successful ad i had been able to store all 9 of the 12 Horses.

One will be for me to ride on, since I can't summon Arvak...I will be hunted down and ostracised where ever I go.

The other two I had attached to the carriage so that Rita and Lauren can ride on.

I got 6 gold, 31 silver and 67 copper from the Bandits.

I forgot the monetary value of the currency here from what the Novel had said, but I'll find out later.