
Chapter 57: Targeting Little Princess Ning Rongrong, Xiaowu Initiates a Conversation_1

Luo Yu was slightly stunned.

He had only just experienced Zhu Zhuqing's cold exterior and warm interior last night, and now the System was starting again?

It seemed it truly didn't plan to give him any rest.

He shook his head and focused on the transparent panel in front of him.

[Task issued: Capture the Little Princess of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, Ning Rongrong!]

[Task reward: Exclusive Nine Heavens Sword, one hundred thousand-year-old third soul ring]

[System notification: If the host can tame the tsundere temperament of little witch Ning Rongrong, there will be an additional secret bonus!]


"Ning Rongrong?"

Luo Yu was slow to respond.

His gaze fixed on the street corner, where a spirit-like stunningly beautiful girl was gracefully approaching.

The lovely face of the young girl was rosy pale, wrapped in a pink dress that accentuated her developing figure, and that slender waist was almost too delicate to hold.

Long black scorpion braid covered her round and perky rear, flowing all the way down to where her slender legs were tightly sheathed in pink tights.

"This distinctive beauty of the legs, it's Xiaowu no matter how you look at it."

"How did it lock onto Ning Rongrong instead? Could the System also be mistaken?"

Luo Yu couldn't make heads or tails of it for a moment.

Choosing the far target over the near one?

Speaking of the System's mysterious ways...

As Luo Yu pondered, the silk-stocking beauty and a boy next to her had already reached the hotel entrance, and they were in conversation.

"Big Brother San, can't we go enroll at Shrek today?"

"No, the teacher told me that the enrollment day for Shrek is tomorrow."

"Ah, so we have to wait until tomorrow?" Xiaowu pouted, somewhat dissatisfied.

Tang San laughed, "It's not urgent anyway, let's just stay at the hotel for now."

Xiaowu said with concern, "It was so hard to save up the money, it would be such a waste to spend it on a hotel, especially since this one looks very high-end."

Tang San said confidently, "It's fine, let's indulge this one time. I'll go out later to look for a blacksmith shop where I can earn some money from a part-time job."

"Well... okay, I haven't spent the Soul Master allowance I collected from Martial Soul Hall this month; it should be enough to cover two rooms," Xiaowu nodded.

"Two rooms?" Tang San asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong, Big Brother San?"

Tang San shook his head, "Actually, we could just get one room. You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the sofa, and we can use the money we save to buy you some treats."

Xiaowu pressed her lips together and shook her head, giggling, "Big Brother San, before I left, mom specifically told me not to share a room with a boy, and Xiaowu always listens to mom."

Tang San took a deep breath, feeling his head buzzing.

This wasn't the first time he had heard Xiaowu say this.

Big Brother San, mom said Xiaowu shouldn't hold hands with boys.

Big Brother San, mom told Xiaowu not to share a meal with boys.

Having known Xiaowu since they were in the junior academy in Notting City, although she greatly respected him and wasn't repelled, she always maintained a certain distance.

This mother he had never met was indeed terrifying!

She had all but blocked any potential intimate action Xiaowu could have with boys!!

Tang San said with a resigned smile, "Xiaowu, you've grown up now, you don't have to listen to your mother about everything."

The stunningly beautiful girl shook her head repeatedly, her charming eyes showing determination.

"I can't, I have to listen to whatever mom says."

Tang San wondered, "Xiaowu, you don't seem to have any rebellious thoughts at all. What mom says isn't always right; you have to think critically about her words."

Xiaowu's captivating eyes flickered with emotion as she reminisced about past events.

"Big Brother San, I encountered a terrifying enemy when I was little."

"I still remember to this day, mom would rather use her life to hold off the enemy to protect me and let me escape.

"If it wasn't for a fortunate rescue by someone later, Xiaowu might have lost her mom, so how could I not listen to her."

"Who was your enemy?" Tang San inquired.

Xiaowu shook her head and playfully stuck out her tongue, "Big Brother San, everyone has their own little secrets, don't ask too many questions."

In the girl's mind, an image of a man with unrivaled domineering presence involuntarily surfaced.

It was that man who, at their most desperate moment, descended like a god from the heavens and saved them both.

So many years had passed, yet Xiaowu still couldn't forget that shadow.

As the two conversed, they walked into the Rose Hotel, Xiaowu curiously blinking her beautiful eyes, looking around.

It was when she saw the profile of a strange man, and realized he was also looking at her.

Their eyes met, and Xiaowu suddenly felt a jolt through her spirit, her mind slightly dazed, and her pace unconsciously slowed down.

Feeling the unusual behavior of the girl beside him, Tang San asked in confusion, "What's wrong, Xiaowu?"

Xiaowu gazed into the stranger's eyes, as if trying to recall and confirm something, feeling a familiar sensation rising in her heart.

"Wait for me a moment, Brother San."


Tang San, puzzled, noticed that Xiaowu had already left him behind and was hurriedly approaching the strange man near the hotel entrance.

Luo Yu was now a bit bewildered as well.

He was just standing there quietly, doing nothing in particular.

Xiaowu, wearing pink silk stockings, took a few steps towards him, stopping about one meter in front of him, scrutinizing him carefully, repeatedly looking into his eyes.

"Ahem," Luo Yu pretended to cough.

Xiaowu snapped back to reality, the glint of surprise in her eyes fading.

She bowed to Luo Yu in apology.

"I'm sorry... I felt your eyes and aura seemed familiar."

"Actually, I mistook you for someone else."

"Excuse my rude interruption, I'm really sorry."

Xiaowu bowed in apology and quickly turned to leave.

Tang San said with a wry smile, "Xiaowu, what were you doing just now?"

Xiaowu seemed not yet recovered from her daze, murmuring, "His gaze just now reminded me of someone I know; I realized he wasn't that person when I got closer."

"That person is very important to me, really super important."

Tang San, observing the flicker of light on Xiaowu's pretty face, felt a sudden pang in his heart.

"Who could be so important to you?"

With a hint of liveliness, Xiaowu replied, "The person who saved me and my mom."

Tang San's anxious heart settled immediately.

The person who had saved Xiaowu years ago must be old by now and posed no threat to himself; there was no need to panic.

Luo Yu was originally a bit confused, not understanding why Xiaowu had suddenly run over to stare at him.

It was only after overhearing their conversation that he remembered saving A Wu from the clutches of the Martial Soul Hall years ago when Xiaowu was also present, though she had not yet transformed into a human form at the time.

Could it be?

It was just a fleeting encounter years ago; could this girl still remember him after all these years?

Luo Yu was genuinely surprised.

After all, he was wearing the Thousand Illusion Mask to change his appearance; only his eyes remained the same, and yet she recognized him?

That was a bit too exaggerated.

But how could Luo Yu know,

how much fear Xiaowu had faced when hunted down by the Martial Soul Hall, or the despair when watching her mother trying desperately to protect her as they fled.

The man who had emerged like a comet back then, utterly dominant among his peers, had already deeply imprinted onto her vulnerable heart.

It was the beast's instincts combined with a woman's sixth sense that captured that sliver of familiarity.

The trajectory of history had already undergone a subtle change because of Luo Yu's appearance in Douluo.

"Young man, we'd like two rooms,"

Xiaowu and Tang San said as they approached the counter.

The receptionist sized them up a few times, before sincerely saying, "I'm sorry, but we only have one room left."

Tang San's brows furrowed slightly, then he turned and asked, "Xiaowu, should we just share one room?"

Xiaowu bit her lip and shook her head, "We can't."

Just then, the receptionist added, "But that's all we really have here."

Tang San nodded in agreement.

Xiaowu's brows tightened, caught in a dilemma.

"Didn't you reserve two rooms for me? Give them one of mine,"

Luo Yu strode forward confidently, addressing the receptionist loudly.