
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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51 Chs

Chapitre 8

Chapter 8

Author: Ye Xunyang

It's the golden bell hood skill, and the double-blade skill that goes with you. Use it.

Whether it is his physical strength or soul power, it is almost consumed.

He is only level 30 right now, and he doesn't have a spirit ring yet, so it's hard to maintain his fighting power for too long.

It seems that absorb this spirit ring first, rest for a while, and then look for the next one.

Qianye thought about the spirit ring in front of her, and letting Qian Renxue absorb it was obviously irresponsible to her.

Moreover, the spirit ring of the Charming Vine Soul Beast is not suitable for her Seraph Martial Soul to absorb.

It is his own nunchaku spirit and carrot spirit, which can be absorbed as the first spirit ring.

In the end, Chiba decided that it would be most useful to absorb it as the first spirit ring of the nunchaku martial spirit.

"Well, Xiaoxue, this Charming Vine Soul Beast is about three thousand years old, and my first martial soul nunchaku can be absorbed."

"Three thousand years, Big Brother Qianye... or think about it again, it would be more secure to absorb a thousand years or so." Qian Renxue advised.

Chiba understood her worries, and went up to pat her head: "It's okay Xiaoxue, I know what to do."

Hearing what he said, Qian Renxue had no choice: "That's fine!"

Hanging his head, he was still worried: "Brother Qianye, hurry up and absorb it, Xiaoxue will protect you."


Chiba didn't say much, in order to avoid the occurrence of the mantis catching the cicada, the oriole happened behind.

With the knife in his hand, he killed the Charming Vine Soul Beast with one knife.

After all, in the entire Sunset Forest, the two of them are not the only ones hunting soul beasts here.

There are other spirit master teams also wandering around the forest.

In case of encountering those spirit masters or teams with evil intentions, a battle of life and death is inevitable.


Immediately, a shining purple spirit ring rose from the root of Meiteng, who was killed by Chiba with one sword.

Purple, representing the millennium spirit ring.

So Chiba didn't look away, this is indeed a 3,000-year-old Charming Vine Soul Beast.

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up. To be honest, it was impossible to be unmoved when she saw the thousand-year-old spirit ring.

It's just that her strength is limited, and she doesn't plan to absorb the first spirit ring for a thousand years.

Chiba looked up and down this thousand-year-old spirit ring, and it was very much in line with her own will.

As far as he knew, the spirit ring inside the spirit beast would dissipate after an hour.

Therefore, you must seize the time to absorb.

For the sake of safety, Chiba took out a packet of powder from the soul tool.

This is the disinfectant powder he bought from the entrance market just now.

As long as it is sprinkled around, it can prevent poisonous snakes and other spirit beasts from approaching.

It can also block the odor of the human body and attract soul beasts in the distance.

It is very useful for him to absorb the spirit ring.

After Chiba sprinkled the disinfectant powder, she explained a few precautions to Qian Renxue.

Just sat down to absorb the spirit ring.

Qian Renxue sat on the side, listened to all directions, watched six roads, and fulfilled the responsibilities of a Dharma protector.

For a little girl like her only six years old, it is very good.

Of course, she was already very good, and she was born in a family of spirit masters.

Not excellent, not good.

It could be said that Qian Renxue's ancestors were all excellent soul masters.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be chosen by the Angel God to become the inheritor of the god-level Seraph Martial Spirit.

It didn't take long for the thousand-year-old spirit ring to be pulled above his head by Qianye.

The coercive power from the three thousand year spirit ring is not something ordinary people can bear.

Chiba immediately felt the pressure from the spirit ring above her head.

The act of absorbing spirit rings was originally against the sky.

Although the soul beast is dead, the spirit ring still retains the will of the soul beast.

Opposite the absorber and launch an impact.

Chiba naturally cannot admit defeat, nor can he admit defeat, and continue to complete the subsequent absorption.

This is just the beginning, if you admit defeat, how will you finish it later.

The first spirit ring absorbed a thousand years, it was indeed an adventure.

Of course, if there are soul beasts willing to sacrifice, it will be done with half the effort.

The advantage of sacrificing and unilaterally absorbing the spirit ring is that the former is the spirit beast voluntarily donating the spirit ring, and there will be no hostility to the absorber.

No resistance, no attack, no rejection.

Instead, he will try his best to obey and cooperate with the soul master to absorb it.

This is undoubtedly the most perfect.

The latter is different, the spirit ring is forced to be absorbed by the spirit master, so naturally he has to resist desperately.

Once the spirit master himself is weaker than the spirit ring's strength, and unable to resist and protect himself, the consequences will be self-destruction of the martial spirit, and there is a possibility of directly exploding and dying.

The Qianye Nunchaku spirit was released, slowly pulling the thousand-year spirit ring to it.

It wasn't until the entire martial spirit was put on it that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then use the mind to withdraw the martial spirit, enter the body together with the spirit ring, and fuse.

This is also the most crucial step in absorbing the spirit ring.

Success or failure is here.

Qian Renxue, who was sitting on the side, never looked away from the process of absorbing his spirit ring.

The first is to worry about him, the first time he absorbed the spirit ring was more than a thousand years old, and his life would be in danger.

The second is to learn from the experience, after all, she has to absorb it herself.

Chapter 9 The Seven Hundred Years Bright Peacock Soul Beast

As the thousand-year-old spirit ring entered Qianba's body, the impact from spirit power was not just an impact on the body.

It's a test of the soul.

Chiba felt that she could hold on, and at the same time, the nunchaku spirit was also resisting the impact of the spirit ring.

The other two martial spirits are staying in the dantian at this moment, not interfering with each other.

Chiba has been able to look inside her body before she knows this.

Carrot Martial Spirit, at this time, floated in the corner of Dantian, motionless.

The twenty-four-winged eternal angel's spirit floated in his dantian, curling into a ball with twenty-four golden wings.

On the surface, it looks like a round golden iron ball.

At this moment, the nunchaku martial spirit is opposed to the three thousand year spirit ring, absorbing the spirit ring.

Chiba firmly believes that she can successfully complete the absorption.


One hour...

Two hours have passed...

By the third hour, the sun had already set on the mountain, and it was twilight.


"Finally successful!"

In three hours, Chiba opened her eyes, and the absorption of the spirit ring was completed.

I have to say, it's not easy.

After all, it was his first spirit ring, which had been absorbed for three thousand years. In the spirit master world, few people could compare it.

Tang San's first spirit ring was only four hundred years old.

Although Huo Yuhao of the peerless Tang Sect in Douluo Continent, his first spirit ring was a million-year-old golden color.

But that was the voluntary sacrifice of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, plus it sealed more than 90% of its soul power by itself.

Otherwise, Huo Yuhao would have been fully charged long ago.

Qianye's first spirit ring was three thousand years old, and it was absorbed perfectly, which gave him a lot of confidence to absorb the second spirit ring.

"Brother Chiba, you have finally completed the absorption!"

Seeing that he had absorbed it safely, Qian Renxue, who had been standing beside him, hurriedly pounced on him.

Chiba rubbed her head: "Well, I said I can do it, don't worry."

Qian Renxue nodded and stuck out her thumb: "Brother Qianye is amazing. The first spirit ring of three thousand years can be absorbed successfully."

Qianye smiled without saying a word, and completed his first soul ring absorption, of course he wanted to celebrate.

I got up and looked at the sky, it was time for dinner.

At night, naturally, I spent the night in the forest and had to get something to eat.

Chiba caught a few rabbits, pheasants, and raised a fire.

A temporary grill was set up with firewood, and the prepared rabbits and pheasants were placed on it and roasted.

It didn't take long for it to be deliciously roasted.

"Wow, it's really fragrant!" Qian Renxue drooled as she looked at the food on the fire.

It is also the first time that I have eaten something roasted in the wild.

In the past, when she and Qianye were in the Elder Hall, others would cook, three meals a day, ready-made meals.

Now that I'm out of the house, I realize that Chiba will make barbecue by herself.

Suddenly, I got a new understanding of him.

Chiba put her hand on her head: "Xiaoxue, you can eat it right away."


Qian Renxue nodded with admiration on her face, swallowed her saliva, and continued to wait.

After a while, the food is completely cooked.

Chiba plucked out a chicken leg for her, plucked out a chicken leg herself, and ate it with relish.

"Wow... Brother Chiba, the roast chicken you made is also delicious!"

Qian Renxue just took a bite, and immediately praised it as delicious? .

"Eat more if it's delicious." Chiba was naturally more confident in her cooking skills than some chefs in Douluo Continent.


Qian Renxue nodded, and after eating a chicken leg in a few bites, she pulled out another rabbit leg to eat.

Found it to be delicious.

Qianye opened the kettle and took a few sips before handing it to Qian Renxue: "Xiaoxue, are you happy with your brother hunting for spirit rings?"

"Happy, so happy!" Qian Renxue's words came from the bottom of her heart.