
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

Supe3rman1234 · Derivasi dari karya
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51 Chs

Chapitre 36

Chapter 36

Author: Ye Xunyang

For a hundred years, there are basically no thousand-year-old soul beasts.

Most of them are soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old.

Chiba walked for more than half a month before reaching the core of the forest. It could be seen that the Great Star Dou Forest was known as the largest forest in the Douluo Continent, which was not without reason

If it weren't for the speed of his actions, he wouldn't know how many ten thousand year soul beasts were standing in the way.

Chiba rubbed her stomach and felt a little hungry, so she sat down on the spot, took out some barbecued meat, a bottle of water, and began to enjoy it.

creak creak ~

Suddenly, a voice rang in his ear.


Although the sound was small, Chiba had already felt its presence.

And, a big guy.

Ordinary people may not feel its sound.

Qianye can, with a god-level martial spirit and a million-year spirit ring, his eyes have mutated, and he can see existences that others cannot.

Angel's Eyes.

Sounds that can be heard but not heard by others.


All of a sudden, a big net came to me.

Silent and hard to escape.

Chiba's figure flashed, and she was already 100 meters away.

Standing still, I saw a net where I stood just now, and the mucus on the net was flowing downstream, full of toxins.

Chiba recognized that this was not a rope web woven by humans, but a cobweb.

This net is thick and large, about several square meters.

However, the thing that spit out the net did not show up.

Chiba felt that thing, and in front of the big net, his eyes were looking at him.

It's big, and it moves without making a sound.

Chiba naturally won't be confused by it, it's not that it doesn't make a sound when it moves, but it can hide the sound when it moves.

You can also hide.

Man, I gotta see what you are!

Although he had already guessed what it was, he still wanted to see it for himself.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Qianye's forehead, and a twenty-four-winged little angel brand appeared on it.

The pupil instantly turned golden, this is the ability of Chiba's Angel's pupil, swept forward, and immediately saw a soul beast in front of the spider web.

That's right, it's a human-faced spider.

The human-faced spider is not only the enemy of the soul master, but also the nightmare of the soul beast.

A ten-thousand-year-old human-faced demon spider is comparable to the strength of an ordinary soul beast of about thirty thousand years old.

As long as there is a place for them, other soul beasts will be killed by it.

It's the devil, it's hell.

Chiba looked at this human-faced demon spider, which was about 30,000 years old.

Thinking about it, it was the human-faced demon spider with a cultivation level of over 30,000 years that Tang San encountered in the original book.

Chiba looked at its appearance again. The spider's lower abdomen has some white lines, black and white, which is very funny.

The black body and the white lines form a hideous face shape, which is the origin of its name.

The human-faced demon spider has eight small eyes flashing with faint purple light, clinging to its lower abdomen, looking extremely strange.

The human-faced demon spider in front of him has a body diameter of more than eight meters and is very huge.

Plus eight spear-like long legs, each of which is nearly ten meters long.

They have black carapaces all over their bodies, shiny and shiny, and the front ends of their long legs are slender.

Such a big human-faced spider is a great evil.

Chapter 39 Killing the Murderer

Chiba intends to get rid of this great evil.

The human-faced spider, as a life-devouring existence, is the object of hatred by all soul beasts.

Its horror, a true evil slayer.

The human-faced spider has skills that other soul beasts do not have.

After their strength reaches 10,000 years, they will have one that hides their body shape, hides their own breath, and shields the opponent's mental power detection.

For a weak soul master, facing a human-faced demon spider with a ten thousand year cultivation, there is only one way to die.

Chiba's eyes were locked on it at this time.

The human-faced demon spider hides its figure and is no longer effective against his angel's pupil.

But it doesn't know yet.

Chiba immediately made a few carrots as a supplement for soul power, speed, healing, and strength.


Five spirit rings rose from under him.

Exactly, purple, black and black, one thousand years, four thousand years.

Chiba released the golden bell skill again as a defense.

Just waiting for the human-faced spider to come up and kill it.

From the huge spider web 100 meters away, the slime fell to the ground and black smoke rose.

These mucus are all carrying the venom of the human-faced demon spider.

Once it is stuck by its cobwebs, it does not die, but also has to peel off the skin.

Chiba stared at it intently, but there was nothing he could do.

The speed of the human-faced demon spider is too fast, its attack power is strong, and it is poisonous. If it is not careful, it will die under the eight sharp toes under his feet.

Suddenly, the human-faced spider moved, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in place.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Chiba.

good guy!

Chiba has seen how terrifying its speed is.

With one move, the snow retreated without a trace, but fortunately escaped its blow.

The toes pierced by the human-faced demon spider also fluttered in the air.

It blinked its eight small eyes and looked at Chiba, who had already retreated a hundred meters away, as if it was making a difference. The opponent's speed was no slower than it.

Qianye suddenly strode forward: "Second soul skill: stick stick, nunchaku, long stick and short stick machine bachelor, one stick after another, cut!"

Within 100 meters, the light of the machine flashed and cut around the human-faced demon spider, enclosing it.

Despite the speed of the human-faced spider, the defense is very strong.

But in this sudden light package, it was too late to hide.


After the light of the machine rubbed against the carapace of the human-faced demon spider, it made a cutting sound.

Its carapace has scratches.

It may be that the carapace of the human-faced demon spider is too hard and has not been cut open for a while.

The key is that its cultivation of more than 30,000 years has helped him a lot.

If it is only a few hundred, thousands of years of human-faced spiders, I am afraid that they have been cut into several pieces by the machine light at this time.

The body of the human-faced magic spider suddenly flashed with golden light, its defense greatly increased, and its strength also increased. With the explosion of its ability, it rushed through the cutting of the machine light, and rushed straight in front of Qianye, spitting out a cobweb.

Chiba had already guarded against this move, and this move was also the last card of the Human-faced Demon Spider, a life-saving skill.

Maybe for other soul masters, this trick is useful, but for Chiba, he already knew everything about it, and he had a way to deal with it in advance.

Just when the spider web stuck to Chiba, the body suddenly turned golden light, and immediately, the whole person turned golden from head to toe.

The spider web immediately bounced off his body, causing the face of the devil spider to have a difference in its eight small eyes, fear.

It was also unexpected that the humans in front of him were different from those it had killed before.

Why is this trick useful to other spirit masters and spirit beasts, but not to him?

It naturally didn't know that Chiba's invincible golden body skills were immune to all attacks.

Even its proud cobweb could not subdue him.

Just when the human-faced demon spider was sluggish, Chiba rose into the air, holding the knife in both hands, and facing its eight eyes, the knife fell, the knife fell, the knife fell...

In just a moment, the eight eyes of the human-faced demon spider were pierced with eight large holes.

The double-blade skill that follows the shadows is a close-up assassination in itself. Once Qianye is approached, it is inevitable that the human-faced spider will be injured.


The human-faced demon spider, who lost its eyes, began to scream in agony, waving its eight long feet indiscriminately as a defense against Chiba.

It has been extremely frightened of the person in front of it, and the sense of crisis and pain has made it mentally disordered and has no will to fight.

While waving its front feet to defend against Chiba's attack, the human-faced spider retreated and sprinted.

Qianye Xie smiled, Ren Mian'er, why did you go earlier?

If I want to run now, I have to ask if the nunchaku in my hand will answer!

Qianye stepped on the snow without a trace, followed closely, no matter how fast the human-faced demon spider ran, it couldn't get out of his sight.

What's more, it was still injured, and with the violent skills just launched, the cultivation base was greatly reduced, and the speed would only get slower and slower.

"Oh hit, oh hit, oh hit..." Chiba waved the nunchaku in his hand, giving it a blow to the head from time to time.

The human-faced demon spider that was beaten couldn't tell the difference between east, west and northwest.

In addition, its eight eyes are completely invisible, and it can't tell the direction and obstacles. From time to time, it will bump into the tree one after another.

If its carapace was not hard enough, it would have smashed itself into a tree long ago.

Chiba felt that the human-faced demon spider had a suicidal tendency now, otherwise, why would it specifically ram into a tree.

Under the continuous impact of the human-faced spider, in fear, no matter how strong its vitality is, no matter how hard its carapace is, it has reached the point of physical and mental exhaustion.

Finally, the human-faced demon spider couldn't bear the torture of Qianye, and after half an hour, Ang Mian fell to the ground.

Facing Chiba, he was motionless.

It seems to be saying to him, don't run, don't run, I can't run anyway, come here, come here, I can't run anymore, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I don't want to run anymore, no more I don't want to run away, please stop tossing me, the human-faced demon spider! Quickly give people a good face, right?


Without saying a word, Chiba jumped up, and the knife fell, the knife fell, the knife fell...

The last knife completely killed the human-faced demon spider.


Immediately, a shining black spirit ring rose from the human-faced demon spider, it was a ten thousand year spirit ring.

"It seems that the human-faced magic spider is just like that. No matter how much you blow it, it's not your own defeat!"

Only then did Chiba relax and absorb this spirit ring when she planned to eat something.