
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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51 Chs

Chapitre 25

Chapter 25

Author: Ye Xunyang

Bibi Dong's eyes rolled, but she didn't say anything, and didn't move.

Chiba is waiting, not knowing how she will answer or do next.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong got up, rushed towards Qianye without warning, picked him up from the bed, and headed out the door.

Chiba: "..."

He was hugged by Bibi Dong like a child, and he didn't know what to say to her.

This seems to be illogical.

Bibi Dong's movement was very fast, and the people next to her only saw a beautiful shadow of her.

Chiba wanted to break free from her arms, but she used too much strength, and she couldn't break free even if she tried to break free.

Then, he also figured it out.

Since you can't resist, let's go with the flow.

Chiba didn't move, thinking, Bibi Dong should have suddenly flooded with motherhood.

Bibi Dong carried him all the way to a large courtyard in a restricted area behind Wuhundian Academy.

Chiba saw that she was in front of a wooden door, and behind her was a green stone path.

On both sides, some old trees are planted.

There are two big trees on both sides of the gate, about 100 meters high, with green leaves and an attractive leaf fragrance.

Suddenly, the door opened from the inside, and two men walked out.

Chiba had already been placed on the ground by Bibi Dong, and glanced at the two of them, one black and the other golden armor.

He recognized that the two men were none other than Bibi Dong's two confidant elders, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo.

The two saluted Bibi Dong and walked inside together.

"Your Majesty, it's ready!" Yue Guan said.

Ghost has been standing beside Bibi Dong, without saying a word, but staring at the little man in front of him with dark eyes.

Qianye just took his gaze away from Yueguan, and then swept to the ghost. When he looked at him, he saw that he was also looking at him.

The yard was very big, and there was a big chair right above it, and Bibi Dong sat down on it.

Bibi Dong walked to the large carved chair and sat down, revealing a charming and moving evil smile.

Her smile, in the eyes of others, has the feeling of hiding a knife in her smile.

No one knows whether she is happy or angry.

At Yueguan, the ghosts stood about ten feet away from Bibi Dong, their eyes swept to the little man standing in the middle of the square.

Although Chiba doesn't admit that he is a villain, but others think so, he can't help it.

He just thought, wait a few more years, after a few years, he will grow up.

Suddenly, with a bang, the door behind the courtyard was opened.

Chiba looked towards the place where the voice came from, and there was a hollow behind the door.

It is conceivable that Bibi Dong must have ulterior motives when she invites her to come.

da da da~

Suddenly footsteps came from behind, and one, two, or three people walked in.

Chiba saw these three people, the oldest was only about twenty, and the youngest, sixteen or seventeen.

At a glance, I felt that several people were different.

But I don't know what's different, but there is a sense of crisis, blowing towards my face.

Bibi Dong didn't even look at the three of them, she just said, "Yueguan, let the three of them come over."

Yue Guan nodded, glanced at the three people at the door, and said coldly, "Come here?"

The three looked at each other before walking towards them together.

Their expressions vary, with evil spirits, fear, and arrogance.

Two males and one female, there is a faint evil spirit on their bodies.

Chiba roughly guessed what Bibi Dong was going to do to him.

Immediately, the three of them came to Bibi Dong, but their eyes were filled with awe and fear for her.

When Bibi Dong saw that someone had come to her, she raised her eyes and glanced: "I'll give the three of you a chance..."

Then he glanced at Chiba in the center of the square: "As long as you kill him, I will let you go."

Yueguan, the ghosts looked at each other and laughed.

That smile was suffocating.

Chiba listened to the conversations of several people before confirming her intentions.

I saw three people, suddenly turned around, and walked towards him.

In the haze's eyes, with a trace of ridicule, he didn't see him as a living person at all.

He could almost guess the origin of the three of them.

There are two types of soul masters in Douluo Continent.

Soul Master and Evil Soul Master.

Right and wrong are the difference between one thought.

A heaven, a hell.

Evil Soul Masters are not evil people themselves.

It's just that they took a different path, an evil path.

Their cultivation is killing.

The soul master who came out through evil cultivation, this is the so-called evil soul master in Douluo Continent.

If Chiba is willing, he can also become an evil soul master.

Ghost Douluo's spirit is a ghost, equivalent to an evil spirit.

But he did not become an evil soul master.

Because he chose another path.

There is also Bone Douluo, which is similar.

Chiba was full of unremitting efforts towards the three people who came over.

The three came over and surrounded him.

The man at the head has a long scar on his left face in his twenties, but this does not affect his handsomeness.

The other girl with peach blossom eyes was not too big, about seventeen years old, and she was quite handsome.

A dark green long dress, worn on her graceful body, is so fit and colorful.

The beautiful eyes are long and narrow, shining with purple light, like shining gems.

The last boy in gray, about seventeen years old, had dull eyes and lacked the brilliance of his age.

It was as if he had broken away from the soul-like body.

I don't know how strong they are.

Chiba didn't have the slightest bit of fear, even if the three of them had a good foundation, at most, they were in their thirties.

The cultivation speed of an evil soul master is relatively faster than that of a normal soul ring.

The scarred-faced man only glanced at Chiba, but he was only a six or seven-year-old child, so he had no interest.

The peach blossom-eyed woman's eyes were cold, without a trace of emotion, and she didn't put Chiba in her eyes.

The gray-clothed boy's eyes were still dull, and he couldn't see any expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, do you really want Qianye to fight the three of them?" Yue Guan asked with a thoughtful smile.

Bibi Dong was silent for a while: "Is there a problem?"

Yueguan: "..."

"Lao Ju, what is your majesty doing, you should ask?" Gui Mei looked at the old man opposite him provocatively.

Yueguan was not angry when he heard it: "Although Qianye has a level 33 and a twin martial spirit, he has no actual combat experience. He has to face two levels above the 30s, and the one is still level 52! "

"Compare it, the difference is too big."

Chapter 27 Soul King

"Lao Ju, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?" Ghost continued to sing the opposite.

Yue Guan glanced at him: "Old ghost, don't forget, Qianye is a big sacrifice and adoption, we hurt him, can his old man find us."

"Your Majesty, this matter cannot be concealed from the big offering, you must think twice before doing it?"

Hearing this, the ghost's face also became unsightly.

As Yueguan said, angering the big offering will have unimaginable consequences.

At that time, Qian Daoliu wanted to kill to vent his anger, but even Bibi Dong couldn't stop him.

Qian Daoliu didn't look for Bibi Dong's troubles, but he would look for them too.

Yueguan and Guimei looked at each other, their faces were not very good-looking.

What Bibi Dong was going to do, they couldn't stop them.

Bibi Dongxie smiled: "No one wants him to die, I'm just testing him."

"Your majesty, what do you mean?" Gui Mei could hear a different meaning from her words.

Yue Guan Jinger eavesdropped.

Bibi Dong smiled again, although it was the same as if he didn't smile: "Qianye is a genius, a real genius, but he is from Qiandaoliu."

"So I think a genius like him shouldn't be used by him, do you understand what I mean?"

After listening to Yueguan, he immediately became refreshed: "Your Majesty, do you want to draw Chiba to our side?"

Gui Mei smiled, as long as His Majesty didn't kill him, Qian Daoliu wouldn't kill him and Yue.

Bibi Dong didn't say anything else, leaning back in her chair and looking at the few people in the playground, she looked like she was watching a good show.


The scarred-faced man glanced at Chiba and said with a wicked smile: "Hey, little guy, if you surrender now, how about uncle leave you a whole corpse?"

This guy really thought he was a lamb to be slaughtered.

Qianye made his own plan, "Om", one spirit ring, two spirit rings, and three spirit rings rose from under him.

Purple, black, black.


The three of them were shocked when they saw his spirit ring.

They never dreamed that a little boy of about six years old would absorb a ten thousand year spirit ring since he had more than 30 levels.

The first is a thousand years, the second is ten thousand years, and the third ten thousand years.

They are just a small leader of evil soul masters, where have they seen such a scene.

At this moment, a huge carrot rose from behind Chiba.

But in the eyes of the three, there was a look of sarcasm on their faces.

"Carrot Martial Spirit is just a food-type Martial Spirit. It is not aggressive. Even if you have a ten thousand year Martial Spirit, you are not our opponent." The scarred-faced man chuckled lightly.

The peach-eyed woman also smiled.

The gray-clothed boy still had a sluggish expression and his eyes were blank.