
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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51 Chs

Chapitre 23

Chapter 23

Author: Ye Xunyang

"When I was with Xiaoxue, she often asked me where my mother was and when to see her!"

"She called her mother, and sat at the door every day, looking out the door, looking forward to her mother's arrival."

"However, when she didn't see her mother come to see her, she would cry sadly. After crying, she fell asleep in my arms with snot and tears."

"I always comforted her, coaxed her, told her not to be sad, not to be sad, and told her that she had the best and most beautiful mother in the world."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes turned red again.

"I told her that one day my mother would come to see her."

"Every time Xiaoxue hears this, she giggles and the sun is shining brightly."

"Because this is her hope."

"Over time, she still hasn't seen her mother come to see her, and she doesn't know when she started to mention her mother and stop clamoring to see her."

"But I know that she just didn't say anything, but she was always thinking that her mother would come to see her."

"Because every time I play with her on the threshold, her eyes are always on the door."

While talking, Chiba looked at Qian Renxue who was running hard on the playground.

"She has been working very hard, very strong, very persistent, and does not admit defeat."

"She lacks everything, but what she wants most is to see her mother."

Chiba didn't look into Bibi Dong's eyes. If she did, she would find that two lines of crystal clear tears had already shed from her amber eyes.

Following her white face, it slid down to her chin and landed on the floor.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's eyes never left Qian Renxue's figure.

Qian Renxue ran in front of Bibi Dong, turned her head to the side, and saw that she was looking at her, her eyes were astringent for a while.

Is she looking at herself?

But she didn't even want to say a word to herself!


Could it be that you are so annoying to her?

Qian Renxue was very sad, but she didn't understand that the woman in front of her was her mother, but she was stranger than strangers and was ignored.

"Chiba, from today onwards, you are the squad leader of the first class."

Bibi Dong's sudden words made him flattered.

Unexpectedly, she so decisively made herself the monitor of the first class.

Although Chiba is a traverser and has a system, he doesn't care much about it.

But he is not a person who does not eat human fireworks.

He is not a god, he just opened a plug-in.

What doesn't change is that he is still a man of flesh and blood, full of emotions.

Chiba felt that no matter how awesome he was, at present, he was indeed still a six-year-old child.

At least that's how it looks to others.

For now, he's still enjoying it.

Although there are strong people around you, you don't have to worry about your life.

There is a golden finger. Compared with others, no matter how dangerous it is, it is more secure than others' lives.

Chiba also has a bottom line, as long as he thinks it is right, he will do it.

Instead of being wronged, at the mercy of others, and slaughtered.

He's not an honest man, he's just judging what to do or not to do.

Everyone has the right to dominate themselves and not be at the mercy of others and become a lifeless puppet.

To be slaughtered by others, Qianye Jue would not be such a person.

Not before and not now.

Although he came to Wuhundian Academy to study, it was the task assigned to him by Qian Daoliu.

But this does not mean that he is a puppet of Qiandaoliu, but a chance.

Also his goal.

Even if Qian Daoliu couldn't assign this task, he still wanted to come to Wuhun Temple Academy and bring Qian Renxue with him.

Therefore, instead of saying that he was sent by Qiandao Liu, it would be better to say that Qiandao Liu just fulfilled his wish.

Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth of desire.

Chiba has walked all the way, like a phoenix bathed in flames, why is it not like this, can it be reborn.

However, what he burns is passion and life.

He looked at Qian Renxue with a little more tenderness in his eyes: "Mr. Bibi, are you serious?"

Bibi Dong also looked at Qian Renxue: "Do you think the teacher will lie to you?"

"Actually, I think that if Xiaoxue can be the monitor, she will definitely do better."

Chiba doesn't want to be a squad leader, it's great to be free.

Being a squad leader means a lot more.

"Are you a teacher, or am I a teacher? Or do you want to change the teacher's decision?" Bibi Dong asked.

Chiba: "..."

It seems that she is determined to pull herself into her gang!

Chiba shook his head, forget it, whether he joined Qian Daoliu's gang or Bibi Dong's gang.

Anyway, it's the same, it's fighting the world for the Wuhun Temple.

it's the same.

"Since the teachers value themselves so much, the students will be reluctant!"

"Hmph, it's cheap to sell well. Listening to you, this squad leader seems like I'm forcing it on you."

Is not it?

Chiba was powerless to complain.

Bibi Dong didn't say much, picked up the carrot in her hand, and bit it in one bite, making a crunching sound.

It looks delicious.

After eating a carrot, she raised her left hand, only to see that the wound on it that was pierced by the nail just now was repaired intact.

It seems that his healing carrot is really powerful!

Bibi Dong looked at Chiba again with admiration.

When Chiba looked at the playground again, most of the sixty or so students in the class were already lying down, exhausted and stopped.

Sitting on the side one by one, breathing heavily.

When it was Qian Renxue, she still persisted.

She didn't want to admit defeat, and she didn't want to be looked down upon by Bibi Dong.


Rou Shui suddenly staggered and sat down on the ground, unable to run.

After a while, on the playground, only Qian Renxue was left holding on.

Even though she had exhausted her soul power, even though she had sweated all over her face, even though the sweat had soaked her clothes, she did not give up.

Still holding on, and continuing to run forward.

The eyes of the students were also focused on her at this time.

No contempt, only deep admiration for her.

Bibi Dong just looked at her, at her petite figure, at her stubborn, persistent, and undefeated spirit.

It was as if he saw his shadow now.


Some things will only be understood when you grow up.

Chiba didn't know what Bibi Dong was thinking.

Just saw Qian Renxue's footsteps getting heavier and slower, and finally, still shaking.

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly turned black, and she was about to fall behind her.

At this moment, her body tightened and she was hugged from behind.

She opened her eyes and saw it was him, with tears in her eyes, but a happy smile on her face.

Chiba helped her up: "Xiaoxue, it's okay, I believe you can run 30 laps."

Qian Renxue looked at him with confidence, "Brother Qianye, I can do it, and I can still run to the finish line, right?"

"Yes, you can run to the finish line."

"Well, I can do it."

A bright smile appeared on Qian Renxue's face again.

Bibi Dong looked at the two little people in the playground and didn't look away for a long time.

Are you really wrong?

She is innocent, she is not to blame, and she should not have built her pain on her body at all.

Xiaoxue is the closest person in the world to her now!

However, why is she his daughter, I hate him, hate him!

It's him who took everything from me, it's him, it's him, I can't forgive him, it's impossible, it's impossible...

Chapter 25 Carrot Assists

"First Soul Skill: Old Carrot, Young Carrot, Healing, Carrot!"

"Second Soul Skill: Black Radish, White Radish, Soul Power, Soul Power, Carrot!"

"Third Soul Skill: Carrot, Purple Carrot, Speed, Carrot!"

Chiba made three food carrots all at once and handed them over to her.

"Xiaoxue, eat these three carrots, your physical strength, spirit power and speed will increase, running 30 laps will not be a problem."

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up, she took the carrot and ate it without hesitation.

"So disgusting! People make carrots?"

"Will there be body odor?"

"Sweat smell?"

"Shouldn't it be shit?"

"I dare not eat it!"

"What do you know! Chiba is a carrot made from carrot food Wuhun."

"He has absorbed three spirit rings, and can use three spirit abilities to make three kinds of food carrots."

"I just took a look. The carrot made by his first soul skill should be a healing skill."

"The second soul skill should increase soul power."

"The third soul skill is to increase the speed."

"I see