
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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51 Chs

Chapitre 11

Chapter 11

Author: Ye Xunyang

The spirit ring of the Seraph Martial Spirit can be upgraded with the improvement of strength and then the Nine Tests of Angels.

Just like Qian Daoliu, his first to eighth spirit rings were all cyan-colored black spirit rings of ten thousand years.

Qian Renxue is the same, although the first spirit ring is only a hundred years, and the second is only a thousand years.

But after passing the Angel's Nine Tests, her spirit ring will be directly upgraded to more than ten thousand years.

This is another major advantage of Qianjia Seraph Martial Spirit.

On Douluo Continent, Tang Chen is the only one who can rival Qian Daoliu.

At sea, Bo Saixi is invincible.

As for Tang San, in the original Douluo Dalu book, Qian Daoliu and him never met, let alone fight.


a few days later.

The two returned to Wuhun City, the gate of the Elder Hall.

After more than half a month, he sneaked out and took Qian Renxue with him.

Chiba could imagine what would happen to the Elder Hall.

Maybe, if I go back this time, I will inevitably get a lot of criticism from Qian Daoliu, Golden Crocodile Douluo and other elders and grandfathers.

"The two young masters are back!"

The two Soul Douluo guards who were in charge of the gate of the Elder Hall saw Qianye and Qian Renxue returning from the outside, and their faces were confused at the same time.

You know, the two of them still don't know what happened to them when they went out.

Qian Daoliu didn't have any news about the disappearance of the two of them, but just asked the nine elders to search in secret.

Qian Renxue nodded: "Go out to buy some snacks with brother Qianye."

"Okay, good snacks!"

The two guards responded respectfully and opened the door to let them in.

Qianye frowned, thinking about how to explain the excuse for sneaking out with Qian Daoliu and other nine elders after he entered the door.

After all, Qian Renxue was more important to Qian Daoliu than his own life.

Chapter Twelve Thousand Daoliu's Mission

"came back?"

As soon as Chiba walked inside, the voice of Qian Daoliu came from his ears.

Looking up, I saw his angel statue standing at the gate

"Grandpa!" Qian Renxue called out weakly, also afraid of grandpa's blaming.

Chiba stood there, motionless.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Now that it has been done, it is inevitable to take some responsibility.

Worrying doesn't help, it's better to think about countermeasures.

Qian Dao Liu turned around, but his face did not show a thoughtful look of anger.

Sweeping towards Qian Renxue: "Xiaoxue, just come back."


Qian Renxue immediately burst out laughing, and looked at Qianye worriedly: "Grandpa is the best for Xiaoxue!"

I don't know if he is angry or not!

After a moment of silence, Qian Daoliu said, "Qianye, did you take Xiaoxue out?"

"No!" Chiba naturally couldn't admit that, he took Qian Renxue out to hunt soul beasts and absorb soul rings.

He had already agreed with Qian Renxue about this matter and kept it a secret for himself.

The problem is very simple. It is impossible for two six-year-old children to hunt and kill the ten thousand year soul beast.

"Who is that?"

Qianye shook his head and pretended not to know: "Grandpa Qian, I only remember that when I woke up, I appeared in another place."

"Then I saw two masked adults in black. Later I learned that the place was called Sunset Forest."

"They also told Xiaoxue and I not to be afraid, and they said that they brought us to Sunset Forest to help us hunt soul beasts and absorb soul rings."

Qian Renxue immediately nodded in agreement, "Brother Qianye and I were afraid at the time, but fortunately, it turned out that they didn't do anything to us."

"It's really hunting soul beasts for us and absorbing soul rings."

Who is the one?

Bibi Dong?

Qian Daoliu pondered for a while before saying, "It's alright if you are all right, Xiaoxue, let Grandpa see your spirit ring?"

"no problem!"

When Qian Renxue saw Guan, she smiled happily and released her soul power.

Buzzing, one yellow, one purple, two spirit rings were released.

A hundred years, a thousand years of spirit rings!

Qian Daoliu was a little surprised. He didn't expect his granddaughter to go out this time, and the harvest was not small. He was very satisfied with such a spirit ring configuration.

I just don't know, who are the two mysterious people who took them to Sunset Forest?

Isn't it really Bibi Dong?

"What about you, Chiba?" Qian Daoliu turned his attention to him again.


Qianye didn't say much, "Buzz", three spirit rings appeared on his body.

Purple, black and black.

Qian Daoliu was shocked, this kid is really no trivial matter, the first spirit ring can absorb a thousand years.

The second and third are all ten thousand year spirit rings.

Even the self back then was also sighing.

First of all, no matter who took them to the Sunset Forest to absorb the spirit rings, it is a good thing to be able to return safely!

Qian Daoliu suddenly smiled kindly: "Xiaoxue, you go to play first, I have something to tell your brother Qianye."

"Okay grandpa!" Qian Renxue glanced at him before turning around and leaving.

Qiandaoliu stepped in front of Qianye and looked down at him: "Do you remember what I said to you last time?"

Chiba nodded: "Well, Grandpa, you gave me my life."

"Very good, you are a smart child. Now that you are six years old, it is time to go out and practice."

It seems that Qian Daoliu wants to let himself go out to do tasks.

"Don't worry, although you have no blood relationship with the Qian family, grandpa has always treated you like Xiaoxue and treated you equally."

"This task is also very simple. The Wuhundian Academy is about to start. I plan to let you go to the academy to study."

That's it?

Chiba smiled, thinking it was a big deal.

Qian Daoliu seemed to see the surprise in his heart and smiled: "Of course, learning is true, but it is not the main task."

"Bibi Dong, you should have heard of it. He is the Pope of the Pope Hall of the Spirit Hall today."

"Oh?" Chiba was confused.

How did he and Bibi Dong get involved?

Qian Daoliu patted his head: "Child, don't think too much, Grandpa mentioned Bibi Dong because she has two hearts about Spirit Hall."

"You go to Wuhundian Academy to study, try to find opportunities to befriend her, make her trust you, and pay attention to her every move."

"As long as she has no second thoughts, everything will be fine. If there is, you should pay attention. It's that simple."

I see!

For this, he will not refuse.

Qian Daoliu didn't do anything Bibi Dong, let alone hurt this woman in the past.

From this point of view, Qiandaoliu is still very forgiving compared to Bidong.

After all, he had endured the revenge of killing his son. He didn't compare Bibi Dong with the killer, and helped her to sit on the seat of the Pope, which was already very good.

Qianye Hanhan smiled: "Grandpa Qian, don't worry, I only listen to you."

"That's good!" Qian Daoliu patted his head in relief.

This child, he is not hurting him in vain!

It is estimated that Qian Renxue did not intend to let her go.

In the original book, Qian Daoliu never let her show her face in front of people!

Only this time, since he came to Douluo Continent, he had to fight for her.

Let her have a good memory.

"Grandpa Qian, is Xiaoxue also going to study at Spirit Hall Academy?"

Qian Daoliu shook his head: "Xiaoxue doesn't go, she has other things to learn."

"It's such a pity!" Chiba spread his hands.

"What are you sorry for?" Qian Daoliu asked curiously.

I feel that Chiba speaks a bit more than usual today.

Qianye smiled innocently: "Grandpa Qian, I think you should let Xiaoxue go with me."

"I think Xiaoxue must also want to go with me. If I go alone and leave her at home alone, I think she will be very sad and sad."

"Everyone has the right to choose, and Xiaoxue also has it. You are Xiaoxue's grandfather. I don't think you would like to see Xiaoxue having an unhappy teenage time, right?"

"So Grandpa Qian, can you give Xiaoxue a chance to choose?"

Qian Daoliu: "..."

Chiba: "..."

The two looked at each other.

Qian Daoliu: "Well... Chiba, I know your relationship with Xiaoxue, you go back first, grandpa will consider this matter."

"Thank you, Grandpa Qian!"

Chiba has reached the point, no matter whether Qian Daoliu agrees or not, he has done his best for this matter.

Next, look at Xiaoxue's fortune.

With his current strength, he can only fight for so much for her.

Hope to win a campus life for her!

Even if it's just a few years.


"Brother Qianye, Grandpa didn't blame you, did he?" Seeing him coming back, Qian Renxue immediately stepped forward and asked.

Chiba smiled and put her hand on her head and rubbed it: "As long as you don't say that I took you there and keep this secret forever, brother will be fine."

"So Xiaoxue, can you keep this secret for me?"

"I can!" Qian Renxue raised her hand and swore