
Douluo: spiritual-space-time god.(fan-fic)

(I like douluo fan-fic but i didn't find any novel that i like well i didn't say that they are not good but good and like is another story so i am trying to write a novel on douluo and it might not be the same story line as the original so if you don't think it's worth reading so please ....and i am not a professional so i might not update the novel or might not finish it and as well my main language is not English so pls endure it with me)

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21 Chs

From earth to douluo world.

my name is Nine fang.i am a professional madicine scientist and a good one.i am now 25 year old.i was a child when my parents died of an virus outbreak that is why i study hard and become a madicine scientist so that otheres don't have to suffer from the pain i suffer after losing my parents. because of my job i don't interfere with others much and do experiment on my own and have no friends and in the free time watch or read novel and maga.

life up untill now was good but i can't understand why i am remembering this life story of mine sitting in a white room???

my child do you not understand???

hearing this voice i look up to the old man opposite me sitting thinking that this picture is kind of similar to the novel that i like to read, yea like that reincarnation story.but how did i die??? i can't remember??

yes my child you are right and you can't remember because after death your is a little confused don't panic it will become normal soon.

after hearing this voice he suddenly remembered that he was experimenting with a new virus that killed almost 20% population of Earth and created its antidote that otheres couldn't becouse they don't want to go near that virus semple or who did died before making any results. but because of my dead parents i didn't want others to experience it so i did and as a result i was also infected and i don't want to waste the only antidote i make to help others on me so after that i died and as a result i am here looking at an old god.

yes my child you did a good job.

after some silence i asked the god what had happened to the antidote i made and the virus on earth???

that god smiled at me and said my child because of that antidote and your sacrifice you made countless people were save and all those people from earth prayed for you after your death that you may live a happy afterlife.

so is this why i am here???are you going to sent me to the heaven???

child is this what you want??

i was silent but at the core of my heart i was unwilling i was just 25 and didn't even enjoy my live and i died ha ha ha ....

the god look at me and said i can give you a second chance because of the prayer of all those people for you.but want you want is not any simple like do you my child???you want to explore the world of novel and manga am i right ???

i look at the god in front of me and though well he is a god after all ....so i asked can you sent me to the douluo world???

the god smiled at me and said yes and i can give you the spirit you and and how you want to go there .....but you have to think carefully that the spirit can't be unlogicaly powerfull....

hmmm....i though and said i want to carrect some of my regards of the douluo world after reading it.so i want to be found by tang hao and be the little brother of tang san.my soul spirit will be dule spirit and level 20.1 will be space-time manipulation related and the other will be spritual manipulation and body related.

the god said after hearing that it is all right to do that but i will have to adjust some things well you will understand when you awakened your spirit.well that is all i will sent you there now...live your life well my child.for your good deeds...

after the god finish speaking my eyes went dark after i opened my eyes i saw the young tang hao that look a little different form the manga or anime i saw but i can recognise it holding me in one hand a i saw the other hand holding another child looking at me and i heard the raugh voice of tnag hao.

boy it's seems that you and Ah yin are connected by destiny i don't know how you come here in the mountains where i wanted to keep her last remainings but now that i am taking your place and you seems to be abandoned too so i will take you with me.your name will be tang nine.

5 years later....

on a mountain behind a village that is called holy soul village two child sit side by side looking at the sun and there eyes keeps glowing purple.after some time they return to normal.

tang san said little nine it seems that we can't advance in our Mysterious Heaven Skill cultivation no matter what we do.

tang nine look at the elder brother from the side and though i and tang san talked a lot from young age and after tang san expressed that he wanted to open a sect called tand sect i told him that i would join him in his sect and help him in making it.

he give me the Mysterious Heaven sect Skills and we are cultivating it and it seems i have reached the limit also so i should be level 20.

after some thought i said to tang san it seems that some condition is not been made that is why we can't breakthrough but i hair from grandfa jack that when we are 6 year old we will be awakening our spirit.so it may be that we can't breakthrough because we haven't awakened our spirit????

hearing this tnag san though and obviously he have also heard the awakening issue form grandfa jack so he said it seem to be the reason but we should continue to do our training.after that he keep doing cultivation.

i though it seems that only 1 year is left to be awakening our spirit.....with excitement....