
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Komik
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60 Chs

Flame Lion King

The Flame Lion King is known as the King of soul beasts. Although it doesn't have a top-level bloodline like the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, it is still extremely powerful in its own right.

The Flame Lion King is known for having exceptional control over fire and specializes in large-scale attacks.

It is a variant of the Blazing Demon Lion, and the power of its fire is among the most formidable. Only ultimate fire can suppress it. Furthermore, the Flame Lion King they have encountered is 2,200 years old!

Information about the Flame Lion King popped up in Wang Shòu's brain, and he quickly knew that the beast in front of him is not an easy enemy to defeat.


Suddenly, the Flame Lion King howled, and then a dazzling amount of fire energy was rapidly concentrated in its mouth.

The speed is extremely fast, and in an instant, the Flame Lion King sent out a wide-scale flame attack, covering 15 meters!

'Crap!' Wang Shòu's face immediately changed, and he quickly got into position, ready to attack back as well.

'Discharge!' Countless bolts of electricity discharged from Wang Shòu's small body, madly rushing to confront the fierce fire head-on.

But he found out that defending against a flame attack with electricity is not a good idea.

As soon as the electricity rushed toward the flame and made contact, a large explosion took place, and almost everyone on the scene was blown away.


'Drat! I forgot electricity and fire don't go well together!' Wang Shòu coughed, trying to see through the dust in front of him. 'Where is the Flame Lion King?!'

Right after Wang Shòu had just thought of that, a piercing red light shot up from amidst the dust, and the Flame Lion King from the right side tore through the dust, lunging at Wang Shòu.

'Iron Tail!' Wang Shòu's tail quickly hardened into a pure steel-like substance, and then he quickly turned around, lunging his tail forward.

Wang Shòu's Iron Tail made 'intimate contact' with Flame Lion King's face, and Flame Lion King was sent flying away, crashing into the forest behind and breaking several trees in the process.

But Wang Shòu wasn't happy with his seemingly 'advantageous' position.

He was lucky that his instincts, honed from continuous fighting in the past, allowed him to quickly react to Flame Lion King's surprise attack with Iron Tail.

But he knew that despite Flame Lion King being shot away with his Iron Tail, it actually didn't hurt him much and only served to enrage Flame Lion King.

Sure enough, there was a burst in the forest not too far away, and the next moment, Flame Lion King once again appeared, calmly walking with almost no injuries on its body.

But it does not mean the same for Flame Lion King's mentality. The rage can almost be felt from Flame Lion King's expression.

It is the Flame Lion King, the king of soul beasts! Where has it ever suffered such humiliation?!

Moreover, this humiliation comes from a yellow mouse!!

Pure murderous intent spills from Flame Lion King, almost condensing into substance.

"GRR...ROAR!!" Growling almost in pure rage, Flame Lion King howled a powerful roar, blowing away everything and making every nearby creature's head buzz.

Wang Shòu's head is buzzing from the sonic attack, and in an attempt to regain his orientation, he saw Flame Lion King emitting a wide-scale fire attack, larger than before. 'Oh, I'm fu*k!'

It was already too late, and the wide-scale flame ripped through the air, heading toward Wang Shòu.


A fiery explosion occurred, covering an area of 20 meters, and the temperature felt from it was so hot that it could easily melt metals.


While Wang Shòu was fighting the Flame Lion King, Xiong Yong and Huo Long weren't idle either and quickly confronted dozens of Blazing Demon Lions.

Although most of those Blazing Demon Lions are less than 1,000 years old, six of them are over 1,000 years old.

Xiong Yong and Huo Long are in a precarious situation!

But Xiong Yong and Huo Long had calm faces facing this situation. While it is indeed a precarious situation, it only applied to others as they aren't to be trifled with either.

Xiong Yong is a top-level bloodline soul beast, boasting strength that can rival an adult dragon in its mature period, and confronting those 1,000 years old is extremely easy for him!

Huo Long may not have a top-level bloodline like Xiong Yong does, but he is Charmeleon, one of the three royal families from Kanto!

Not only that, he is currently 1,250 years old. While he can't use his fire type move, which he is best at, it's also the same for the Blazing Demon Lion too!

Their flame attacks are ineffective against Huo Long too, and they can only helplessly engage in physical confrontation with Huo Long that can use dragon and normal type moves.

So, within a short period, Xiong Yong and Huo Long have absolute domination in the battle.

But all of this was quickly interrupted by a large explosion on the battlefield where Wang Shòu was.


"Char! Cha-" Bravely fighting against four 1,000-year-old Blazing Demon Lions like a God of War, Huo Long's body suddenly stiffened, and his eye pupils became hollow and blank.

This opportunity is quickly taken advantage of by the Blazing Demon Lions, who rush at Huo Long, striking at his vital parts!

But it was destined to be fruitless as Xiong Yong, who had already dealt with multiple Blazing Demon Lions and the two 1,000-year-old Blazing Demon Lions, intervened.


Swinging his large claw, seemingly ripping apart the air, two Blazing Demon Lions are shot away, crashing into nearby trees before fainting. "Roar!" (Brother Huo Long, are you okay?!)

As Xiong Yong said this, he heard a loud explosion from afar. Turning around to the source, his eye pupils suddenly shrank. "Roar!!" (Boss Lei Feng!!)

Witnessing their compatriot's fate, the other Blazing Demon Lions suddenly hesitated and became more timid, but Xiong Yong didn't care about this.


Emitting a loud roar, Xiong Yong madly rushed toward the battlefield where Wang Shòu was, and swung a 3-meter claw projection toward the Flame Lion King, who was standing there proudly, as if declaring his victory.

"!!" Seeing multiple claw slashes heading toward him, the Flame Lion King quickly jumped away and roared angrily at the soul beast who attacked him. "Roaa-" (Who dares attack me! Wha-)

Seeing Xiong Yong, the Flame Lion King's eyes suddenly shrank, and his roar paused.

As a top predator and king of soul beasts, it was impossible not to know the reputation and notoriety of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear!

As someone who is aware of the terror of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, the Flame Lion King naturally does not want to be an enemy of it.

Gazing vigilantly at Xiong Yong, the Flame Lion King's eyes somewhat eased as he saw that Xiong Yong doesn't have the aura of a 1,000-year-old. But he still is cautious, as Xiong Yong still has the bloodline of the Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear after all.

"Roarr?" (Why did you attack me? We have no enmity between us), the Flame Lion King spoke in a polite tone, not wanting to offend Xiong Yong.

But unfortunately, when he attacked Wang Shòu, he didn't see Xiong Yong nearby, so he had already offended Xiong Yong.

"Roar!" (Enmity? Oh we have enmity between us! I'm getting my revenge for Boss Lei Feng!!)

"Snort!" (Lei Feng? You following that yellow mouse?) Flame Lion King had a strange expression on his face. He never expected that a dignified Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, is actually following a yellow mouse!

But Flame Lion King suddenly had an idea. Since Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear is following a yellow mouse, wouldn't it be easy for it to follow me as I'm clearly more powerful than a weak yellow mouse?

Flame Lion King felt it is feasible, and thinking of Darkgolden Terrorclaw Bear, a top-level soul beast following him and calling him boss, his gaze became greedy.

Flame Lion King solemnly look at Xiong Yong, and proudly spoke. "Roar!" (Why don't you consider following me? You will have brighter prospect following me than following a pathetic dead mouse!)

Unfortunately his word make Xiong Yong who treated him as enemy, directly treat him as 'Even if I had to desecrate my ancestor, you must die!!' enemy.

"Roar!" (You dare insult Boss Lei Feng?! Even if I die, you must die!) Xiong Yong instantly became enraged at what the Flame Lion King said and lunged toward the Flame Lion King when a familiar voice was suddenly heard.

"Pika!" (Poaching Xiong Yong? Have you asked for my opinion, you bastard!)