
#12: Frigid




A big tree cut in two at the waist horizontally by Ceng Yi, to the ground, sends out the explosion sound.


This azure deep wolf sent out more frantic howling, the dim light in eye such as the jack-o'-lantern was dragging generally, vision stubbornly stared at Ceng Yi, the four limbs is shivering slightly, but actually sent out the intermittent wolf to howl, the imposing manner was centered on it, howled to wreak havoc crazily, on the surrounding thick patch of grass, raised intermittently like the mighty waves storm.

Is unforgivable!

It just, fear! The body hid this attack, it thinks that was an attack of small and weak prey, this let its wolf king, how to endure this humiliation, was unwilling!

Therefore, it is roaring, is roaring, suppresses the prey with the imposing manner, it cannot make the matter happen again the second time, it must attack, if with the claw, the wolf fang, tears into shreds the present prey, only then with his flesh, can eliminate own anger.


Also is one calls out, azure deep wolf fast sends out the attack to Ceng Yi, but Ceng Yi does not show weakness , the horizontal sword flushes away to it, both sides dogfight in one.

In the forest, a person with a wolf mutual fierce struggle, exudes the intense sound, the fight is exceptionally intense.

both sides have attacked mutually, has not defended completely, dodging, is the attack has bumped the attack.

Azure deep wolf that is full of the wild nature beastly nature attack, making Ceng Yi be miserable beyond description, shakes the hand of sword to be shaken the hemp. However, this also aroused the Ceng Yi courage and uprightness, the effort, in the fight, laughed wildly.

„Ha ~, satisfies a craving, again come!"

Repelled Ceng Yi, keeps the corners of the mouth of blood, splits laughs wildly one, attacks to the azure deep wolf again.

Since this fight, has been Ceng Yi cultivates, most intense, is the most frigid fight, this lets Ceng Yi, has fun, is enjoying this fight heartily.


The azure deep wolf is also angrily roars one, then flushes away to Ceng Yi, attack of both sides collides together, exudes the fierce sound.

Fought for about ten minutes with it, Ceng Yi now the body in rags, the dripping with blood, has own, there is a azure deep wolf, in the mouth is also puffing, the physical strength was quickly is also weak.

But the azure deep wolf, the condition is also similar, the body injury was more serious, even the fang of mouth, was vanished one by Ceng Yi. It has not thought, oneself thinks the small and weak prey, can project on this degree with unexpectedly.

However, was time conclusion this farce.

It is not good! Danger.

Ceng Yi the fine body hair explodes immediately, sees only together the naked eye obvious azure crescent moon shape light blade, the surroundings volume is raiding the strong gale, to/clashes extremely quickly to oneself.

Responded Ceng Yi that the horizontal sword in the chest front, keeps off this to strike immediately.

But this strikes is not so good to meet.

When the sword blade and wind blade hit together, Ceng Yi realized that the issue was serious.

„Martial Soul, Wave Blade!"

The wind the mouth of blood is shouting one, Martial Soul Wave Blade appears on the left hand of Ceng Yi, the double hand-held sword, the cross battens keep off.

The big move that azure deep wolf this sends out full power, making Ceng Yi be caught off guard. The strong impulse , to promote more than ten meters away Ceng Yi, pulls out a gap.

Ceng Yi is clenching teeth, is going against this wind blade impact, the pale tooth, bites to collapse the blood, the forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly, the body starts to flutter the blood, the appearance is exceptionally pitiful. Faces this pressure, Ceng Yi was feeling, oneself must be quick shatter.

Withstands to me! I cannot die in this!

My legend has not started, can die in this? Is impossible!

I have not lost!

I can also fight!

I may with Malaao, probably live!

I am how possible...

Dies in this!

„Rolls to me!"

In the hopeless situation, Ceng Yi erupts the potential, angry roaring, is pushing this wind blade full power arrived at another side, strikes on diameter one meter big tree,

Resounds slating thundering, the big tree falls loudly but actually. Bang ~

Shakes the ground moves, the dust flies upwards, the withered leaf winds around.

In the ground another side of that gap, the mist and dust diverges, a form stands there, is Ceng Yi. This time he, whole body complete clothes, the body has not been scarred, the dripping with blood, the face bleeds profusely from the head, the appearance of having hair dishevelled, is very distressed.

But another side azure deep wolf is also weak can stand reluctantly, the big move, has exhausted its all strengths, if has not beaten the opponent, that waits for it, only then died. When the mist and dust diverges, sees that form also to stand, making its heart one nervous.

Clang ~

The palm of Ceng Yi, is unable to grasp the sword again, weak loosening, the sword falls on the ground, exudes the clear sound, Wave Blade, changes to photodissociation, dissipation.

Pū passes ~

Body of Ceng Yi, weak pouring on the ground. He injured heavily, now the body fierce ache, he is actually launching in salvos the sound, the strength of twitch does not have.


The Ceng Yi soulless double pupil, is looking up to the sky.

Sees that form to drop down, the azure deep wolf tight body starts to relax, the corners of the mouth split, probably is smiling.

Finally, it gained the victory.

The azure deep wolf one step trembles walks toward that form.

Now, was it enjoys the fruits of victory the time.

But, it actually discovered, oneself footsteps, are getting more and more heavy, is getting more and more dizzy, arrives finally, weak pouring before the Ceng Yi body.

Hears the falling to the ground sound that pū passed, the Ceng Yi corners of the mouth cracked.

He forgot saying that his sword, but spread the poison.

In the soul beast forest of this danger, haven't oneself possibly prepared? He has not only thought that was only azure the deep wolf to resist unexpectedly was so long, moreover hid such a big move. However fortunately, finally frequently, toxic outbreak.

„Looks... looks like, but also... was... I... won..."

Ceng Yi exhausts the final strength, difficult said this low voice one, then closed the eye slowly.

Good trapped/sleepy... good to sleep...



Gust blows this stretch of appearance location in confusion, the trees branches and leaves rustle dragging, the ground dust has raised, the withered leaf dances in the air, indicates this frigid struggle.

Suddenly, in this location in confusion, emerges out of thin air a form, is a young girl.

Her hemp cotton garment, the black long hair grips the bread twist pigtail to hang along the left shoulder in the average chest front, the appearance is ordinary, on the cheeks many spot birds, the stature is steadily ordinary.

„Haven't I come to the wrong place?" The young girls say, although the appearance is ordinary, but the sound is actually very of pleasant to hear, the acoustic ray is clear, nimble and resourceful, has a naughty feeling.

The vision swept the surrounding environment, discovers not far away, a person and beast peaceful ground are motionless, the body is scarred, the appearance is pitiful.

„It seems like I have not come to the wrong place! But was a little comes late?" The young girl right hand touches own chin, said.

„Oh ~, is quite bothersome ~ this/Ben young lady one table of good food had not finished eating! You give me entire to have an accident."

This young girl complained one, the left hand also grabbed the chicken leg that has not nibbled, but her corners of the mouth were also the greasy appearance, it seems like before , she is enjoying the good food.

Before the chicken leg on hand puts the mouth, gnaws off last, throws the bone at will, the greasy left hand ignores the image wipes on the lower hem corner, to lying down walks in that person of ground.

„Hey! Did you die?" The young girls arrive at side Ceng Yi, the squatting down body, the right hand extends the slender index finger, poked the waist of Ceng Yi, said.

„It seems like had not died! I come not late!"

Feels the Ceng Yi heart also to beat slightly, on the young girl face had the smile.

Afterward the young girl turns head to look to another side the azure deep wolf of falling to the ground, discovered that it also has a vitality/angry, without death.

It seems like that you have not won!

Looks the ground is lying down Ceng Yi, in the young girl is thinking.
