
Douluo Dalu: The Legend of the Dragón God of Dark Frost

In this story we will delve into a 16-year-old boy who, after dying due to an accident, a god gives him 3 wishes and is reincarnated as Douluo Dalu----- I do not own anything by Douluo dalu, all copyrights to Tang Jia San Shao, I only own my oc- Strong MC, no system, small harem, first novel as a writer, Au

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49 Chs

Team battle against Zhou Wuji

shrek academy

"Okay, hurry up, we don't have all day"

Hurrying up the queue, the examiner is tired of no monsters.

"My name is Tang San, Blue River Grass Martial Soul, Rank 30 Grand Soul Master, Control System"

As Tang San was saying the information from him, the row is surprised that a trash spirit would cultivate to such a high level.

"My name is Xiao Wu, Soft Bone Rabbit Martial Soul, Rank 30 Grand Soul Master, Attack System"

Impressed by the cultivation level of the two boys, the examiner passed the ball to the pink-haired girl, while he let the previous duo go through the test directly to the finals.

"My name is Ding Rongrong, Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Rank 26 Grand Spirit Master, Auxiliary System"

Just as she was about to say that she was passing, the black-haired girl grabs the crystal ball, causing it to light up quite a bit.

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing, Hell Civet Martial Soul, Rank 27 Grand Spirit Master, Agility Attack System"

After seeing how many geniuses in his academy looked like, the Examining Master was quite happy.

Finally it is the turn of Aotian and Mengqin.

"My name is Lan Shenhe, Snow Woman Martial Soul, Rank 38 Soul Ancestor, Attack System"

After hearing this information, the blond-haired young man looks intently at the silver-haired woman as he ponders whether he should ask her out.

Just as Aotian was putting his soul power into the crystal ball, he's smashed to pieces, shocking everyone in the area except Mengqin.

"You break rank 30, amazing boy, you pass"

After saying that he passed, the examiner starts laughing loudly at the happiness that his academy has so many geniuses.

Shrek Academy Principal's Office

In a seat next to the window, we can see a tall man, with a slightly pronounced chin, black hair, and a pair of jafas.

"Wuji, this year has been the best in terms of monsters registered, six went directly from the second test to the last one, I want you to examine them"

While he was saying these things, the director could be seen very happy that there was such a good crop of students.

"That's great, but you've got me working like a Bolder collie."

After hearing the director's words, the man behind him complains that he has to work too hard.

"Zhao Wuji, I don't know what you're complaining about, you're the vice principal of the academy, you'd have to do something too. Besides, six new students mean six new financial supports for the academy"

After hearing this, Vice Principal Zhao Wuji thought deeply before nodding and saying a few words before leaving.

"Okay okay, I'll show you how hard life can be"

in the test fields

The six finalists could be seen following the young blonde while he was explaining some things about the academy.

Like the reason they were in a town, because the facilities looked so poor, because the requirements to pass were so high.

Finally, when they arrive at the final exam site, heavy footsteps are heard, and when they look in the direction from which it came, they see a large burly man about 1.76 meters tall.

"Mr. Zhao Wuji, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the vice principal, Mubai asks him what he does in the exam fields.

"Mubai, I will take charge of the final test this year, step aside"

Hearing that he is going to be the examiner, the young man named Mubai asks him why is this sudden address, if he was the one in charge of doing the final test, after all he wanted to show off his strength to the beautiful girls this year.

"Shut up, how is the director not here, I'm the one in charge, now get ready because the test will start in 5 minutes"

Hearing this, the boys ask Mubai who was the older man.

"He is the deputy director of the Academy, Zhao Wuji, and he will be in charge of the final test, which is a fight against all of you"

After hearing this, Tang San asks if this wasn't a bit unfair towards the vice principal.

"Mr. Zhao Wuji is a rank 76 Soul Saint"

Hearing this, even Mengqin is surprised, since Aotian had not told him about the Academy.

"Now they must manage and figure out how to defeat him."

Hearing this, Tang San is excited because he finally meets a soul saint.

"Very well, let's give our information so we know each other and devise a plan to defeat him. I start, my name is Tang San, I am a rank 30 soul grandmaster, my martial soul is the Blue River Grass, control system"

Saying those words, everyone introduces themselves until Mengqin and Aotian's turn comes.

"My name is Lan Shenhe, I am a rank 38 Soul Ancestor, my martial soul is the

Heavenly Snow Woman, attack system."

After hearing this information, everyone is surprised that someone their age would have such a high cultivation.

"My name is Long Aotian, my soul range I can't tell, but I am very strong, my martial soul is Kusanagi, agility attack system"

After hearing this, Tang San is surprised, since she had not recognized him, but she decided to talk to him later, now they are busy with something else.

"My name is Xiao Wu, my martial soul is a Soft Bone Rabbit, I am a rank 30 soul grandmaster, and I am an agility attack system."

After listening to Aotian, Xiao Wu saw that Tang San decided to talk to him later, so he followed his lead and introduced himself.

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing, my martial soul is a Hell Civet, I am a rank 27 grand soul master, and I am an agility attack system."

Seeing how everyone introduces themselves, Zhuqing did the same, while thinking what rank Aotian was in that he didn't want to say.

"My name is Ding Rongrong and my martial soul is the Glazed Seven Treasure Tower, I am an auxiliary system."

Seeing how everyone ranked higher than her, Rongrong feels a bit bad, but takes comfort in the fact that auxiliary spirits cultivate slower than others.

"Very well, Aotian, Lan Shenhe, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing will be the main attackers, I will be the crowd controller, and Ding Rongrong will be the support, I will try to control the master with my vines, while you attack and Ding Rongrong applies his skills"

Tang San proceeds to tell the plan, believing that she is in charge since she is the control system, Shenhe wants to refute something, but Aotian stops her, after all, she does not want to make arguments for a simple match.

"Are you done? At this rate I'll already be a Title Douluo, hahaha"

Zhou Wuji gets tired of waiting and yells at them if they already prepared, since at this rate he could become Acala Douluo.

"Okay, we're ready, when you tell us we'll attack"

Tang San says that they are ready and they make an attack formation with him in the middle, Aotian in the front, Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Shenhe on their sides, with Rongrong in the back, protected by everyone.


With Mubai lighting the candle, Wuji quickly launches an attack towards Rongrong, but Tang San grabs her with her blue grass, pulling it into hers as the attack hits him.

Xiao Wu takes advantage of this and launches towards Tang San, the latter makes a shuttle with his blue river grass, Xiao Wu gets in the middle, and Tang San pulls it and Xiao Wu shoots out.

"First Skill: Power, Second Skill: Agility"

Rongrong takes advantage and casts his first two abilities, making the first two floors of his Pagoda glow, granting him a 30% buff to speed and attack to all, but he feels that when he applies his ability to Aotian his soul power starts to deplete quickly. .

"Guys, at this rate I'll only last two minutes, hurry up"

Rongrong rushes them because at this rate of consumption, he will run out of soul power in a few minutes.

"Okay, everyone attack the teacher, I'll try to stop it"

Tang San tries to guide them all, and activates his first ability, Bind, causing the Zhou Wuji to fill with blue river herbs, holding him on all sides.

Just then Xiao Wu arrives and puts a hold on her neck, but he can't complete the hold as Zhou Wuji is hard as stone.

"Stop playing kids, make a real effort"

With those words, Wuji throws Xiao Wu forcefully, and enters into possession of the martial soul, expanding all of Xiao Wu's muscles, causing all the blue river grass that was holding him to be destroyed.

Zhu Zhuqing seizes the moment and activates his first ability, Hell Rush Stab, doubling his Agility, and arrives behind Zhou Wuji, Activates his Second Ring, Hell Hundred Claws, launching a hundred quick slashes at his back.

Lan Mengqin takes advantage of this and activates her first and second soul rings, a Snow Woman appearing behind her, and launching a large Snow Tornado towards Wuji.

"Not bad at all, but they need to try even harder"

Just when everyone thought they had defeated him, they see a large golden light emitted, and inside it is Zhou Wuji, who had activated his first Immobile Shining King Body ability.

Xiao Wu attempts to make her use her second Attract ability, on Zhou Wuji, causing her eyes to turn red, launching a spirit attack.

But out of nowhere Xiao Wu screams and clutches his head tightly.

"That's for making a spiritual attack on someone who far surpasses you in cultivation."

Zhou Wuji reminds you that making a spiritual attack on someone much stronger than you is suicidal, as you will suffer a setback.

"You will pay for this"

Tang San is enraged and sends a bunch of hidden weapons towards Zhou Wuji,

most with poison in them.

Zhou Wuji simply made a barrier with his soul rings, causing all of them to fall to the ground, even the smallest ones, making Tang San's eyes widen in surprise.

"[Kusanagi Series]: Bloody Extermination"

Right at that moment, Aotian attacks from behind with his sword intent and her martial soul.

Zhou Wuji activates her Third Ring, Gravity Augmentation, causing the gravity around her to increase, breaking Aotian's momentum, simultaneously activates her fourth ring, Position Tracking, blocking him.

Aotian seeing that she can't move, unleashes her soul rings so he can attack.

1 purple

1 purple

3 three black

Making everyone shocked to the core except for Mengqin, who is simply waiting for the moment to attack.

Activating her first, third, fourth, and fifth abilities, Aotian breaks out of the gravity pull, and attacks with her clone.

"[Kusanagi Double Series: Asura Incarnation]"

Activating his Asura lineage, Aotian's hair turns white, his skin red, and his eyes red, making him look like a demon.

Taken by surprise Wuji goes into a defensive stance and activates his First Ring back, illuminating the entire place with a golden light.

Aotian simply senses the environment with his spiritual power, and attacks quickly.

Zhu Zhuqing appears as well, activating his Second Ring, launching several quick slashes all over Zhou wuji's body.

Simultaneously, Mengqin throws snow tornadoes, while trying to find an opportunity to make a big attack, while Tang San binds him with his first ability, and with the second he fills him with Blue River Herbs.

"This is over, stop fighting now"

Just as Aotian was about to cut off Wuji's head, Director Flander descends from the sky, the extinguished candle in hand.

"They approved, Mubai guides Wuji and the girl (Xiao Wu) to the infirmary, the rest will follow them so Mubai shows them where their rooms are"

Leaving those words, Flander grabs Wuji's shoulder and takes him to the infirmary to have his injuries treated.

"Okay follow me"

With Aotian coming out of her transformation, they all keep her soul rings, and Tang San supports Xiao Wu and takes her to the infirmary, Zhu Zhuqing supports Rongrong, and Mubai follows from behind.

"Why do you think I don't use the Seventh Ring from him?"

Mengqin walks up to Aotian and asks him why Master Wuji didn't use the seventh ring on him, so he would have avoided so many injuries.

"It must be out of pride, imagine that a group of students make you use your Seventh Ring, but well, the last attack I did was simply to see if it would activate it, and I started a big fight, but the principal came"

Taking his wife's hand, Aotian explains why he thinks he didn't use it, and tells her that he expected Wuji to use his seventh ring so they have a big fight.


What do you think of this chapter? It's the first time I write a team battle, I hope you like it.

I am also very sorry, I have seen that many complain that I misuse She or He, this happens because of the translator, I have tried to find another translator, but they all have a very short word limit, this chapter has almost 13,000 letters , copy and pasting every 800 words is very annoying.

Thank you very much in advance for reading my novel, have a good life.

Because this chapter has more than 2000 words, tomorrow there may be no chapter, or it may be very short.