
Reborn and Renewed Passion

He could only see darkness in front of him. 'Great, now I'm dead.' He tried to move his body only to discover that he could not feel his body. It was like he constricted in the darkness. However, Shuu was not afraid. His mind was calm and he already decided to accept whatever came to him. He did regret saving that pitiful old man. Since he had already passed away, he chose to relax and accept the fact that he died already.

As time passed away for a period of time only God knew how long it was, Shuu suddenly saw a spark of light in front of him. That spark of light shone brightly and grew bigger and bigger. Just a few moments passed but that spark had already overwhelmed Shuu and he was embraced by that pure light. However, he did not feel any pain or injuries. He just felt extremely comfortable as if he was the child of light. He tried to adjust his eyes to the sudden burst of light and finally, he could see his surrounding in lots of colours, not restricted to dark and light anymore. What he saw shocked him to the core.

"Madam, your child has finally come out. It's your first son, " said a middle-aged woman to an alluring beautiful woman who was covered with filth, sweat, and blood. Nevertheless, those dirty condition did not surpass the aura of a mother surrounding her as she watched her son, born from her own stomach, her own flesh.

Shuu, who was still shocked to the core, tried to talk and conveyed something to them. However, what came out from his mouth was only a baby's cry or shriek. His undeveloped body did not allow him to speak. As a matter of fact, he was only born a moment ago. If he was allowed to talk, then everyone would feel weird and scared.

"Hikari, it's our son. Our treasure. " A muscular man with a height of 1.90 meters, was crying and his face was covered with tears and snot but he did not care even a little about his appearance right now. He was just too happy as he took his son into his embrace. He carried Shuu in a very careful manner and walked toward his tired wife who had just given birth to their precious son.

"Ito Shuu. Let that be your name, son. " Shuu who was still in shocked had finally calmed down his mind. He realized he had reborn and he was grateful for one thing, his name was still Shuu. At least his name which was given by his previous father would always be with him.

And then, his life as a baby with an adult conscious began. For Shuu, it could be said that his life as a baby was boring but at the same time very relaxing to his mind who was filled with martial art in his past life.

One year had passed since he was born. He had finally arranged the pieces of information that he could observe from his point of view. His parents were Hikari and Takashi who were both 25-years-old this year. Hikari was beautiful and her gentle attitude filled Shuu's life with bliss as he did not get to feel a mother's love in his past life. On the other hand, his father was very energetic and at the same moment a muscle-brained person. His parents' personality was completely different as heaven and earth, however, one thing remained clear to him. They seriously loved each other and would always love Shuu, their pride and their treasure.

Ito Shuu was considered a genius and brilliant child as he was able to speak his first word in 6 months after he was born and could speak clearly after 1 year after he was born, he could talk clearly and could already walk on his own feet.

Shuu found out that the world that he was reborn into was different from the modern Earth. In this new world, there was no modern technology like in his previous life. However, one thing pleased him about this world. This world's martial art was higher than in his previous world. He was shocked and amazed at the same moment when he saw his father, Takashi summoned 7 rings of light, filled with 3 different colours. He could saw 2 yellow rings, 2 purple rings, and 3 black rings behind his father. He excitedly inquired about this magic phenomenon in front of him.

The world he lived in right now was the Spirit Continent where Spirit Master was the majority of the population. Spirit Master was the one who cultivated soul power after awakened his or her spirit on Spirit Awakening Ceremony at the age of 6 years old. There were a total of 100 ranks known to the public which was divided into 10 major ranks from Rank 1 Spirit Master to Rank 10 Spirit Master. The Rank 100, which was basically a Spirit Master that had broken through godhood. This phenomenon was only speculated by the norms but had never been seen by anyone.

Hikari was also a Spirit Master despite her gentle personality and was a Rank 6 Spirit Master, a Soul Emperor. He learned everything about the basics of the world from her mother such as the ranks of Spirit Master and the differences of Spirit RIngs.

Shuu, who discovered all of these new things had decided to once again pursue the highest state of martial art and become a Spirit Master. He wanted to start anew in this life.