
Chapter 19:The Development of the Breaking Clan

Hearing this, Yang Podi's mother, Niu Jinfeng, suddenly spoke up: "Son, do you think your grandfather dotes on you?"

"Mom, Grandpa treats me pretty well."

"Then, son, can you share the secret of the whale gelatin with your grandfather?"

Yang Podi thought for a moment: "Mom, while whale gelatin has good effects, it's only really potent the first time it's used. It's not a huge secret. Telling Grandpa isn't an issue, but it's best not to tell anyone else. If the secret spreads, the price of whale gelatin will skyrocket, and we won't be able to buy it ourselves."

After hearing this, both his father, Yang Zhentian, and his mother, Niu Jinfeng, nodded in agreement.

The next day was the gathering of the Four Single-Attribute Clans, also a celebration of the Breaking Clan's official relocation. From now on, the Breaking Clan would be considered somewhat influential.

At the gathering, the Breaking Clan was represented by Yang Wudi, Yang Wushuang, Yang Zhentian, and Yang Podi. Each of the other three clans also sent three to four people. The Strength Clan was represented by its patriarch, Titan, along with his son, Tai Nuo, and his grandson, Tai Long. The Speed Clan's patriarch, Bai He, brought his son and grandson, though these characters were unnamed in the original story. The Defense Clan was represented by its patriarch, Niu Gao, along with his son and grandson.

Of course, Yang Podi's mother, Niu Jinfeng, also participated, mainly to take care of the four children.

The four children were all around the same age. By spending time together, it would foster better communication between the four clans in the future. In some sense, the Four Single-Attribute Clans formed a small alliance, and only by banding together could they deal with various challenges.

Interestingly, all four children were five years old. The child from the Speed Clan was named Bai Xiaofei, while the child from the Defense Clan was named Niu Meng.

According to their ages, Yang Podi was the eldest, followed by Niu Meng, then Tai Long, and lastly Bai Xiaofei. Given their similar ages and family backgrounds, the four children got along quite well.

However, Yang Podi noticed some differences. Niu Meng spoke a bit slowly, Tai Long had a bold and hearty personality, and Bai Xiaofei was more thoughtful and meticulous.

After the gathering, Yang Podi's mother, Niu Jinfeng, had a private conversation with her father, Niu Gao, likely about the effects of the whale gelatin. By the end of the discussion, Niu Gao was so full of praise for Yang Podi that he practically wanted to take his grandson away.

Meanwhile, Yang Zhentian approached his father, Yang Wudi.

"Dad, my soul power has reached level 72."

Yang Wudi looked at his son approvingly: "Not bad, Zhentian. You've managed to continue your cultivation despite the recent events. If I were to hand the clan over to you in the future, I'd feel at ease."

Yang Zhentian shook his head: "Dad, I think I'll reach level 73 within the month."

Hearing this, Yang Wudi became serious: "Son, even though our clan is under a lot of pressure right now, you must advance gradually. Don't resort to any methods that could overdraw your potential just to increase your soul power."

Yang Zhentian was speechless for a moment, then carefully explained the situation with the whale gelatin to his father.

Yang Wudi listened intently, his expression growing more serious: "Son, are you sure about this? The whale gelatin's effects are really that good?"

"Dad, I wouldn't lie about something this important. After using the whale gelatin, Jinfeng's soul power has already increased to level 64, and her cultivation speed has significantly improved."

Yang Wudi looked at his son: "So that's why there were rumors going around recently about you being unwell—you used that as an excuse to buy the whale gelatin?"

Yang Zhentian was once again left speechless: "Dad, since the whale gelatin is so effective, I just stocked up in advance. Your grandson will need it in the future too."

"Then why didn't you mention this before the gathering of the Four Single-Attribute Clans?"

"Although our relationship with the other clans is good, after the recent conflict with the Clear Sky School, I've realized that we can't fully trust anyone. That's why I didn't say anything. But yesterday, Jinfeng probably already told my father-in-law, Niu Gao."

"Son, it seems you've matured a lot since the battle with the Clear Sky School. We were too trusting of them before, which is why we suffered such heavy losses."

"How about this: let's discuss the whale gelatin with the clan elders. This will be beneficial for the future development of our clan."

With that, Yang Wudi called for a meeting with the clan's elders. When they heard about the effects of the whale gelatin, everyone was shocked. They hadn't expected such a powerful item.

Many couldn't help but recall the rumors surrounding Yang Zhentian from earlier and silently thought to themselves: "This kid… He waited until now to tell us about something this valuable, and he even risked his reputation for it. Truly ruthless"

Yang Wudi raised his hand to stop the discussion: "Now, there are two important points we need to address. First, the secret of the whale gelatin's effects must remain within our clan. No outsiders can know. Although my in-laws, the Defense Clan, are aware, I will speak with Niu Gao to ensure both clans maintain confidentiality.

"Second, the price of whale gelatin is still relatively high. I will need you, second brother, to travel to Hanhai City. Whale gelatin is easier to purchase there, and both the quality and price are better than here in Heaven Dou City. But you must be extremely careful to keep everything secret."

Upon hearing this, everyone pledged their loyalty, vowing to keep the secret. They also agreed that any younger members of the clan who needed whale gelatin would first report to the clan.

Afterward, all eyes turned to Yang Zhentian. Since he had recently stockpiled a good amount of whale gelatin using the excuse of his health, they wondered if he would be willing to share it to improve the clan's overall strength.

Finally, Yang Wushuang spoke up: "Nephew, why don't you lend us the whale gelatin you bought so we can try it out? It'll also help when I go to Hanhai City to buy more. Once I've brought it back, I'll return what you lent us."

Yang Zhentian was left speechless once again. What does testing the effects of the whale gelatin have to do with going to buy more? But since it was his uncle asking, he couldn't refuse. In the end, he reluctantly took out several pieces of whale gelatin.

Seeing the high-quality whale gelatin Yang Zhentian had taken out, everyone couldn't help but think: *Is this guy really unwell? He bought so much of it, and the pieces look like they're of excellent quality.*

In the end, Yang Zhentian proudly mentioned his son: "It was my son, Yang Podi, who discovered the effects of the whale gelatin while reading ancient texts."

Everyone in the room immediately began praising Yang Podi.

"This kid, Podi, has always been smart. He's got a bright future ahead of him."

"Our clan has always been focused on medicine, and now we finally have someone who loves reading."

"Podi's contribution to the clan this time is significant. We'll have to reward him properly."

Yang Wushuang even said: "Nephew, rest assured, once Podi grows up, I'll fully support him in becoming the next head of our clan."

Although Yang Zhentian was pleased to hear all this praise, something felt off.

Wait a minute, if they're supporting my son to be the next clan head, then what about me?