
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Komik
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90 Chs

Trap and Aria's New Form

{ For martial souls like weapons, plants, angel, etc. I am gonna have the martial soul avatar be an energy body like Douluo Dalu Anime and for Beast Martial soul I am gonna have the Martial soul Avatar like Manhwa which is them becoming an enlarged version of their Martial soul.}


Nero and Yuanen Yehui arrived at a secluded spot where their opponent a middle-aged man with striking blue hair awaited them. The man observed them and remarked, "So, you're the two Soul Ancestors who managed to defeat fourteen Soul Emperors. Well, to be accurate, I should say you've reduced them to thrash, considering they couldn't even put up a fight against the two of you." Gungbang Li's words carried a hint of admiration as he met Nero's gaze.

Nero responded with a nonchalant shrug, saying, "Can't blame us if they underestimated our strength." Both he and Yuanen Yehui summoned their respective weapons, Yamato and the Rock God Spear, while four black soul rings materialized beneath them.

Gungbang Li remained composed, commenting, "That's true, but I won't make the same mistake they did." He too activated his Martial Soul, with seven soul rings manifesting beneath him, signifying his formidable power.

With the sound of a single water droplet hitting the ground, Nero swiftly made his move, executing an upward strike with Yamato. Gungbang Li, aware that his ice walls wouldn't be enough to block the strike, quickly shifted his position, creating multiple ice barriers in front of him to buy time.

Meanwhile, Yuanen Yehui lunged forward, her Rock God Spear poised to strike. Gungbang Li, anticipating her attack, raised his claws in defense, intercepting her spear. The stalemate didn't last long as Yuanen Yehui utilized her weight alteration ability to make her Rock God Spear heavier and then added a gravity energy coat to the blade, increasing the force of her strike.

In the midst of this, Nero swiftly teleported above Gungbang Li, preparing to deliver a merciless falling attack.However, Gungbang Li reacted swiftly, grabbing hold of Yuanen Yehui, he changed his position with her. This tactic might have succeeded if Nero's attack were soul ring skills, which couldn't be altered once initiated. Unfortunately for Gungbang Li, Nero's attacks were legacy skills, giving him the flexibility to change their trajectory. Nero adjusted his strike and unleashed it in the form of a slashing attack towards Gungbang Li.

Realizing that he couldn't evade the incoming attack, Gungbang Li activated his first spirit ability, Grimm Frost Armor, which formed a frosty suit of armor around his body. However, a mere second after the slash made contact with Gungbang Li's armor, it disintegrated into an icy mist, revealing the ineffectiveness of the defense.

" Good Luck," Nero taunted as he and Yuanen Yehui promptly teleported away to a safer distance. Sensing imminent danger, Gungbang Li quickly glanced down to find his waist encircled by a ring of Mirage Blades. A resounding "Boom" echoed through the area as the explosion caused by the Mirage Blades enveloped Gungbang Li.

Nero and Yuanen Yehui remained vigilant, fully aware that the battle was only starting now. As the smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, Gungbang Li emerged, relatively unscathed, having employed his first spirit ability repeatedly to protect himself from the blast.

With his second soul ring glowing, Gungbang Li summoned multiple ice chains in an attempt to restrain the pair. In response, Yuanen Yehui promptly activated her first spirit ability, creating a protective jade shield that enveloped both herself and Nero, effectively blocking the incoming ice chains. Gungbang Li charged forward with a icy blue light enveloping him, while Nero and Yuanen Yehui responded in kind, surging toward Gungbang Li with white-blue light and pink-silvery light covering them respectively.

A powerful wave of air pressure swept through the battlefield as Gungbang Li clashed with Nero and Yuanen Yehui, with all three now in their battle armor forms. Nero decided to shift tactics and teleported swiftly behind Gungbang Li, launching a powerful punch aimed at his back.

Gungbang Li reacted in time, raising his armor-covered hand to defend against the attack. However, the overwhelming force behind Nero's punch sent Gungbang Li hurtling through the air. He was left stunned, wondering how Nero's previous normal punch had transformed into such a devastatingly powerful blow. The key to this increment laid in Nero's Prototype Divine Outfit's gauntlets, which were fused with Beowulf. Aria had designed the prototype Divine Outfit in such a way that each part functioned like a soul bone, with the exception of lacking a spirit ability. However, if someone possessed a soul bone, the armor would merge with it. So, the spectacle happened because of Beowulf's focused amplification ability which gathered Nero's strength at one point.

Yuanen Yehui swiftly followed up with her attack, launching her Rock God Spear directly at Gungbang Li. Recognizing the formidable combination of Earth and gravity energy in the approaching spear, Gungbang Li decided to utilize his self-enhancement ability in conjunction with his first spirit ability.

The Rock God Spear's petrification ability effectively dispelled the ice armor that had covered him, but the concentrated gravity impact from Yuanen Yehui's attack forcefully propelled him downward, heading for a collision with the ground. Gungbang Li wanted to breakthrough the gravity confinement solely through his high spirit power but Nero timely used Demon prowler ability which deprived his senses.

With a focused intensity, Yuanen Yehui harnessed her Rock attribute energy to summon a massive rock ridge at Gungbang Li's falling position. As Gungbang Li made contact with the ridge, the petrification effect took hold, encasing him in stone. But Yuanen Yehui wasn't finished.

She continued her assault, concentrating gravity power at her feet and making herself exceptionally heavy through her weight alteration ability. With her gravity-enhanced momentum, she launched a powerful attack aimed at Gungbang Li, determined to capitalize on his petrified state and deliver a decisive blow.

A heavily armored paw intercepted Yuanen Yehui's attack, and it was none other than Gungbang Li who, at the very last moment, had summoned his Martial Soul Avatar, combined it with self-enhancement and his first spirit ability for defense. However, Gungbang Li wasn't done yet; he raised his other paw to launch an attack at Yuanen Yehui. Just in time, Nero teleported with Yuanen Yehui, removing them from harm's way.

In his Martial Soul Avatar form, Gungbang Li took a deep breath and unleashed a massive hailstorm toward Nero. Nero swiftly utilized his Mirage Blades to create a defensive barrier against the relentless storm. However, Yuanen Yehui sensed that something was wrong as usually Nero would just solve these type of attacks instantly.

[ Nero, I have made the barrier which would isolate this city from outside. From now on, Shrek instructors or anyone else won't be able to witness what is happening here anymore] as Aria's voice resonated in Nero's mind, informing him of the barrier isolating the city, Nero quickly acted. With a single devastating slash, he effortlessly dispelled the hailstorm that Gungbang Li had unleashed. Without pause, he teleported behind Gungbang Li, grasping his tail and hurling him toward a nearby tree. Before Gungbang Li could regain his footing, a whirlwind of slashing attacks enveloped him, each infused with Nero's sword intent and Yamato's power.

As Gungbang Li emerged in his avatar form, his body marred by numerous wounds inflicted by Nero's relentless attacks, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Nero smirked and spoke up, "Don't you think it's time you call your companions? After all, you've all been waiting for us for the past six days."

Hearing this, a shiver ran down Gungbang Li's spine, and he stammered in response, "You... how did you know?" Nero's smirk was his only reply as he continued, "Did you think I was unaware that your organization has been keeping an eye on Yehui? Or that you were planning to eliminate me as a hindrance?"

Gungbang Li was now visibly scared, at the same time dozen figures who were his companions appeared at his side. Each of them exuded a soul sage-level pressure. They all regarded Nero with solemn expressions, recognizing that the young man was far more dangerous and cunning than they had initially anticipated. Nero in response just smiled which was clearly mocking them.

"Iblis," Nero murmured, and in response, Iblis materialized in his humanoid form before him. Iblis bowed respectfully to Nero, who nodded in acknowledgment. Nero's attention remained fixed on Gungbang Li and his companions as he issued a command to Iblis, "Iblis, protect your mistress." Iblis nodded and promptly moved to stand by Yuanen Yehui's side, ready to fulfill his master's directive.

Nero wasted no time and immediately activated both Overdrive and Devil Trigger simultaneously. He pointed Yamato at Gungbang Li and his companions, prompting them all to activate their Martial Soul Avatars and prepare for battle.

Without warning, Nero teleported into their midst and launched a flurry of attacks at each of them. His speed was astonishingly rapid, leaving everyone struggling to react. Gungbang Li and his companions attempted to attack Nero from various angles, but his afterimages skillfully blocked their attacks and, in turn, counterattacked with precision and speed.


Fifteen minutes later, what had once been a landscape filled with trees and structures was now transformed into a barren plain, littered with fragments of trees and stones. As for Gungbang Li and his companions, their lifeless bodies were all that remained in their previous positions.

Among them, one who was barely holding onto life managed to ask Nero weakly, "Didn't you say that using this form comes with a high energy consumption?" Nero tilted his head slightly and replied with a smile, "That's true, but I never mentioned anything about my recovery rate." The man appeared to want to question the fairness of it all, but he succumbed to his injuries and passed away immediately.

Yuanen Yehui approached Nero, her expression filled with confusion and concern. She asked, "Who were they, and why were they keeping an eye on me?" Nero's gaze shifted to the lifeless bodies before answering, "They are from the organization that wants to sacrifice you."

Yuanen Yehui's eyes widened in shock, and she began to voice her thoughts, but Nero, anticipating her reaction, gently held her hand and continued, "I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want you to worry, and I couldn't risk it until they took the initiative to attack." Yuanen Yehui nodded in understanding, acknowledging that Nero's decision had been made with her well-being in mind.

Aria transformed into her drone form and addressed Nero, asking, "Nero, what is my role now? You mentioned that I would be responsible for handling the aftermath." Instead of responding directly, Nero activated his fourth spirit ability.

Yuanen Yehui watched in confusion as Nero initiated this ability, unsure of what he had in mind. What transpired next, however, left her utterly astonished. The surroundings seemed to shift back to their previous state, with Gungbang Li and the others standing next to their lifeless bodies, the difference being now they looked like Evil soul masters. Nero began to explain the situation, saying, "My fourth spirit ability passively protects the secrets I desire, and actively, it can construct an illusion that can even deceive gods. This ability is similar to Iblis's, which allowed him to hide in the Demon Plane."

Turning toward Aria, Nero provided instructions, "I'm going to stage a scene where we appear to be fighting against them. As soon as you remove the barrier, you'll proceed to attack everything, including the Shrek instructors, in your battle form. After I simulate some surface injuries, I'll use Yamato to teleport us away. Then, once everything here has been destroyed, you will also withdraw. Understand?"

Aria nodded in understanding but voiced her remaining doubt, "But won't our enemies suspect something when the Shrek instructors report to the academy that Gungbang Li and the others were Evil Soul Masters?" Nero shook his head and clarified, "Exactly because of this, our enemies won't suspect anything. They will believe that Gungbang Li and the others took such extreme measures to protect any information about their organization. It's the perfect cover."


Two middle-aged Shrek instructors gazed at the dome that covered Bright City with growing concern. They were unable to investigate what was transpiring inside. Suddenly, the dome began to disintegrate, and when they directed their attention to its source, they were stunned. Before them, Nero appeared to be locked in combat with what seemed like dozens of Evil Soul Masters, all at the Soul Sage level.

Before they could take any action, a blinding white light materialized in the sky, capturing the attention of everyone present. As the light gradually dissipated, a mysterious figure came into view. She was clad in black armor with a white mask covering her head, holding a small black object radiating a blue plasma ray { Photo in comments} . This was Aria in her bio-mecha form, a mechanical body even stronger than a Black Mecha, capable of easily contending against a Titled Douluo.

Before anyone could react, hundreds of futuristic guns materialized behind Aria, each firing space energy beams at Nero's location. The Shrek instructors were poised to intervene, but they witnessed Nero and Yuanen Yehui, after facing the lasers head-on, entering a portal and evacuating the scene. Just as they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Aria turned toward them and initiated an attack.

After destroying everything where Nero fought Aria also withdrew, leaving the residents of Bright City in a state of panic and bewilderment.


I would really like it if you guys can comment on whether i should change something in my writing style or anything else. It would help me in improving the fanfic and also my writing skills.