
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Komik
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90 Chs

Special Space and Mother

Unknown Island,

"Aria, where is that dumbass now? I think he said he would be here fifteen minutes ago," Ren grumbled while he used his sword to cook barbecue under the speechless gazes of Aria and Serena. Before Aria could respond, a portal suddenly opened, and Nero and Yuanen Yehui emerged.

"Well, my idiot brother," Nero retorted with a smirk, "unlike a certain someone, I had to make arrangements for our absence." He glanced pointedly at Ren and then noticed Ren's unconventional use of his sword as a barbecue grill. Nero couldn't help but shake his head at his brother's antics and asked, "And why the hell are you using your sword as a barbecue grill?" His voice held a touch of incredulity.

Ren smiled mischievously and replied, "Firstly, just because I can cook on the sword, and secondly, because I knew it would annoy you." He couldn't help but chuckle at Nero's expression.

Nero, never one to back down from a challenge, smirked in response. Before Ren could react, the barbecue on Ren's sword disappeared and reappeared in Nero's hands. As Nero tasted the barbecue, he couldn't hide his satisfaction and said in a mocking tone, "You're right, this is tasty. Maybe you should open a restaurant." He struck a thoughtful pose and continued, "And the idea of using a sword as a grill would surely attract a crowd." Turning toward Ren, Nero gave him a thumbs up and complimented him with a playful tone, "You're really a genius."

Before the banter between the two could continue any further, a mechanical hand swiftly struck each of them on top of their heads. Startled, both Nero and Ren turned their attention to Aria, who was now scolding them.

"Can you two behave like adults just for a second? Even I am tired of your child-like fights. Look at your girlfriends, they are so peaceful, and you two are like problem children. You two..." Aria reprimanded them, twisting their ears with her two mechanical hands.

Yuanen Yehui and Serena watched the scene unfold from the sidelines, sharing amused smiles. They had no intention of stopping this, as it wasn't the first time the trio had engaged in sibling-like banter.

After Aria finished reprimanding them, the group finally turned their attention to the main reason they had gathered together. Yuanen Yehui couldn't contain her curiosity and asked Nero, "So, where are we going?" Serena wore a similarly intrigued expression, having not been informed about their destination either. Ren had yet to share the details with her. Nero and Ren first proceeded to explain everything about their father and the coordinates. 

Serena voiced her hesitation, asking, "Should we both really be going there?" Her uncertainty mirrored in Yuanen Yehui's expression as they both turned to Nero and Ren for their response.

Ren, wearing a reassuring smile, chimed in, "It's fine, and if we're not going to trust you, then who would we trust?" Nero also rubbed Yuanen Yehui's hand comforting her. Ren then turned towards Nero and handed him the note containing the coordinates of the first place mentioned by their father. Nero summoned Yamato and after finding the coordinates mentioned in the note through Yamato, he slashed at the space in front of him, creating a rift in space. They all exchanged glances and nodding in unison, they stepped into the space rift


Unknown space,

"Vrrrrrrrh," a vibrant blue space rift opened, and through it emerged Nero, Ren, Yuanen Yehui, Serena, and Aria in her bionic form. As they looked around and took in their surroundings, expressions of shock and astonishment appeared on each of their faces.

Before them stretched an awe-inspiring sight: they found themselves in the heart of a city that resembled a beautiful, open garden paradise. The city was surrounded by cascading waterfalls and rocky valleys, creating a picturesque and tranquil atmosphere. They stood on a wide, grand pathway adorned with lush gardens, serene lakes, intricate buildings, and meandering water canals, all weaving together to form a breathtaking landscape that left them in awe. { Picture in comments}

"This is a different space," Aria exclaimed, her analytical gaze fixed on the water and the surrounding energy, which brought Nero and the others out of their initial stupor. Aria's assessment left them with more questions than answers.

"My space energy attainments aren't enough to determine what kind of space this is," Aria admitted, shaking her head as she processed the unfamiliar surroundings.

" I think we would find our answers there " Nero declared, as he pointed towards the end of the pathway, where a massive closed gate stood. As they made their way toward the gate, Aria couldn't help but examine the massive semi-circular rings erected on either side of the pathway. Ren curiously asked Aria if she had found anything about them.

Aria shook her head and replied in helplessness, "I just know they are connected to the gate, that's all." The purpose and function of these rings remained a mystery, adding to the intrigue of their surroundings.

"So, how do we open this? From the looks of it, strength is probably not the answer," Ren turned toward Nero and posed the question. Nero took a moment to observe the gate closely. He noticed a bowl-like structure in the middle of the gate and pondered the situation.

"Let's try the old way," Nero suggested, pointing at the bowl-like structure he continued, " This doesn't look like a mere decoration ". Ren nodded and then with Nero he dropped his blood in the bowl. 

The moment their blood filled the bowl in the center of the gate, a mesmerizing sky-blue light illuminated the intricate lines on the gate and the semi-circular rings. The massive gate began to shake slightly, and then, as if responding to their blood, it slowly began to open. Nero and Ren exchanged a knowing glance, and with Yuanen Yehui, Serena, and Aria, they headed inside. 

As they proceeded forward, Nero and the others took in their surroundings. The dark hallway was illuminated by a soft, ethereal glow emanating from the water flowing above the ceiling, casting a gentle light that revealed the path ahead. The walls on either side of the corridor resembled majestic mountains, adorned with intricate glowing blue lines that added to the mystique of the place.

As they arrived at the end of the hallway, their view opened up to reveal a remarkable sight. In the open expanse beyond, roof-like stone structures stood at equal distances from each other, their outlines illuminated by the twinkling stars in the night sky. In front of the stone structure that was connected to the hallway through which they came, stood a tree unlike any they had ever seen.  { Picture in comments}

The tree's leaves emitted a soft, soothing blue glow, creating an otherworldly aura around it. Its trunk was adorned with intricate blue veins that pulsed with the same radiant light. This unique tree was connected to the hallway by a set of stairs, suspended by chains that were linked to the nearby massive rocks that protruded out from the stone structure.

Nero and Ren ascended the stairs, making their way toward the glowing tree, with Aria, Yuanen Yehui, and Serena following closely behind. Just as they reached the tree, a voice echoed through the air, startling them.

"You two sure took your sweet time arriving here," the voice chided followed by a radiant blue light that revealed itself to be a white-haired woman. She wore a flowing white dress and exuded a motherly aura that enveloped the area around her.  { Picture in comments}

A resounding "Clang!" filled the air as Nero and Ren's swords dropped from their hands and an expression of shock and disbelief etched into their faces.

"You two really made your mother wait for a long time," the woman said with a warm smile, her presence bringing Nero and Ren out of their stupor.

"Mom!" Nero and Ren shouted in unison, their voices filled with joy and disbelief. They rushed forward and embraced the woman who stood before them, who was none other than Aurora, their mother. Overwhelmed with emotions, Aurora gently rubbed their backs in comfort, tears of joy filling her eyes as she held her sons close.

"Now, now, don't cry. You both are not children anymore," Aurora said with a gentle smile as she released them and wiped away their tears. Her maternal reassurance brought comfort to Nero and Ren, who were still in disbelief over this unexpected reunion.

"Mom, how are you..." Nero began to ask, his voice filled with both confusion and concern. Ren shared the same expression, and they both noticed that their mother's form seemed somewhat ethereal, like an energy body.

"I know you both have a lot of questions, but first, introduce me to my daughters-in-law," Aurora replied with a twinkle in her eye as she looked at Yuanen Yehui and Serena. Nero and Ren brought Yuanen Yehui and Serena forward, introducing them to their mother. They shared the story of how they had met and what they had experienced together.

"As for her..." Nero began to explain, but he faltered when it came to introducing Aria. He struggled to find the right words to describe her unique situation.

Aurora, however, seemed to understand immediately. She stepped forward and said, "She must be Aria, the metaphysical being that came with you when you both reincarnated." Her words shocked Nero, Ren, Aria, Yuanen Yehui, and Serena to their very core.

"Mom, how did you..." Ren began to ask, his shock evident on his face. Seeing her son's expression, Aurora smiled and conjured chairs made of space energies.

"Sit," she invited, her voice warm and reassuring. "I will explain everything."

As they settled into their chairs, Aurora began to explain, "You three must already have doubts about how Arlo was able to accomplish so many impossible feats, right?" Nero and Ren exchanged knowing glances and nodded, prompting Aurora to continue, "It was because of his Martial soul. The special effect of his Martial soul allowed him, after acquiring a soul ring, to perform virtually anything, from acquiring knowledge to reality-warping abilities, but it always came at an equal price."

Shock was an understatement to describe what all five of them were feeling. Aurora couldn't blame them; she had experienced the same incredulity when her husband first disclosed this extraordinary ability to her. The revelation shed new light on the incredible feats they had witnessed and the mysteries that had surrounded their father's actions.

"When Nero was first born," Aurora continued, "I sensed a space-time fluctuation on him due to my Space affinity. Arlo then used his ability to learn about your previous lives, although it cost him four soul ring opportunities, two for each of you."

Nero and Ren were silent after hearing this revelation, he raised his head and asked his mother, his voice tinged with hesitation, "Mom, if you knew we both had a past life, then why did you and Dad still love us so much?"

Aurora's smile remained warm as she continued, "Why would their past lives affect my love for both of you? It's not as though you seized these bodies; you both were born from my blood. It's just that you had memories of your previous lives, that's all. And from the place I came from, reincarnations were rare but not an impossible thing." Her words carried a profound sense of understanding and acceptance, reassuring her sons that their past lives had no bearing on the love she felt for them.

Ren tilted his head in curiosity and asked, "Your place, Mom? Are you not from Douluo Star?"

Aurora shook her head and explained, "No, I was from a different universe where there were no things like Martial souls, soul rings, etc."

Nero, intrigued by this revelation, inquired further, "Then, how did you arrive on Douluo Star?"

Aurora replied with a somber expression, "I was an orphan who actually belonged to a clan that specialized in Space control. Our clan was once attacked by other clans, and as a last resort, the leader of our clan detonated a space weapon, which created a space rift, bringing me here. I was heavily injured from that space rift, and if it weren't for your Dad, then I wouldn't even be alive."
