
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
90 Chs


[Nero! Nero!! snap out of it ] Nero finally came to his senses after Aria's call. " why am i crying it must be because of the original body memories reaction." Nero muttered while repeatedly trying to stop his tears. '' Damn it! why can't my tears stop i shouldn't be sad they were not even my real parents. Why the hell is this hurting so much!!! '' Nero finally yelled as he threw everything around and sat against the wall while holding his head.

[ Nero I know why you are saying these things this has to stop.You have to acknowledge the fact that you love your current life parents. What happened to your parents in both lives wasn't your fault.] " How can i stop Aria!! I couldn't save my parents on Earth. They died because of me and in this life I lost my parents again. I am cursed Aria maybe if i didn't reincarnate as their child they would have lived a happy life. No matter how much i pretend or try to be Vergil i am not gonna be him. I am just a cursed bei.." before Nero could finish his sentence he was pulled into a pure white space.

" You are not cursed " hearing a voice Nero turned around and what greeted him was a white haired man in a dark blue coat holding Yamato. " You are." "Yes i am Vergil to be precise a mental projection of him " Vergil completed Nero's sentence and said to him again while sitting on a chair made of Qliphoth roots " Sit we have much to talk about" Nero sat down with a multitude of emotions on his face." You might be thinking why are you here. Vergil put me inside you as he knew there would come a day when your suppressed emotions would erupt." Vergil explained his sudden appearance to Nero.

" You are not cursed now don't get ready to defy me with your reasons first listen to me. There was a time when i also thought i was cursed. For half of my life i lived with a desire for power as my mother died while protecting me from demons. I once sought the power of Demon king and even cut off my son's arm for it because i thought of myself as someone who only brings Death and Destruction but living as V my Human counterpart made me realise that things are not always like it seems. After becoming Vergil again i realised that if mine and Dante's position were to be changed on that day then our destinies would still have remained the same as I would still think of myself as a cursed being for abandoning my mother and Dante still would have become a Demon hunter remembering our mother's love. Now instead of listening to my story why don't you revisit yours and find out whether you are truly a cursed one " without waiting for Nero to reply Vergil put Yamato on Nero's forehead sending him in flashback.



World- Earth

It was night time and the weather was a little cold a 17 year old boy with a hoodie covering his face was walking down the street. The boy who is none other than Nero suddenly stopped took out his phone and sighed. After taking a breath Nero answered the incoming call and said " What is it mom ? " " Nero where are you and why were you not picking up my phone from the past three days do you know how worried i was " a middle aged woman's voice came from the other side. " I am fine you don't have to worry about me ". " What do you mean i should not worry, your dad and i were sleepless from the past three days " Nero's mom spoke again but this time with a hint of concern. " I said i am fine and why is dad worried i am sure he is happy that a waste like me left the house. Don't make it seem like you care about me you are probably worried about your so-called reputation. I am saying this last time i am not coming home even if you die " Nero hung up before his mom could speak.

The next morning Nero was sleeping when a phone call awoke him he ignored it for the first time but finally received the call a second time. " thud.." just after a few seconds of receiving the call the phone fell out of Nero's hands whose expression changed into shock. After coming back to his senses Nero ran out of the room without a care of the world.

After arriving in front of his mother and father's apartment Nero felt like the whole world fell apart in front to him as his parents'lifeless bodies were lying on stretchers. Nero tried to shake them awake but it was all futile. " He is the one isn't he.. " " They died just after he left" " What a misfortune" " I heard they were going out to find him " "Really what a poor

couple " thousand of comments came into Nero's ears. Although in grief he paid no attention to them but subconsciously he listened to all of them. " How did they die " finally after mustering up some

courage he asked one of the police officers. " Who are you " The police officer finally noticed Nero and asked him " I am Nero their son " Nero replied while pulling out his identity. After checking the identity the police officer sighed and said " It was truly a misfortune they went out at 12 pm and got submerged by the steel rods from the construction site on the opposite building. A notice was given to not go out after 11pm but it seems like they didn't check their email due to some tension. My condolences young man ". The police officer left after patting Nero's shoulder.

" From this moment you started thinking you were cursed right and you also created Aria because it reminded you of how much your mom wanted a daughter " Vergil said to Nero who nodded his head. They were both in ethereal form seeing the memory from a 3rd person perspective.

" Well then let's see the other side of your story " Vergil tapped Yamato on the ground and the scenery changed.

It was night time and most of the streets were empty. A middle aged woman and man hurriedly left their house. " Why do you keep scolding him now look he left the house, i know he didn't clear the national exam with good marks but at least he wasn't the worst " Nero's mom scolded his dad. " I know i was wrong but try to understand i was also stressed after seeing some of my acquaintances being proud of their children's results. In anger i scolded Nero " Nero's Dad tried to defend himself but Nero's mom just got angry further " Are you even listening to yourself. Will the acquaintances give food and money to our family. Instead of motivating Nero you belittled him ". Nero's father stood like a wronged child as Nero's mom lectured him.

Nero's Dad was about to say something when he heard something and looked upwards with Nero's Mom they saw steel pipes falling towards them with an unavoidable speed and before they could react the steel pipes submerged them.

' Ah! is this what death feels like it isn't as

frightening as i imagined but it is a regret i never got a chance to tell Nero my true thoughts. If a God is

out there then please let my child know that i was truly proud of him maybe due to the society i scolded him but he was my treasure. Live a good life my son ' Nero's father thought in his last breath.

' So this is my end haah it isn't as painful as i thought it would be but how will Nero handle this. He will only blame himself and the society won't let him live peacefully. If there is a God somewhere listening to me then please tell my kind child that it isn't his fault

i just want him to stay safe, eat well and live a happy life. You were my greatest blessing Nero ' Nero's mother thought as she extended her hands to catch something with her hand perhaps a last glimpse of Nero.

*flashback ends*


" So you still think you are cursed " Vergil asked Nero whose tears could not stop coming out. Nero shook his head and cried even harder. Vergil hugged Nero and said " This is why I chose you i saw my earlier self in you. Your reincarnation had nothing to do with me you were supposed to reincarnate in this world i only gave you my legacy so that you would not walk the path i walked. I was called The Alpha and The Omega not because of my blood or power but because of the fears i overcame. You have the potential to do better than me so become the real Alpha and Omega " with that Vergil disappeared and Nero found himself in his room again.

" Did you already know " Nero asked Aria after calming down his emotions. [ Yes i already knew i didn't do anything because i knew you were just wearing a mask of happiness but deep down you were suppressing your pain. You didn't want to recognise your parents in this life subconsciously to avoid dealing with your pain. Since you reincarnated you talked many times about enjoying life but you never did. You were just keeping yourself busy with practice, cultivation and fighting. I am not denying that you had happy moments in this life but instead of cherishing them you used them to suppress your pain]. Nero stayed silent as he knew that Aria was right.

" I am sorry Aria even though i made you in thought of my mom's wish for a daughter but i never listened to you and blamed myself. I know now that trying to forget and suppress the pain was never the solution. It is a part of my life, overcoming and living a happy life is what i should have focused on. So please try to bear with me i will try to become worthy of called The Alpha and The Omega " Nero said to Aria with a new sharp look in his face at the same time a sharp sword intent erupted from Nero making him completely master phase 1 of Vergil's Legacy. Iblis also emerged from the spirit ring and gave Nero a hug to show his loyalty and support.

[ You better do iff yoouuu doonntt ii wwiiill jjuusst hhave to bbeeaatt yyouu] Aria threatened Nero in an emotional tone and almost cried at the end.

" Of course you will hahahaha! " Nero went to sleep laughing perhaps his most peaceful sleep in a long time.


This was a chapter focused on Nero's character growth. I hope that no one thinks i am spreading negative emotions, depression and all that. This is how i overcame my negative emotions so please don't think too much.

Nero's parents death was part of the story but the real motive was to express that parents always love their son or daughter and will always think good for themits just sometime due to other people's influence they can't communicate well.

If i wrote something which hurts someone then i am truly sorry i just expressed my personal opinion.