
Chapter 133

"One hundred percent is very high, so what are you losing." Qiu Bai, who was standing with Huo Yuhao, looked at Wang Dong and said to him.

"You didn't make a bet with Dai Huabin, what are you talking about here!" Wang Dong said angrily.

"Is it my fault? I'm so strong, he doesn't dare to bet with me. " Qiu Bai spread his hands and looked helpless.

"Fuck, you owe it too much, but I have no way to refute it." Wang Dong gnashing teeth looked at Qiu Bai and said.

After Wang Dong, the next person is Dai Huabin who bet with Huo Yuhao, and like Wang Dong, Dai Huabin also chooses 1,000 Year Soul Beast. Dai Huabin's opponent is a 1,000 Years wind tiger. Different from Wang Dong's elegant plan's fighting style, Dai Huabin chooses to meet force with force directly with the wind tiger, and even the oncoming wind blade attack of the wind tiger is not used directly with the body. He resisted hard, and finally killed Fenghu with the strength of oneself. When he came off , the whole person had turned into a blood man, looking very terrifying. In the end, Dai Huabin's score reached 145 points, which is very close to a perfect score.

Dai Huabin came back to Zhu Lu, raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, pointed at Huo Yuhao, and said in a low voice, "It's your turn!"

Huo Yuhao also looked at Dai calmly Huabin's eyes were calm and even a little cold, and the two of them looked at each other without letting go.

"Don't stare, it's me next, don't cut in the queue." Qiu Bai passed between the two of them out of time, and the tension between the two was instantly broken by him. Dai Huabin also put down his hand, and Huo Yuhao also put his eyes on the beast arena. Originally, Qiu Bai was still going to be ranked at the back as last time, but Zhou Yi said that the top students with higher spírit power should set an example for other students. In the end, he was placed in the third place.

"Oh, is this kid next? " Yan Shaozhe's eyes lit up when he saw Qiu Bai playing.

"Dean, he was Rank 40 before the holiday, but he declined the award of the academy freshman assessment, and did not let the martial spirit …

Chapter 133 Bloodfiend Dragon Ape (p. 1/4),. Help him get the spirit ring." Du Weilun reported to Yan Shaozhe.

"Why, he said that the Academy only said that the reward can be used when there is a need for the spirit ring, but did not say which spirit ring, he hopes to use this spirit ring on his fifth spirit ring." Du Weilun explained.

"This kid has some scheming, but it's nothing at worst, just a spirit ring of about 10,000 years and nothing, so this kid's talent will enter the inner court sooner or later." Yan Shaozhe smiled slightly.

"Inner court? Dean, didn't you say he might have something to do with Body Sect, this…" Du Weilun asked with some doubts.

"Cough, I've checked this, this kid should have nothing to do with Body Sect, after all, no one would send such a genius discíple to do that kind of thing." Yan Shaozhe said with a cough.

"By the way , Weilun, the strongest one in Soul Beast to choose for this kid later." Yan Shaozhe said to Du Weilun after a short pause.

"Ah, Dean, this…" Du Weilun didn't quite understand what he said.

"Don' t talk nonsense, just do it." Yan Shaozhe said with one mouthful, ignoring Du Weilun.

"Yes." Du Weilun could only agree after hearing what Dean said.

"2nd Year Class 1, Qiu Bai." Qiu Bai's common name was calm, "I choose 1,000 Year Soul Beast." Before the referee could speak, Qiu Bai directly told him his choice.

The animal enclosure opened, and a deep roar and heavy footsteps came from inside. Qiu Bai was also a little surprised to feel the breath inside. This breath was comparable to the 1,000 Year Soul of Wang Dong and Dai Huabin. Beast is way too strong. It stands to reason that the two Soul Beasts that appeared just now are already among the best in the level of 1,000 Year Soul Beast,

and the one I have to face now is more powerful than the two Soul Beasts just in terms of the aura they exude. Beast is much stronger.

As the footsteps became louder and louder, a huge silhouette emerged from the animal enclosure and appeared in the eyes of everyone. This is a giant ape that is a few laps bigger than the Bloodlust demon bear that Wang Dong fought against just now. The giant ape is all black. The hair on his body is erect like a hard steel needle, and the icy metallic luster is flowing on the surface of his body, as if he is moving casually. Destruction in one click…

Chapter 133 Bloodfiend Dragon Ape (page 2/4),. Destructive power. The face of giant ape is extremely ferocious, and, at the position of its forehead, there is a sharp Black Horn sticking out.

Qiu Bai also saw this Soul Beast for the first time, so he swept it with a system observe.

Name: Bloodfiend Dragon Ape

Type: Variant

Year: 1037 Years

Detailed Explanation: An extremely rare variant of Bloodfiend Ape. The Bloodfiend Ape is an ape that likes to devour the flesh of the Soul Beast. The Bloodfiend Dragon Ape is a mutation of the Bloodfiend Ape that devours the dragon bloodline. Its probability is very low , less than 1 in 10,000. The mutated Bloodfiend Dragon Ape was affected by the dragon bloodline, the original blood-colored fur became black, and a dragon horn grew on its head, and its attack was extremely powerful. At present, the Bloodfiend Dragon Ape of 1,000 Years, its combat capability is close to the six or seven 1,000 Year Soul Beast.

"Fuck you, Academy is targeting me." Qiu Bai couldn't help complaining after reading Bloodfiend Dragon Ape's profile.

"The two people before Wei Mao are normal 1,000 Year Soul Beast, to me this is such a guy." Looking at the huge black silhouette not far away, Qiu Bai roared in his heart.

Not only Qiu Bai was surprised, but the teachers around the venue were also quite shocked. As Shrek's teachers, they were quite familiar with Soul Beast, and they immediately recognized Bloodfiend Dragon Ape.

"It turned out to be Bloodfiend Dragon Ape, there is such a ferocious guy in didn't expect Academy's 1,000 Year Soul Beast." Looking at the huge black dragon ape on the beast arena, Zhou Yi couldn't help being shocked.

"Teacher Zhou, this Soul Beast seems to be stronger than the 1,000 Year Soul Beast I've seen before, what kind of Soul Beast is this?" Huo Yuhao asked Zhou Yi after hearing Zhou Yi's words.

Hearing Huo Yuhao's question, Zhou Yi also turned around and said to Huo Yuhao and other students.

"The name of the Soul Beast on the field now is Bloodfiend Dragon Ape, which is a very ferocious Soul Beast mutant named Bloodfiend Ape, whose strength and combat capability are quite terrifying. Although this year on the field is now It's only about a thousand years, but in terms of battle power, it is enough to compare with the average 6,000-7,000 Year Soul Beast."

"Is it so strong? …

Chapter 133 Bloodfiend Dragon Ape (page 3/4). Isn't the Soul Beast given to Qiu Bai a little too much by academy assessment." After Zhou Yi explained, Wang Dong said loudly to him arrive.

The other students around were also shocked. Although they saw that this Soul Beast was stronger than the previous two, Zhou Yi said that this Soul Beast was obviously too strong. Even a 500-600 Year Soul Beast might find it difficult to deal with, but Qiu Bai's battle power is directly comparable to a 6,000-7,000 Year Soul Beast. At this time, including Wang Dong, Lan Susu, Lan Luoluo, Han Ling and other people who usually have a good relationship with Qiu Bai showed worried expressions.