
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Komik
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23 Chs

Chapter 2: Spirit Ring

Zhu Tianmeng arrived at the student dorm in the afternoon,his dorm room was number 69, starting tomorrow he will live alone

For the past 6 years, Zhu Yi And Fan Yu took care of him, they teached him everything they know, and also told him that he was an orphan, when Zhu Yi picked him uo there was only a letter with his name Zhu Tianmeng and spatial ring with him

Now thay he remembered his spirit ring he quickly injected some of his soul power in the ring but he still cant see the things inside it, after a while he surrendered and he stood up and started to prepare something too eat

His Big Sister Zhu Yi thought him how to cook and how to do chores so everything is easy to him, he was happilly choping some vegatbles when he heard a loud explosion, with his surprise he accidentallh chopped his finger and the blood dropped on the ring on his finger

The ring suddenly lit up but after a while the lighg vanished when Tianmeng injected some of his soul power inside the ring he was surprised when he suddenly can see the things inside, the ring only needed his blood to open up

He took out everything that the ring have and when he is finished there are 3 scrolls, 3 boxes and 3 bottles of pills and a small black bag a total of 10 items

Tianmeng looked at the two scrolls,they are shiny and they look like they are new, the title of the two books are Average Sword Arts and the other is Trickster's Spatial Steps the other scrolls has a message for him

'If you are reading this then congratulations and Happy 6th birthday to you my baby boy, father and mother cant meet with you right now because its currently dangerous here, the items stored on this ring are our gift to you, were very sorry that you have to live alone but I promise you that as soon as the problem is solved we will immidiatelly take you home

The names of the items inside this rings are, the blue bottle have 30 pieces of Celestial Pill be sure go eat one of them every day for 30 days, the green bottle have 24 pieces of Immortal Immolation Pills take one of them every month until you finish them all,only eat this pills after you finished eating the celestial pills, the red bottle have 10 pieces of Grand Mist Origin Pills, this Pills are precious so eat them before you absorb a spirit ring

The smallest box contains a pendant that mother made for you,you should always use it, it will bring you protection and luck, the black long box have a Torso/Body spirit bone inside, only fuse with it if you have 3 spirit rings, the red colored box is the most important one out of the three boxes, that is your father's gift to you its a skull spirit bone, remember that you should only fuse this spirit bone after you have 7 spirit rings and you consumed all of the pills if not then your body will explode

As for the two scrolls those scrolls are your father sword arts and my movement techniques if you are as good as your father and mother then you will be a terrifying assault agility type Spirit master if you mastered this two scrolls, also your father really have a weird hobby about naming his skills,dont worry too much about the name of the sword art, if this is an average sword art then all of the sword art in the world are trashes

The black bag have some things that are very precious inside, if you need something you can check the contents of the bag

Also you must not train too hard and always remember to take a good care of yourself, eat 3 times a day and dont be a playboy if you become a playboy then I will beat you up when we met,also dont you dare sell any of the items inside the ring, even they are yours now selling them will get you in trouble also dont show them to anyone, take a good care of the ring

If you suddenly miss us there is a statue of us somewhere in the Shrek academy

I love you

- Mother'

'So mother and father graduated here at shrek too and whats more they have their very own statue' Tianmeng said in his mind, he was not angry at all at his mother and father

He really wants to know just what is happening and where are his parents now, he will ask Great Elder about this when they meet again

After that Tianmeng took the blue bottle and he took out one pill and ate it, it had a sweet taste and he can feel the energy entering his body, he took the small box and he opened it, he saw a black necklace with a gold circle pendant on it

The pendant have drawings on it, a man with twelve wings on his back is hugging a lady with a long hair the lady is carrying a baby on her arms

Tianmeng wore the necklace who magically adjusted itself on his neck, and he felt a warm feeling from his heart, after a while he shook his head and he continued to prepare his food, he clearly forgot the explosion that happened inside the dorm

After he finished eating he remembered what great elder said to him, he needed to be a level 30 or higher before he reach 12 years old or else Shrek Academy wont accept him, right now he was just a freeloader here at the academy

He quickly took out a pen and paper to write his training menu everyday, after that he tidied up his room and he started to read the scrolls

It was almost dark when he finished reading the Average Sword arts and if the book is not exagerating then this Sword Arts are the real deal, Tianmeng was so excited that he almost cant sleep through the night

The next day

Tianmeng prepared everything early, before the sun comes up he was already heading out of Shrek City, and After a few hours of walking he reached the Xingduo Forest, he took out a map that have a X mark on it north part

"Xuan Lao said that there are Ice type Beast on the north, but I have to run around the forest and not go to the center part, it will take me two days to reach that far" Tianmeng said as he closed his map and he continued to walk in the edge of the forest

After travelling for the whole day, Tianmeng searched for a safe spot, he found a big tree and he checked of there is a nest around when he found nothing he sat down an a branch and he started to sleep, luckily nothing happened that night

The next morning Tianmeng quickly hunted for food he camped next to the river he took a bath first then he catch some fishes that he ate for breakfast

After that he continued heading north, and before dark he finally arrived at his destination, the ground and trees around the area started to change until the ground became all white the north part of the Xingdou forest is a frozen land

Tianmeng decided to rest first and hunt tomorrow he took out his thick jacket and wore it the night was called but nothing happened the beast activity here are a lot lower from the other part of the forest

Tianmeng was awoken by a sound of crushing trees, he quickly stood up and stored his blanket then he climbed a tree to see what is happening

Tianmeng saw a two beast fighting each other, one is a 450 years old Ice Devil Titan, and the other is a 400 years old Ice Claw bear, the two beast are both tall but the Ice Devil Titan is massive it was atleast 5 meters tall

The fight between the the beast was savage but in the end the Ice Devil Titan won the fight and the only injury it got is a scratch on its face

Tianmeng grabbed a long sword, he was ready to attack this Ice Devil Titan anytime, the Ice Devil Titan walked and it sat down near the corpse of the Ice Claw Bear and started to eat it

Tianmeng quickly dashed towards it

"Silent steps!"

"Sword Stab" he said as he stabbed the back of the Ice Devil Titan, the beast was shocked and hurt it immidiatelly attacked its surrounding, a big wound can be seen in the right side chest of the Ice Devil Titan

"My attack was off a few inches to the left" Tianmeng said as he retreated back, he hid for a moment while he was watching the Ice Devil Titan got tired

After a few minutes of trashing the ground, it finally started to slow down, Tianmeng striked again using his short sword this time he aimed at the neck of the Beast

"Sword Slash!" The head of the Ice Devil Titan fell into the ground then its big body slammed on the ground

"Yes!!!" Tianmeng said, this is first ever kill afterall a yellow spirit ring came out but before he started to absorb it he hid first and consumed one of the

Grand Mist Pill after that he sat down and summoned his sword and started to absorb the spirit ring

It took him 6 hours to absorb the spirit ring when he wakes up its already noon, Tianmeng stretched his arms and he felt refreshed, after thag he took one green pill and he stood up and summoned his sword to look and see what is his first spirit skill but he was surprised when he saw the spirit halo on the sword, the spirit halo was not yellow it was color black