
Douluo Dalu (DD 1): Seraph Of Hope And Light

If there was anybody to blame for half the tragedies that occur in Douluo Dalu, it would be Qian Xunji. A hard working and honest man gets transmigrated into the evil mentor of Bibi Dong. He never asked to be transmigrated. He didn't want all this power. All he wanted was a warm home, a loving family and friends. A new Seraphim rises from the ashes of the old, and they always did tell, 'What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.' ------------ Also, this is gonna be realistic, well, as realistic as a fantasy/kind-of Xianxia world can be. So no 3 year old Titled Douluo for you guys. No Pokemon harems. I'd like to think I've grown from before writing my first few fanfics, so this one is gonna be pretty different from the first few I wrote, which, now that I look back at are almost wish fulfillment. He's just a hardworking and honest guy trying to do his best. However, I'll probably be including a system, but like I said, it's gonna be realistic, so the system is not gonna be there just for the sake of overpowering the MC, it'll have it's role in the plot. It's gonna be a pretty unique at that... I hope. Also uploaded on fanfiction.net under the name IWannaImprove. ----------- Also, I don't own Douluo Dalu or any of it's versions. They belong to Tang Jia San Shao. I also don't own any elements from other works (animes, books, etc) which may or may not appear in my story. All images (if) uploaded in the novel do not belong to me. I am not an artist. They belong to their respective artists, if you wish to remove them please text me, I will do so.

Yug_Oswal · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Oh my God! Now it's Harry Potter?!


Hey guys, sorry for the relatively shorter chapter. I was going to make it longer, but I found out I really didn't have the time do so and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging for a very long time. While this chapter may have been written in a hurry, I hope you guys like it all the same.

Also, the updates may be very slow for a while, or I might not even post. Webnovel has recently announced a Fantasy Carnival Writing Contest, and a lot of my time will be going into it's preparation. I wanted to really try my hand at writing, and I thought that this might be one of the best opportunities I could get. I know this looks very bad since I just started the fanfic, but I most likely won't drop it since I have the future arcs and chapter plans already typed out.

Sorry again guys.




Douluo Dalu: Seraph Of Hope And Light


Chapter 4: Oh my God! Now it's Harry Potter?!


[You have awakened the HP System]

Qian Xunji stared. He blinked. He blinked again. He waved his hand through the screen. It went through it. He really needed to stop getting jumped all the time. His life was plenty of troubles as it is without adding a system into the mix. Whatever, he was too exhausted to deal with this. He shook his head, and turned to look and focus elsewhere. But-

His head swiveled back so quickly that it would seem his neck might snap. The floating gold page in white borders stayed in front of him. The system notification hadn't disappeared. Qian Xunji despaired.

'Oh my God! Now it's Harry Potter?!' thought Qian Xunji.


[You have awakened the Hard Work Points system]

Qian Xunji's lips twitched. He would have almost felt embarrassed had it not been the system's mistake. Clearly, it was capable of reading his thoughts. It also seemed sentient enough to understand them. So... here goes nothing-

Status, Stats, Menu, Character Page... Open.

Qian Xunji felt his cheeks redden. He almost felt like he was a kid all over again. The system could read his mind, right? Then why did it not do what he wanted it to do? Regardless of his embarrassment, he forged on. So, he spent some time rapidly going through commands which he thought would work. It was when he was finally about to give up did something happen-


[HP: 500]


[System on Standby Mode]

He had said 'points.' Qian Xunji mulled it over in his head. HP would mean Hard Work Points, of course. Also, although the system did not come with a manual, it was obvious to him what the methods of accumulating HP were. The system had appeared right after he had awakened Excalibur. However, what he also realized was that the system was like a program. It gave specific outputs for specific inputs. It wasn't sentient like he thought it was. He narrowed his eyes. He didn't know the motive of the system, nor all it's functions and what it was capable of.

Also, if the system was like a program, the one who had designed it had played a prank on him- It knew what output to give when he accidentally identified it as the Harry Potter System. He didn't know that if this unknown person with unknown strength having a playful nature was good or not, regardless of what their intentions might be.

Regardless, he thought of taking a wait and see approach. He wouldn't take any power or help from the system until he was sure of what it really was. He went back to exploring it's functions then.

Right. Since it was something like a program, he figured giving commands like those in programming would help. He was quite happy. Having studied in one of the best intsitutions in his country, he was quite adept at programming.

So, he tried everything from command help, man command, and so on to import command memory... He finally got the system to react at 'man Operation.' It was a command he had learnt of while trying to learn how to use the Linux OS.





[System on Standby Mode]

'What?!' though Qian Xunji after taking a look at the screens in front of him. The only operation available was points? Was it because the System was on Standby Mode? He thought there would be something like a shop or a gacha since he was supposedly earning 'points' for working hard. Instead, he's got a system that only shows his points. It seemed the system was more tricky than he thought. No matter. He was willing to spend time to explore the sytem and activate all it's functions.

For now, he had a ceremony to complete. He looked to his right, where his father was standing. Qian Daoliu was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't even noticed the actions of his son. He had closed his eyes and gone into meditation, to calm himself and collect his thoughts. This was a practice very few people did. Qian Xunji had started meditating to become more self-aware due to the influence of his father. His father had taught him to maintain his calm and composure in all kinds of situations through this unique meditation.

At the end of the day, he was the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall and had to maintain some sense of decorum and dignity. They had to take care of their 'face.'

"You've taken upon quite a big burden Qian Xunji. Are you sure you'll be strong enough to uphold it?" Qian Daoliu opened his eyes and spoke with the same composure that he was known to possess.

Qian Xunji gave a curt nod. Qian Daoliu sighed tiredly before he got up.

"I'm sorry. I suppose that was insensitive of me. To question your determination at this point would instead seem like demeaning it." Qian Daoliu gave a minute incline of his head.

Qian Xunji's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No, it is only natural that the parents worry about their children, regardless of how much they've grown. So, I do not fault you for acting upon such worries, father."

Qian Daoliu smiled, a rare and genuine smile. "You were always mature for your age."

Qian Xunji lips curved into a faint smile. They both stayed like that for several seconds in the peace and quiet of the Spirit Temple. They had both been drained of their energy after the exhausting, yet exhilarating ordeal they had gone through. However, they had duties to follow, and the both of them knew it.

"I suppose we'll have to head towards the Douluo Palace. However, father..." Qian Xunji trailed off, knowing his father would pick up.

"We shall display both your Martial Spirits, even 'Excalibur.' It most likely will put a target on your back, however, that is something to be taken care of when outside only. No man would dare to attack the abode of a Limit Douluo to claim the life of his son," explained Qian Daoliu.

"I see." Qian Xunji nodded. Qian Xunji's mind raced as he considered the advantages, implications and consequences of this choice.

"You wish for me to gain more influence with Spirit Masters? With the backing of the Spirit Hall I can become a top powerhouse- the Spirit Hall's influence will increase and we'll have an increased influx of Spirit Masters and so much more..." Qian Xunji deemed this choice the better one, and it's value in his mind kept increasing the more he thought about it's advantages.

"Very well, let us make haste. We have spent enough time as it is." Qian Xunji nodded in response. However, before they left, they made sure to tidy their ruffled dresses and ensured that they were in their best presentation. Once they deemed that their extravagant traditional robes were alright, they moved with swift strides in the direction of the Douluo Palace.

Qian Xunji took deep breaths as he walked. The choice he chose would have dangerous consequences and he might very well lose his life. This was completely different from the life he had lived and it wasn't easy to pick the path he had taken. However, Qian Xunji was sure he would choose this path again despite the dangers that came with it.

To hide your strength to prevent troublesome issues was fine. However...

Nothing ever worth achieving was easy.

For him, it was especially so. His dream and ambition were huge, and to achieve them, he was willing to go through the trouble and ordeals that came with his choice. Today was the first step of the many he would take in the world of cultivation, and today... he would make sure that this first footstep of his would be unforgettable.

Today, Qian Xunji would show the world there existed an irrepressible and inextinguishable light in the Spirit Hall.

Today, he would show those that stood before the Spirit Hall and by extension, the continent, that the Seraph of the Spirit Hall's light had never burned brighter.

So... he stepped forth, into the Douluo Palace and onto his first stage.

-Douluo Palace-

At the end of the Douluo Palace lied a big arena, one capable of housing numerous people, and it was here that the Holy Son was supposed to appear. The arena was occupied by all manner of people, however, a majority of them were Spirit Masters. The Spirit Masters who had the symbol of the Spirit Hall on their chests, had puffed their chest in pride, stayed in small groups and talked in hushed voices. A large number of the people that stood here were unaffiliated Spirit Masters.

In this era, being a lone Spirit Master was extremely dangerous and mostly disadvantageous. It was the time when the Grandmaster's theories had not been published, and death during cultivation was not uncommon. Having a force or faction backing you was one of the best things one could wish for. Not only could one form reliable and trustworthy teams, they could also get bountiful information on cultivation. The advantages of joining a faction were far too attractive for people to even think about rejecting such an offer, should it be made.

Regardless, the city of Wuhun (Martial Spirit/Soul) was now teeming with such lone cultivators and many more who wished to witness the awakening of the Divine Grade Martial Spirit and maybe benefit by doing so. At the end of the day, the fame of this Spirit was legendary, it had played a big part in helping Qian Daoliu attain the title of 'The Invincible of The Sky.' To be able to witness such a Spirit was almost considered a boon.

"The Supreme Elder and The Holy Son have arrived!" announced the herald standing at the forefront of the Spirit Hall Spirit Masters in the arena.

As soon as the announcement was made, the hushed talks and even the smallest of whispers couldn't be heard. Nobody wanted to spoil such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and nobody would risk offending the Spirit Hall to do so either.

Out of the grand entrance, which was set up exclusively to receive the Supreme Elder and the Holy Son, walked two individuals, their graceful and measured steps creating soft echoes as they walked on the red velvet carpet laid out for them. They had adorned two magnificent white robes. The pristine white robes made them seem holy, and they had the emblem of a Seraphim on one side and the Spirit Hall on the other. The small linings of gold at the cuff of their sleeves, on their hips and on the collar around their neck, were simple yet extravagant.

Anyone with an appraising eye could tell that the cloth of these robes, and the gold embedded in it, were of a far higher quality than they could even think of buying.

One by one, the Spirit Masters of the Spirit Hall bowed as they gazed upon the forms of the Holy Son and the Supreme Elder. The Holy Son and his father had seemingly similar facial features, although the Holy Son's face was much younger and hadn't yet lost it's baby fat. Despite that, his surging golden eyes- one of the only things his features had different from his father's- showed a depth and maturity to them that no other child his age had. The other Spirit Masters, regardless of origin, also at the very least inclined their heads at the duo as they appeared.

Qian Daoliu was a Limit Douluo, one of the two strongest people on the continent. In the world of Spirit Masters, everyone had to treat him with respect regardless of their age. While it could be easily mistaken that these people had also bowed to the Holy Son, it was ultimately, a mistake. While there were definitely those who would shower him with respect, the truly strong Spirit Masters had their own pride. They would respect Qian Daoliu, but even the name of the Spirit Hall would not make them bow. What they respected was strength, and only that hard earned strength could make them respect him.

Qian Xunji and Qian Daoliu, flocked on their left and right by Spirit Masters from the Spirit Hall, came to the centre, in front of the crowd which had gathered. Qian Daoliu stepped up and addressed the gathering.

"Today is an auspicious day. My son, Qian Xunji, marked by the blessing of the Angel God and successor to the Spirit Hall, has successfully completed his awakening ceremony." Qian Daoliu stopped. While there were certainly those who wanted to cheer and applaud or communicate in some way or form, this was a Limit Douluo. To open their mouths and speak when he was giving a speech was considered disrespectful, and nobody wanted to offend a Limit Douluo.

Qian Daoliu's pause had successfully built up some dramatic tension in the crowd.

"However, something unexpected occurred during the awakening ceremony of my son," a pause, "however, this surprise was not unwelcome."

"Instead, today couldn't be any more auspicious. For today... The Holy Son has awakened Twin Martial Spirits."