
Douluo Dalu (DD 1): Seraph Of Hope And Light

If there was anybody to blame for half the tragedies that occur in Douluo Dalu, it would be Qian Xunji. A hard working and honest man gets transmigrated into the evil mentor of Bibi Dong. He never asked to be transmigrated. He didn't want all this power. All he wanted was a warm home, a loving family and friends. A new Seraphim rises from the ashes of the old, and they always did tell, 'What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.' ------------ Also, this is gonna be realistic, well, as realistic as a fantasy/kind-of Xianxia world can be. So no 3 year old Titled Douluo for you guys. No Pokemon harems. I'd like to think I've grown from before writing my first few fanfics, so this one is gonna be pretty different from the first few I wrote, which, now that I look back at are almost wish fulfillment. He's just a hardworking and honest guy trying to do his best. However, I'll probably be including a system, but like I said, it's gonna be realistic, so the system is not gonna be there just for the sake of overpowering the MC, it'll have it's role in the plot. It's gonna be a pretty unique at that... I hope. Also uploaded on fanfiction.net under the name IWannaImprove. ----------- Also, I don't own Douluo Dalu or any of it's versions. They belong to Tang Jia San Shao. I also don't own any elements from other works (animes, books, etc) which may or may not appear in my story. All images (if) uploaded in the novel do not belong to me. I am not an artist. They belong to their respective artists, if you wish to remove them please text me, I will do so.

Yug_Oswal · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Seraph's Anomaly


Whew! This was one long chapter! I'm exhausted. Just a heads up that I might not be posting for a few more days. It takes me about 2-3 days to get 1 chapter done since I am mainly focused on my studies and coding. So don't go expecting an update everyday and I'd say that the length of this chapter more than made up for it.


So I've seen a few comments. They questioned the idea of the MC (Qian Xunji) being a skilled musician at only 4 years old. Also, the fact that he was much too knowledgeable and autonomous for a kid his age.

Ans: I'd like to point out the fact that we're only about 2 chapters in. I'd like for you guys to wait at least a few more chapters before you start questioning plotholes n stuff. For example, this chapter elaborated a bit on his 'exercises' and his knowledge (he has mentors to teach him, also he's the heir to one of the top factions of the Douluo continent- their book archive would be vast). Also, I just mentioned that he's a skilled musician, didn't say he was Beethoven reborn. It meant he was more talented than others and as such, more skilled than others his age.

Queries regarding him even being able to hold a harp being only 4 years old- this is a cultivation world where kids start training in deadly martial arts at the age of 6. I don't think you can expect them to have physical characteristics similar to kids on Earth, especially from someone as special as Qian Xunji. So, there are stuff like these which I can't explain in the comments without really spoiling some stuff, so I'd like it if you guys could wait before you start up on the questions, there are still so many characters, events and plots to introduce (which might end up clearing some of the questions you have).

Regardless, I would like it if you guys still comment on any questions you might have even after waiting out a few chapters. It'll help me identify my flaws and any problems with my book. I'm writing so that I can improve after all.

Author-san out!



Douluo Dalu: Seraph Of Hope And Light


Chapter 2: The Seraph's Anomaly

(Qian Daoliu POV)

This world is unpredictable. This was a phrase I had often heard after stepping into the world of cultivation. I had experienced it too. It was natural for me to have experiences surpassing those of others. While my greater strength was a reason, my longer life- greater age- was also a reason behind the numerous events I had seen and learnt from.

Yet... I found my life changing with only one 'Divine Intervention.' The 'Divine Intervention,' my son, was a novel thing from a young age. He had brought me many surprises, and I could see that he would continue to do so. I felt fulfilled and happy with our talks. Qian Xunji had a head of fresh and unorthodox ideas that he put to great use.

His perspective and principles were also quite different from other kids his age. Sometimes, I found myself worrying about it. To not have ambition was alright, but his position in life was different than most, and even then, not having ambition was generally seen as a sign of weakness among the ones more dedicated to the art of cultivation. However, from his progress and effort, these worries of mine would probably not come to fruition. After all, he would most likely have the strength to live the kind of life he wanted to live.

"So... it's tomorrow," Qian Xunji breathed, his bright golden eyes glinting a bit as he shifted uneasily.

I gave a small smile at that. Sometimes, Qian Xunji, for all his maturity, could worry over the strangest of things like other kids his age. While nervousness was certainly something to be expected from all children- who were to awaken their Martial Spirit- over their awakening, his circumstances were much different.

Being a member of the Qian Clan should have all but confirmed his Martial Spirit being one of the best, if his physical ability reaching the Rank of Spirit Master even before his awakening ceremony didn't confirm it. What a spectacle that was- when he first displayed a physique comparable to those of Spirit Masters.

I knew his 'exercises' were quite effective, having confirmed it myself, but it looked like my son was a lot more capable than I first thought. His growth due to these exercises, should have increased exponentially, and only then could he have achieved a physique he was able to display. After all, tempering the body was much different than cultivation, and sometimes, much more difficult, if not complex.

I gave a nod, and smiled, "It is."

"We'll meet at the Spirit Temple tomorrow, then," Qian Xunji half-asked. I could feel my smile getting a tad bit wider. It seemed he was more worried than I thought he was, but he would do well, and I'm sure of it.

"Yes, it's going to be just us. After the ceremony is over, you are to display the Seraphim Spirit before the members who are to await you at the Douluo Palace," I lifted my head, to look at the majestic Seraphim statue- that symbolized the Qian Angel Clan -that stood at the center, "After all, while our Spirits and their origins are not secrets, it is still necessary to follow traditions."

I could feel my son nod his head beside me.

"It's time for your training, it would seem," I said as I felt the presence Lin Xuehua at the entrance of the Spirit Temple, waiting for my son. My son nodded his head, bowed to the statue, then me, and left without saying another word. He was always strict about following his 'Time Table.'

However, even if I wasn't worried much about his results tomorrow-

"You'll do well tomorrow, I'm sure." I could see my son pause in his steps for a few seconds, then continue walking. Even if he didn't give me a reply, I could see his back set just a little bit straighter than before as he walked. There, that should be enough...

I smiled, and walked to pedestal below the statue, ready to complete my prayers for the day.

(Narrator's POV)

"You're almost late," teased Lin Xuehua as soon as the Holy Son came out. While not many would dare to tease the Holy Son, Lin Xuehua was allowed quite some leniency in speaking to him since she was the one who had taken care of him the most from when he was a small child.

"Almost." Qian Xunji rolled his eyes. She knew that the Douluo Palace was quite a bit further from the Spirit Temple. After all, one had to through the Supreme Pontiff Palace to come to Douluo Palace from the Spirit Temple, both of which were pretty big.

"Alright, alright. I won't tease you any longer... let's go, I'll help you do the 'thrashing you give yourself' you call 'exercise.'" Lin Xuehua, turned on her heels and took swift steps towards the Holy Son's usual training grounds, a small pout on her mouth as she did so.

Qian Xunji followed after her, noticing the small pout on her mouth but not saying anything about it. She was a bit overprotective of him, after all, she had taken care of him since he was a weak little kid. Despite that, he was sure she would get used to it. Ultimately, he had grown since then.

With these thoughts in mind, Qian Xunji picked up his pace, now walking side by side with Lin Xuehua. Soon enough, they were at the grounds. Qian Xunji removed his robes, leaving only a single brown vest and pants.

"As always, you have no sense for dressing." Lin Xuehua shook her head.

"It's practical," Qian Xunji responded before unbuckled the last part holding together his robe, placed it carefully some distance away from the ground and walked to his personal training grounds.

As soon as he stepped onto the grounds, he pushed all his distracting thoughts to the back of his mind. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths as he swiftly composed himself. He took another wide step forward and stopped, twisting his waist, he squatted as he made sure to point both his toes in the direction he was facing. And then...

He started.

He moved and weaved as though facing unknown obstacles and enemies. Soon, some time later, he moved on to the next set. He performed much more complicated footwork now, trying and making sure to place his feet perfectly on the ground after a jump, so as to be on his toes for another maneuver.

"There! The essence of the Floating Cloud Steps lies in making use of the momentum of previous motions to smoothly transition into the next. Make sure you get it right," advised Lin Xuehua from the side. She had taught him a lot, in fact, most of what he knew about about footwork was driven into him by her. She was a Spirit Master of the Auxiliary System, having the White Lotus Martial Spirit and as such, had to train her footwork a lot.

While the 'Floating Cloud Steps' and the 'Vajra Fists'- the arts he used to train his physical body- weren't anything 'heaven-defying,' he had managed to make the most of them by taking advantage of his inexistent block of Spirit Rank 10- he was already Spirit Rank 20- and the free time he had before he would start cultivating after awakening his Martial Spirit.

At the end of the day, not many people focused on training their bodies and there were limited options of arts-those which help in physical training- for him to choose from. However, he had managed to make the most of his time even if he hadn't received a substantial increase in power, which he was grateful for.

"There's that hesitation again! You have to drop swiftly!" Lin Xuehua shouted, a frown on her face as she evaluated Qian Xunji's mastery over the arts he had trained in, again. The boy was a martial genius, of that she had no doubt. However, there were times in between steps where he hesitated, as though unused to making such risky maneuvers, it was often seen in those who started practicing martial arts late, when their muscle memory had already started building up. They would then hesitate, unused to, and unsure of making difficult maneuvers such as the one Qian Xunji was displaying.

Qian Xunji nodded, gritting his teeth, a bit frustrated at his inability to correct this error of his. He was going to get it right this time, he vowed. As he transitioned into a pose required of him in the air, he made sure to arch his back just the right amount and that he was able to have a clear view of the ground. He twisted his body, hips first, legs coming in a bit behind underneath him. He tensed his legs as he anticipated them touching the ground- and used that moment to quickly spring back without looking at the ground. It was seamless, and he was satisfied. He had finally dealt with one of the issues he had in his martial practice.

"Good! Keep it up," encouraged Lin Xuehua from the side, a smile on her lips as she did so. He had gotten better again, it seemed. Honestly, she thought it was his best strength, regardless of any other talents he might possess. The ability to learn from your mistakes, not letting pride or ego get in the way and correctly identifying the mistake and knowing how to solve it. He was a quick learner, very quick, in fact and she would make full use of it so that he doesn't get hurt later on.

Qian Xunji nodded, not speaking lest his focus be interrupted, and... so they continued. It was an hour and a half later that they had finished up and sat side by side. Lin Xuehua was healing him, her first skill was Heal. It could cure minor and some major injuries and ailments, it also helped recover spirit power and stamina. While it was certainly versatile, it lacked a bit of punch. However, even that was enough for his minor, although not-insignificant strength, after all, he wasn't some Spirit Ancestor. He was just a Spirit Master who had yet to undergo his awakening ceremony.

"You did great today," spoke Lin Xuehua with a smile. He nodded, a smile of his own on his face as he laid down for a bit to rest. He hummed a tune as he thought of his life, he was having a lot of fun, and he hoped once again that this would last. Oh how wrong he was...

-The Next Day-

An immaculately dressed boy stood next to the pedestal below the Angel statue in the Spirit Temple. He had neatly combed, yet wavy and lustrous golden blonde hair. He was about half a head taller than 4 feet and quite tall for his age. Despite his tall height, however, he did not look lanky since his body seemed a bit built, bursting with youthful vitality. This vitality was made prominent as one looked into his beautiful, surging golden eyes. His expression was serious, which didn't mean much since he hadn't yet lost his baby fat.

"Stand on the pedestal," spoke Qian Daoliu, he seemed unusually serious today. Since today was the day when Qian Xunji awakened his Martial Spirit after all. Qian Xunji gave a faint nod, his excitement increasing a bit as he thought of the new things he would learn after today, and of the new world he would finally step into after today. He didn't show it on his face however, since this was supposed to be an important ceremony and he was expected to play his part well.

He stepped onto the pedestal, and put his hand on the blue orb. It looked enchanting, it was a deep blue, like those of deep oceans and it seemed as though it would suck you in. Qian Xunji shook his head a bit, pushing those thoughts aside as he stepped forward and put his hand on the orb. It quickly lit up, a milky white-blue light shining in it. It's intensity continued to increase and soon filled the entire orb with light.

He nodded. This was expected already. This orb was used exclusively for him, since it could withstand Spirit Power up to that of Rank 20 and although he didn't know much about this artifact, he was sure it was quite rare. He stayed there for several more seconds before he removed his hand and stepped down.

They quickly went over the rest of the ceremony, finishing with the prayers. These steps were, in truth, not necessary for the awakening, but since they were tradition, they were something the son and father would follow regardless. This was not a blind sense of duty either, it was to honor their ancestors and take responsibility as the next generation to uphold the principles of the Qian Angel Clan and make sure it's name was not lost.

Soon, the father and son were at the pedestal once more.

"So... this is it." Qian Xunji looked at his father, nervous and excited in equal amounts.

Qian Daoliu nodded. Qian Xunji stepped up on the pedestal once again, this time however, with his back to the statue of the Seraphim. Qian Daoliu stepped up on the pedestal from behind him. Qian Xunji took a deep breath, calming his nerves and making sure to give his utmost focus to the magical event that would soon occur before him and to him.

Qian Daoliu pressed his hands to Qian Xunji's back. He also started glowing with a golden aura, one that was mixed with hints of white.

Despite that, Qian Xunji didn't pay any of this any attention. He felt something warm enter him the moment Qian Daoliu started glowing. These hints of 'warmth' that he felt soon started moving and congregating at his 'Dantian.' It felt as though there was a pool of warmth in his 'Dantian.' It stayed like that for several moments before it vanished. Just as his eyes widened at the unknown situation, something stirred within him. It felt similar to when he had powered up in the darkness, except that this time it was much gentler.

Soon he felt that familiar warmth back again, now bathing his entire body with that comfortable stimulation. He felt something burst out of him, and looked back. He saw 3 pairs of pristine white wings on his back now. Surrounding him was a majestic Six-winged Seraphim that was made out of gold and white light. All was well... he smiled with relief. He felt full of power. Vitalized. It felt like his chest was bursting with energy and he was bathed in the warm glow of the Seraphim, everything was perfect-

His eyes widened, he looked at his Seraphim Spirit, at her hands specifically. They weren't clasped in prayer like they were supposed to. No, they rested just below her hips, one hand next to the other. He felt nervous, this wasn't what was supposed to happen. Was the plot changing? He hadn't watched everything, but he knew there existed some form of Godhood and those who were Gods lived in the Divine Plane. However, he wasn't sure if they could interfere in the Douluo Plane.

Was it just something that varied with each descendant then? He looked to his father then. Qian Daoliu's eyes were slightly widened as they held they sight in front of him. Qian Xunji's stomach dropped at the thought of plot and the consequences this would bring with it. He looked back at his Spirit, eyes filled white light stared back at him, as though assessing him. He looked downwards then. Those hands were clasped down, below the waist, yet they held a certain weight.

It felt as though something was something was missing. Why would his Spirit perform such an action? It almost felt as though it was resting it's hands on something. A cane, perhaps? A staff? A scale? No, they felt wrong. Unworthy even. What was it then? Hands clasped, holding something, also an action that made her seem heroic, majestic yet benevolent at the same time.

Now that he saw it clearly, her hands weren't clasped as he thought they were. There was some space in between, waiting to be filled.

'Wait,' his eyes widened, 'How did I know that?... For that matter, how did I know something was wrong? How did I know that a cane was unworthy? How did-'

"Re...c m..."

He swiveled to look around, his normally calm demeanor almost lost.

"Reach m..."

'What was this voice? Reach m...? Did it mean to say Reach me?' Somebody was clearly trying to call out to him.

All of a sudden, he felt his chest burn. He looked down, his eyes wide. However, there was nothing to be seen. Yet, the burn intensified.

'What?! Wait, this feeling...'

Qian Xunji closed his eyes, trying to remember this feeling. This felt similar, almost identical to what he had felt in the 'darkness-

As if a switch was flipped, the burn moved, intensifying several times over. He felt a current of heat flow through him in a loop- and he knew what was coming next, he had after all gone through this once, and he didn't think he would forget that pain and experience any time soon.

However, all of a sudden, it stopped. He waited, thinking the pain would come eventually. Despite that, however, nothing occurred. He opened his eyes cautiously, a bit afraid if something started hurting again. However, he blinked in shock as soon as he opened his eyes.

His normally calm demeanor had been completely lost.

His bright golden eyes were wide open, shaking and quivering. His mouth was hung open slightly. His legs were trembling and hands were shivering, despite that, he raised one arm shakily as he pointed at the 'thing' in front of him.

"Wha?... You... How?...," he choked out as he tried to form coherent sentences.

If someone from his new life had seen him now, they would have surely been shocked. To see the talented, usually calm and composed boy, a jittering and trembling mess was something nobody would have thought being possible. Yet, here he was, trembling, jittering, shivering and in disbelief. The situation was surreal and this had made the experience even more so.

What he had seen must have been frighteningly terrifying.