
Douluo Dalu: Ōtsutsuki?

Dying, he awakened in a world different from his. A world of where one could cultivate their 'soul' with some capable of reaching the rank of Godhood. The world of Douluo Dalu. There was nothing that really bothered him about his reincarnation except the fact that he had reincarnated into the body of a six-year-old GIRL! "Why?" He mumbled, reaching under his gown to search for his family jewels. Nothing ____________________ This is my First Fanfiction, and I'm writing for fun. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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34 Chs

Chapter 13: Training with Wong Su

Eye of Hypnotism; one of the names of the Sharingan due to its powerful ability to use Genjutsu through direct eye contact. Throughout the day, aside from pretending to be an adult, Wong Yazhu had also been testing this ability of the Sharingan.

She had first tested it on the chickens while feeding them. She grabbed a cock by its neck and forced it to look into her eyes when no one was around, then tried using a simple Genjutsu, making the cock see her as a wolf. She got it on her first try due to how simple it was. All she had to do was suggest the thought of 'the human holding you is a wolf' into the chicken's mind through its eyes, and her soul power would be consumed to manipulate the chicken's central nervous system and make that illusion.

However, the amount of soul power consumed scales with how many of the opponent's senses she wants to be affected, the scale of the Genjutsu, and who she uses the Genjutsu on. For example, as she found when trying it on a two-year-old baby, casting a Genjutsu on a chicken was easier than using it on a human. She assumed it was due to the difference in the spiritual sea, but she needed more tests to verify that.

Genjutsu is what she used to win against Wong Su. She suggested the thought of a tiger lunging at him with its claws outstretched, which caused him to 'see' the tiger. But what about the roar? Well, that roar was made by Wong Yazhu's mouth. If she had tried to affect Wong Su's hearing with Genjutsu, she would have failed due to how little soul power she had. That was also the reason she roared, 'Demonic Illusion: Great Tiger Claw.' Yes, it was for distraction, but it was also to put the thoughts of a 'great tiger' and 'claw' into his mind to make the Genjutsu easier to cast and consume less soul power.

She hadn't expected to use Genjutsu on her father so early on; however, she needed to. She could, in no way, win against her father without the Eye of Hypnotism. That was impossible. And she needed to be allowed to go to the hill, so she had no choice.

"When I use it, my eyes start to hurt me, and everything becomes blurry for a few minutes," Wong Yazhu explained as she sat between her parents at the dining table, the candlelight flickering in the center of the table and casting long, wavering shadows across their faces. "And if I try to use it again while my eyes are blurry, it won't work," Wong Yazhu continued, touching her eyes gently. "Like now."

Wong An reached out and cupped her daughter's cheek, peering anxiously into her eyes. "Will you go blind?" she asked, her voice laden with worry as she examined Wong Yazhu's now normal brown eyes. To her untrained eye, nothing seemed amiss, but the fear lingered. "Does it hurt?" Wong An pressed further.

Wong Yazhu nodded slightly. "It hurts a little bit, like a sting, but everything goes back to normal."

Her mother carefully opened her eyes wider with her fingers, searching for any sign of damage as Wong Su interjected, "So, when did you find out about this ability?"

"Last night, when I was sleeping, I suddenly knew about it," Wong Yazhu explained, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "It just came to me; I don't know how."

Her parents nodded, accepting her explanation since they were familiar with how spirit masters often learned about their martial soul abilities upon absorbing a spirit ring. Wong An released her daughter's face, resting her hand on her lap as she posed another question: "Then why didn't you tell us about it?"

Wong Yazhu looked down at the table, fiddling with her fingers. "Tang San said the secret to becoming a Titled Douluo is to keep all your powers a secret, even from friends and family."

Both parents exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them. They both thought the same thing: 'Tang San was a bad influence.'

Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, Wong Yazhu's voice dropped to a whisper. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, you're not," her mother quickly reassured, and her father chimed in,

"And I know I said you could go to the hill alone if you got out of the room, but I wasn't expecting that power." Wong Yazhu glared at her father, pouting slightly. He raised his hands in resignation. "But you won fair and square, so if your mother agrees, I will train you for the next three months. And when I go hunting with the guys, I can take you to further increase your skills."

Both he and Wong Yazhu glanced at the woman of the house, who sat silently, torn between the pleading eyes of her daughter and the excited eyes of her husband, who, despite trying to hide it, was also eager to train his daughter.

She sighed, then relented. "Only if you help around the house and the farm when I need you." Wong Yazhu's eyes brightened as she hugged her mother tightly, shouting, "Thank you, Mommy!"

Wong An hugged her back, a smile breaking through her concerns. "No problem," she replied warmly. "And next time I see Tang San, I will give him a stern talking to."

That was the plan, and so, for the next three months, Wong Yazhu began her physical training with her father when he was free while also helping her mother around the house and farm like she promised.

In the first two days of her training, Wong Su focused on assessing Wong Yazhu's physical capabilities. He first instructed her to sprint from their house to the spirit tree stump about 9 meters away from their house in their backyard as quickly as she could while mentally calculating her speed.

After five of those runs, with rests in between, Wong Su calculated his daughter clocked in at an impressive speed of around 6 and a half meters per second, far surpassing the average for a six-year-old girl, or a teenager, which made Wong Su mutter, "Impressive." However, she could only maintain this peak speed for about three seconds, with her average speed settling around 5.75 meters per second, still remarkably fast for her age.

As he watched his daughter sprint back from the spirit tree stump, her small frame leaning forward with her arms stretched behind her, Wong Su wondered, 'Is this the power of a spirit master?' He wondered, 'And why does she run like that?'

He observed her odd running posture, her arms trailing like wings, which she seemed to prefer, but he didn't quite approve of it. 'The first order of business is fixing her posture and how she runs,' he decided, seeing the need to correct her form for better efficiency and safety.

Wong Yazhu's stamina and strength were also tested, and while they were impressively better than the kids her age, they didn't match the exceptional nature of her speed. 'I guess we can assume she is more suited for speed than strength,' Wong Su noted as he watched her struggle with knee push-ups. 'That's good. She won't get hurt if her opponents can't touch her.'

After the test, he tried to fix her posture; however, you can't fix what isn't broken. Due to Tang San's Wind Walk Stealth Track, Wong Yazhu's walking, running, and sitting posture were immaculate, with her unique way of running only due to her need to 'have fun.'

"You can run like that 'Naruto run' or whatever you call it, but don't make it your main way of running," Wong Su instructed as he assisted his daughter's sitting toe-touch by lightly pushing down on her back. "It is highly unhelpful."

"Ok, Daddy." Wong Yazhu grunted as she struggled to touch the tip of her toe. 'Holy shit, my back will break!'

From then on, Wong Yazhu's training regimen became structured and varied. Despite his initial reservations about intense physical training due to her young age, Wong Su adjusted his approach upon realizing that spirit masters mature differently from normal humans. Wong Yazhu's physical superiority to her peers confirmed this, compelling him to prepare her rigorously to ensure her safety, especially since she was desperate to be like Tang San, who himself was an anomaly.

Her daily routine included runs, cardio (mainly jumping jacks, high knees, burpees, mountain climbers, and butt kickers), and stretching, with body workouts split into days of the week: Monday for chest started with standard push-ups, quickly progressing to include variations like wide push-ups, diamond push-ups, plyometric push-ups, and incline push-ups due to her rapid improvement.

Tuesday's back exercises included reverse snow angels, prone press, cobra pose, towel rows, and various other back exercises whose names Wong Yazhu cared little to remember, focusing instead on the techniques.

Wednesday's leg exercises incorporated squats, wall sits, pistol squats, and jump squats. Thursday was for the arms, which featured tricep dips, arm scissors, plank up-downs, all push-up variations, and reverse planks. Friday was for the core, which involved planks, Russian twists, leg raises, bicycle crunches, and mountain climbers.

Saturday was shoulder day, which included pike push-ups, arm circles, bear crawls, handstand push-ups (with assistance from Wong Su or their backyard wall), and plank to downward dog transitions.

Sunday was a rest day but still included two hours of Tai Chi with the village elders who enjoyed her presence and three hours of yoga with Wong An, activities that provided relaxation and flexibility training.

The names of these workouts weren't similar to the ones known on Earth, like 'Russian Twists,' but Wong Yazhu decided to keep using the names from Earth because they were more familiar to her.

The first month and a half of Wong Yazhu's training focused intensely on physical conditioning, pushing her body to its limits, and Wong Yazhu found her body hurting more often than not. However, the use of Tang San's Cultivation Method allowed for quicker regeneration and strengthening of her muscles. This method enabled her to endure more intensive workouts, and consequently, while her internal strength remained stable, her physical strength skyrocketed.

Throughout this period, Wong Yazhu also never ceased training her Byakugan, her Wind Walk Stealth Track, the Tang San Tough Hands Technique, and practicing the Rinne Sharingan Preparation Technique. She didn't train the Sharingan as it didn't require active practice since trauma was needed to increase its tomoe, and time constraints limited her practice of Time Dilation, the Eye of Hypnotism, and the Eye of Insight.

After the rigorous initial period, Wong Yazhu's physique had evolved to match that of an adult man, a development that terrified her parents. 'Is this the power of a spirit master?' They both watched as the early morning sunlight streamed across the training yard, illuminating the sweat on Wong Yazhu's face.

"Even I can't do it for thirty," Wong Su murmured to his wife as they observed Wong Yazhu executing her 40th handstand push-up with flawless form, her elbows bent at precisely 90 degrees, and no assistance.

"She weighs less," Wong An replied, her voice laced with concern as their daughter strained to complete her 43rd push-up.

"That doesn't matter," Wong Su countered quietly. "This is genuinely terrifying." His wife nodded in silent agreement, equally unsettled by their daughter's superhuman capabilities.

On her 46th attempt, Wong Yazhu's arms finally gave way, and she crumbled to the ground. "Baby!" Wong An instinctively rushed forward to assist her daughter, but Wong Su extended his arm to stop her.

Wong Yazhu lay on the ground for a few seconds, catching her breath. Despite Wong An's eagerness to help, she held back, respecting her husband's judgment. After about fifteen seconds, Wong Yazhu stood up, stretched her arms and neck, then seamlessly returned to a handstand position and resumed her pushups.

"What the fuck?" Wong An exclaimed, taking a step back. "Won't she hurt herself?"

Wong Su shook his head. "You haven't watched us train because you've been busy on the farm, but this is how it always goes," he explained. "She recharges quickly, much quicker than even me."

"If this is only a Spirit Scholar's capability, then what about a Spirit Master or even higher?" Wong An wondered aloud. This was their first real observation of what a spirit master could endure, and it terrified them to see their six-and-a-half-year-old daughter exhibiting strength comparable to that of an adult male.

"I can only imagine." Wong Su replied.

The following day, Wong An took a break from work, feigning illness, to oversee her husband's full physical assessment of their daughter. Under his watchful eyes, Wong Yazhu demonstrated her peak speed, reaching an astounding 14 meters per second with an average of about 12 meters per second—faster than all the villagers except the three seasoned hunters.

"If she wanted to run from me, I could never catch her," Wong An remarked as she watched her daughter sprint effortlessly to the neighbor's house and back.

Moreover, Wong Yazhu's stamina proved superior even to that of the village hunters. While they might outlast her in a continuous effort, her ability to recover swiftly allowed her to potentially outlast them over a longer duration. Her strength, jumping ability, and other physical capabilities, though not as remarkable as her speed and stamina, were nonetheless on par with those of a grown man.

This revelation solidified the understanding of the profound gap between a typical human and a spirit master, leaving them contemplating the immense potential and the future challenges their daughter might face, as well as the responsibilities they held in guiding her on a path filled with unknowns.

In the second half of the second month, Wong Su began his daughter's combat training.

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