
Douluo 2: Capturing Goddess

In the illustrious era of the Peerless Tang Sect on the Douluo Continent, Qian Ran embarks on a transformative journey. Unearthing the ancient legacy of the Martial Soul Palace, he forges an alliance with the former angelic deity, Qian Renxue. Bestowed with the formidable powers of the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and the undead force of Electrolux, Qian Ran emerges onto the path of invincibility. Despite the Martial Soul Palace's defeat millennia ago, Qian Ran is destined to make it unparalleled in this lifetime. At Shrek Academy, he attains the title of the youngest Douluo in history. Simultaneously, within the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he attains the fearsome status of a tenth-level soul engineer. In the Star Forest, Qian Ran forms a profound alliance with Gu Yuena, becoming the soul beasts' trusted companion. Together, they reshape the divine personality of Qian Renxue. Ascending to the God Realm, Qian Ran stands unassailable as the strongest God King. Guided by Qian Ran, the Angel Family experiences a resurgence, and the Martial Soul Hall becomes an unstoppable force. With hands casually in pockets, Qianran faces opponents without knowing the meaning of defeat. To obliterate figures like Tang San and Huo Yuhao is but a casual stride on his remarkable journey. Qianran declares, "I'm invincible—do as you please!" ••••• It is a translation from a fanfic novel written by Qimu So if anyone doing this novel translation please let me know because I didn't find when I searched. Guys don't read if you don't like mc snatching other person wife or lover. Or some girl falling for mc very easily. ............... Release Schedule -: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

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99 Chs

Trump Card

"This guy."

Zhang Lexuan looked at Qianran deeply, and something seemed to stir in her heart.

She have to say, Qian Ran looked impressive at this moment. Even Zhang Lexuan, who had never shown interest in other men, took notice of Qian Ran's demeanor.

A powerful Soul Grand master wants to face a Soul Douluo. It's unclear where Qianran's confidence stems from.

However, Zhang Lexuan couldn't find any reason to underestimate Qian Ran.

If she were in Qian Ran's position, she probably wouldn't have the courage to act this way.

As Qianran finished speaking, the angel martial soul was instantly unleashed, and the ethereal image of a Seraphim manifested behind him. Qianran, at this moment, ascended to a position in the sky level with Zhang Lexuan.

One is a Soul Grand master master, and the other is a Soul Doulou.

Qian Ran's two soul rings seemed feeble compared to Zhang Lexuan's eight soul rings.

"You're only level 25. Do you really want to face me?" Zhang Lexuan folded her hands in front of her chest, accentuating her already ample bosom.

"Little brother Qianran, I'll let you make the first move. I won't use soul skills, so you can fight as you please. If you can't defeat me, how about agreeing to my previous request?" Zhang Lexuan smiled. Qianran's display endeared him even more to her. In her eyes, the young man before her was truly endearing.

Bravery is admirable, but recognizing the difference in strength is crucial.

In the inner courtyard, she, Zhang Lexuan, rightly holds the top spot.

This situation prevents Qianran from potentially mistreating Beibei in the future and toughens Qianran's character. If Qian Ran remains arrogant, he'll face challenges in the future. This is for the benefit of Dean Xian Liner, and she won't be upset.

With Qianran's cultivation as a Soul Grand master, she felt that there was no need to release her martial spirit; standing still would be enough for Qianran to face.

"Are you certain?"

Qian Ran smiled.

'Zhang Lexuan is truly arrogant!

The top figure in the inner court, but her arrogance is justified.'

If Zhang Lexuan goes all out, she would undoubtedly dominate, but with Zhang Lexuan refraining from using soul skills, even if she unleashes her martial soul, her combat power would be limited to that of a Soul Saint.

He's confident in dealing with a Soul Saint.

"Of course, I'm sure."

"Little brother, do you really aim to defeat me?"

Zhang Lexuan chuckled, emitting a laughter reminiscent of silver bells. This was her first encounter with someone as interesting as Qian Ran.

'Doesn't Qian Ran grasp the disparity between a soul grand master and a Soul Douluo?

"If that's the case, then I won't hold back."

Qian Ran's eyes narrowed, and his spiritual sea, that golden ocean, instantly churned up countless waves, drawing out the majestic spiritual power in a short span.

Under the influence of Qianran's potent mental power, the sky seemed to take on an eerie hue.


Zhang Lexuan exclaimed, and the smile on her lovely face slowly faded. She sensed that something was amiss.

Qianran's soul ring remained unlit, and there were no soul power fluctuations in his body, so there didn't appear to be any issue.

'Then... what exactly was that sensation Qianran invoked in me? Such an unusual feeling.'

"Qianran, you truly haven't disappointed me."

"It appears that you harbor more secrets than we're aware of. Could it be that defeating Beibei and Xu Sanshi isn't your true upper limit?"

"Let me truly test your limits."

Zhang Lexuan's beautiful eyes shimmered with brilliance, and as she observed Qian Ran's figure, she set aside all her disdain. In this moment, she had forgotten that her initial reason for approaching Qianran was related to Beibei.

Now, she simply wanted to gauge how far Qian Ran's true strength extended.

"If you genuinely refrain from using soul skills, you might lose to me." A confident smile flickered in Qianran's eyes. Without resorting to soul skills, it would be akin to Zhang Lexuan relying solely on the enhanced physical strength from releasing her martial soul to confront him.

Executed correctly, Qianran believed he had a chance.


Qian Ran sprang into action.

His formidable mental power surged forth, resembling a hammer striking Zhang Lexuan's head. Zhang Lexuan felt a sudden dizziness, and a sharp pain echoed in her head.

"Is this actually a spiritual attack? Your self-created soul skill?"

"Is this your trump card?"

"But Yan Shaozhe seems to have miscalculated. Your level of spiritual power is not merely that of a Soul Saint; it has reached the level of a Soul Doulou." Zhang Lexuan was astonished.

Prior to her arrival, she had learned about this new student who had defeated Beibei and Xu Sanshi. She was aware of Qianran's abnormal mental power and his self-created soul skill that employed mental attacks.

At the time, she didn't take it seriously, and now she found herself facing a minor setback.

Although the impact on her mind was brief, it was sufficient for Zhang Lexuan to regard Qian Ran with admiration. In the inner courtyard, even soul emperors and soul saints couldn't influence her.

While Qian Ran's soul power might be modest, his mental power was formidable. Combined with his peculiar mental attacks, defending against them proved challenging indeed.

Apart from spiritual soul masters, soul masters with other attributes rarely delve into spiritual power and lack knowledge in this realm. Even Zhang Lexuan is not particularly proficient in this aspect. Fortunately, her cultivation has already reached the level of Soul Douluo; otherwise, ordinary Soul Saints might falter in front of Qian Ran.

"But is this strength sufficient? It's not enough," Zhang Lexuan gently smiled, remaining still in her position.


Qianran's eyes flashed with a peculiar light.


At that moment, a sound cut through the air, and Qian Ran wore a confident smile.

A golden lightsaber hurtled towards Zhang Lexuan with impressive speed. The golden glow from the sword streaked across the night sky's golden afterimage, lingering for a significant duration.

Qianran simply aimed to distract Zhang Lexuan. Even if it affected her for just a second, it provided enough time for Qian Ran to execute various maneuvers.


Qianran harnessed his mental power to manipulate the angelic holy sword, targeting the enemy general from afar. This was a concept Qian Ran developed based on his reading of fantasy novels in his previous life and some understanding of "God Control technique."

If Qian Ran brandished the Holy Angel Sword overtly, Zhang Lexuan would undoubtedly be on guard. In that scenario, if she chose to escape, he might not be able to harm her with his sword.

However, in the midst of the confusion, the angel holy sword, under Qianran's control, had already thrust towards Zhang Lexuan from behind.

Even if Zhang Lexuan had detected it, resisting might not be that straightforward.

Qian Ran felt elated. If he hadn't acquired such a powerful spiritual skill last time, he likely wouldn't have been able to maintain his arrogance this time.

'That's right, I'm truly remarkable!'