
Family (2)

Interrupting I said, "Old Jack we will talk about this later. I need to know how come Tang Hao did not get to Gao San and Gao Mingyun."

Staring firmly at him I stated with absolute assurance, "Tang Hao could have easily caught the two of them…"

Understanding the implications of my words his face immediately stiffened, after which complicated expression emerged on Old Jack's face, "That… I'm not sure, him acting like this I really am not sure. Although I have never talked to him, I could tell that he could easily be flipped over the edge… in short, he has a short temper, any more than that… I really am not sure."

Even after seeing him for such few times, I knew something was very wrong. However never in my wildest dreams would I expect something like this to occur.

Sighing I said, "Old man I asked for what happened not why he did it…"

However contrary to my dissatisfied tone I continued, "Thank you for telling me that though."

Watching him slowly taking a deep breath I listened carefully, knowing that he will talk about exactly what I wanted.

"All I know was from what the villagers have told me. When they saw Tang San…"

Instantly interrupting him I said, "Gao… when Tang Hao is not around call him Gao San."

Looking at me as with almost questionable eyes, and after a while his eyes suddenly had a different light in it, then he suddenly burst into laughter.

Wincing at the expected laughter I mentally said, 'ha ha, yea yea I know Really~ Funny…'

"Gao Bai never in my life would I think that you would betroth you…"

I don't know how my face had looked but it must have been some scary shit…cause the old man once he saw it, he punctiliously shut up.

Talking in a slow and purposeful tone knowing what he was going to say I asked, "Can you continue… OLD MAN!"

Seeing sweat develop on his fore head, "Haha! It was a joke a joke! Kid calm your nerves if you don't you might worsen your injuries, and your little Gao Mingyun would worry!"

Eyebrows twitching, I forced myself to calm down, "Tch…That has nothing to do with what I just said…"

Forcing myself to calm down I said, "Anyways you keep throwing us off topic, I asked a question please just answer it old man!"

I asked through gritted teeth. Berating myself for my idiocy, I had totally forgotten how this old coot somehow jumps from one topic to another.

Pursing his lips, the old man's shoulders lowered, giving up he started to talk. At least I hoped that he had given up on that.

After placing his palm on his fore head, he started narrating, "As I was saying when they saw Ta…"

Immediately realizing his mistake, he coughed and corrected himself, "Gao San and Gao Mingyun running toward my house with Gao San having an almost entirely shattered arm when you sister started shouting for help, by then everyone had started to come out of their houses."

Calmly closing my eyes, I mentally noted down what happened, and tried to solve a few… more personal issues.

"Plenty of other minor details happened but, in which I would skip out on… Miss Wang Shu when she had heard that Gao San was injured immediately gathered her materials to allow her to immediately start the treatment on Gao San's arm."

Painfully chuckling I thought, 'Seems like I owe you even more Miss Wang Shu, I still have yet to pay you back the previous favour.'

Instantly wincing at the abrupt pain, I groaned.

However Old Jack acted like he never heard anything, placing his hand stroking his beard he continued, "Honestly this old mind of mine can't remember something that happened more than a couple weeks ago…"

Alarmed I would have immediately shot up if it weren't for all of the bandages on me, half shouting the rest shrieks of pain I said, "How Long Was I Out Old Man!!!"

Pain screeching throughout my body I yelled, "Crap, crap crap!!! Good gods above that hurt like hell!"

Barely bothering to address my current situation he went on, "Two and a half maybe three weeks? Kiddo I am not sure? You think I have the time to think of something like this?"

Feeling veins developing on my head I ignored what he had just said, and focused on what he was saying, as it was very important to me.

Resigning myself to the fate of being unable to do anything about it I sulked, however even that hurt like hell.

Moaning a little in pain I decided not to give him the reactions he wanted sighing I urged the old man to just continue what he was just saying, "You know what old man just forget it continue on what you were saying previously."

Though just then a loud bang was heard by the door way.


Almost jolting my head in that direction in surprise I saw two young kids who were both my younger brother and sister.

Thankfully it was not my neck which was in pieces so it didn't hurt… that much.

"Gao Bai are you alright?!" "Big Bro you okay?!"

Although it would be helpful if they weren't lying on the floor, with such silly looks on their faces.

Seriously my sister had water seemingly splashed all over her face some even spilled onto her clothes, and Gao San the poor guy only had a towel on and water was still on him.

At least it would be funny if they weren't on top of each other, causing me to almost pounce onto my new sworn brother and proceed with bashing his face in.

Too bad that I currently cannot move so I had to be satisfied with terrifying the guy, "Gao San can you please get you damn ass off of my little sister?"

I was sure that when he looked into my eyes all that he had seen was dead fish eyes promising to drag him into the lowest depths of hell he can think of.

Scrambling to get off of her, I could almost feel the panic oozing off the poor guy. Seriously I really am a sis-con…

Sighing as I was not really there after he got off of her, I mumbled, "Seems like we owe a lot more people, now huh?"

Slowly closing my eyes, I suddenly stated as if it was a fact, "Old Jack, leave the explanation to these two. If I talk to you any longer my poor blood pressure may not be able to handle it any longer."

Slightly looking through my eyes I saw the old man looking aghast and heard him mumble, "Kids these days are so disrespectful… how could he just say something like that… also… what did I do?"

Suddenly having the urge to cough up blood, I felt like a poor over worked computer leaving things for later that I had to do right now.

Thinking that this old geezer was the bane of my life, the legendary man who would curse a Titled Douluo.

Us little sibling's adoptive grandfather, was unknowingly trying to kill me, and leave my precious sister without

Looking at the with pleading eyes I said, "Brother, sister do hurry, I do not know how much longer I can hold out for with this old geezer before I start strangling him. And right now, doing that would hurt me more than it will hurt him."

Hearing them suddenly bursting into laughter, "Hey, brother what the heck is up with the way you just talked. Phhfftt…. You sounded like some proper scholar… hahaha!"

Instantly stunned I looked at the two of them with a shocked face, suddenly feeling a few veins wriggling on my head which I ignored, gritting my teeth I narrowed my eyes and said, "Oh… once I get out of this cast you two are getting it…"

Ignoring me my sister just giggled turned around and left while Gao San just grinned sheepishly. However, something was a little off, both of their reactions were slightly forced. Thought I was not worrying over it, because I seemed like they had yet another surprise for me.

After all they usually acted a little forced when they had some small surprises, just like thy are now.

Old Jack was just staring numbly at their odd reactions. Whereas I was very curious of what they were hiding something from me.

I guess it sort of became a game? Them having a surprise, and me trying to find out what that surprise was?

Letting go of that trail of thought, I out a deep breath feeling like all of the energy in my body had suddenly left, "So how is everybody?"

Deciding it was better to make small talk rather than in depth conversations with the old man as he always avoided question that needed details.

Looking up at the ceiling for no apparent reason, he said, "… Well everyone is fine, most people in the village are still worried about how you are going so once they find out I think it would be fine for them."

Having a peaceful expression on his face the old man just casually included, "Anyways I have to go, after all how can everyone know that you are fine by just sitting there."

Seeing the old coot, slowly walking out of the room. Everything seemed to have immediately slowed down.

Without even realizing it, I almost started to grasp at thin air as if I wanted him to stay. However, my fractured arms forced me to be unable to move.

Everything felt as if it all was slowly coming to a crawl, feeling my body trembling like a fallen leaf, is almost felt as if the world was crumbling.

Barely at the door, he suddenly stopped, "So I was really right…"

Not turning around to properly face me he walked to the seat at the feet of the bed that was facing the wall ahead of me.

Only once he sat down did I finally relax, being given some time to relax for a bit I blinked away the tears that formed at the edges of my eyes.

Almost shaking I thought, 'What the hell was that?'

With that question echoing in my head I blankly stared at my feet, I tried to comprehend what the hell had just happened. However even after thinking for almost ten minutes, I still had absolutely no answer to this question.

Looking to the old man I talked, "What?"

Understanding that he already knows what I wanted form him, he said one word, "Trauma…"

Letting it trail off I had started laughing, "As if! That definitely can't be it!"

Dismissing it for a mere overreaction and mental burden after all of that happened, I thought that it would go away after a while.

Hearing my brother and sister entering the room, I suddenly relaxed a whole lot more. How did I know it was my brother and sister?

I honestly did not know… before they at least needed to talk or I needed to see them just like any other person.

Uncertain I thought, '… am I really traumatized? It can't be right? After all I am adult man, I can't be emotionally nor mentally harmed… at least that easily… so what the hell is going on?'

If I could move, I would probably be biting my nails so much that I might accidentally start to eat them.