
Double Date With Mafia

Anything can happen in this world, including when your enemies become friends as Cylo and Ivo did. As a result of the fierce battle they waged over forbidden items in the underworld, they chose to become partners. But without the two sweet men realizing it, there are two supreme leaders of the BlackWolf mafia group who are targeting the two of them to be partners. *** Cylo is a sweet young man who works as an assassin with his older sister. He is a talented young assassin who can defeat his enemies before they know it. One day, Cylo faces a very fierce battle with a professional hacker, Ivo, in fighting over forbidden items in the underworld. Realizing that if they are fighting the same enemy, Cylo and Ivo agree to become temporary partners. On the other hand, there are two top leaders of the Black Wolf mafia group who are targeting temporary partners who are none other than Jefford who is the mafia leader, and Lewis who is the right hand of the mafia leader. Jeff is very interested in Cylo because, besides his toughness in using taekwondo, Cylo has a sweet face, soft white skin, and a sexy body. Meanwhile, Law is very interested in Ivo because of his intelligence in hacking and Ivo also has a sweet face, cute black hair, and a small slender body. "Stay there baby, no one should have you beside me." – Jeff “You are only mine baby, only mine without exception.” – Law

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10 Chs

[9] Possessive Mafia

After the door was opened by the owner of the house, Cylo happily entered the small house, followed by Ivo.

"No one here?"

"Of course, this is a private home for leisure and only occasionally I and Father spend time here."

Cylo nodded and then started to look around this small house. Minimalist but comfortable. Even though this house is not very big, Cylo admits that the furniture here has a very minimalist and modern impression, in contrast to its ugly and old outward appearance. In addition, because this house is in the middle of a forest, it makes the atmosphere cool and natural. Very cool.

Ivo sat himself down on the couch and flashbacks of what had just happened came over him and it made him sad again. Cylo, who saw this, immediately approached Ivo and hugged someone who was considered a brother.

"Sob .."

"Sob .."

They both hugged each other and cried together. It's true, if you lose a family close to them it will be very painful. Especially in such a sadistic way. And now Ivo and Cylo realize that they have become alone in this world. What bad luck.

"I'm really alone now hiks. I don't know my biological parents and why they abandoned me. Until Holland adopted me and even taught me to be strong by training hiks hacking and self-defense skills but now he's gone. And even the sob of his death is sob-sad."

Cylo hugged Ivo even tighter, he really felt what Ivo felt. Losing parents since childhood and now having to lose their closest family in an inhumane way, even this is considered very sad.

"I don't accept this Cy, I don't accept this."

"I understand, I understand. We have to calm down first but don't drag on with grief like this because we will take revenge." Cylo said which made Ivo nod in agreement.

The hug broke, and they looked at each other and smiled.

"You are my brother."

"You are also my brother."

"Huft.. okay sob, I'll prepare food for you, because it looks like there is some canned food here."

"I also want to help."

"Okay, come on."

The two sweet men walked to the kitchen and started cooking because even though sadness can't be forgotten, maybe filling your stomach can make you feel better.

Cylo and Ivo cook together even though it's just simple canned food being heated up. But this feels very good and it makes the closeness between the two of them even tighter.

Honestly, if they feel warmed up now and feel better now. This was truly something they had not foreseen. An enemy that became a partner and even now is like a brother, it's impossible, right? But the reality that Cylo and Ivo experienced was like that.

"Delicious, besides using a knife to kill it turns out you can use it to cook too."

"Of course, you can practice using this later."

"It's difficult, I've tried it with Holland."

"It's not easy, I'll teach you later but..."

"But what?"

"You should teach me that stealing trick since it looks like I'll need it in certain circumstances."

"Of course."


"Ivo, why are you so cute baby? Uh, your small and full mouth is better used to suck mine not only used to say harsh words. Lewis said while looking at Ivo's photo on his cellphone.

But for a minute, one thing she's realized after fucking a lot of cute guys is that there's a similarity in that rude submissives have beautiful lips and are full, uh so voluptuous. But is it true? I don't know, but what is certain is that as the right-hand man of the Black Wolf mafia, Ivo is a perfect match for him.

Uh, even just looking at him made things tense under Law, even though Law just messed around using Ivo's photo but now have to do that again? It shouldn't be, but for Ivo's photo, this is really excluded because Law's lust is really big.

Law quickly walked to the bathroom, took off his pants, and shook his genitals while looking at Ivo's sexy photo.

"Uh Ivo honey, this is delicious. Your mouth is very soft, and delicious dear."

The right-hand man of the Black Wolf mafia is very eager to complete his desire with a photo of this cute hacker.

"Ah.. ah.. ah... Ivo dear. You're so cramped." Law's sigh was abysmal.

Law looked deeply at the photo of Ivo on his cellphone, but in an instant, the photo changed to a call icon with Jeff's name written on it.

"Shit Jeff, what are you doing."

"Don't swear at me damn it."

"You also cursed at me damn it."

"Damn it, hurry to the control room."

"Can't you–"

"No, come here quickly."


Tut tut

The call was cut off. Damn you, Jeff, even though Law was already at the end of his climax and this phone call made him lazy to continue. Damn dammit, if I wasn't Jeff's friend then Law would have taught him a lesson for disturbing him with fantasies about Ivo.

"FUCK JEFF." Law shouted then prepared himself.

He closed his cellphone then tidied himself up and walked out of his private room to the control room. However, each one's breath is passionate, indicating that his desire has not been channeled properly.

If there is the most disgraceful person in the world then Law will be happy to appoint Jeff as the person because this is not the first time this has happened. Oh, even Law still remembers that his chairman once stopped him when he wanted to have sex with one of the cute guys in a bar. Even without feeling guilty, he ordered Law to leave the bar immediately.

Really fucking Jeff.

It didn't take long because the distance between Law's private room and the control room was quite close and actually Jeff's room was also close to the control room so they preferred to spend their time there.

Without further ado, Law immediately opened the door roughly showing Jeff chuckling softly. Damn it.

"You did it on purpose Jeff."


"DAMN it."

"Technically not because I have something to discuss with you. Besides, it's your fault because you always masturbate after seeing the hacker's photo."

"Yes, Yes, Yes. Tell all this to the guy who was masturbating in his bed staring hungrily at the photo of a hit man last night."

"Damn it, how come you can hear it even though it's a soundproof room."

"Your room is soundproof but you didn't lock the door properly Jeff."

Jeff just laughed softly, it was a little different when he was alone with Lewis because they already knew each other and knew the good and bad of each other so there was nothing to hide. But this will be different if there are subordinates from Black Wolf members because naturally, the alpha and beta traits in Jeff and Law will appear by themselves.

"Your usual Jeff. You have to get over that if you don't want to make the sighs of the assassin be heard by others later."

Jeff nodded. He really understands that and from now on he will start to fix his bad habit.

"Okay, now tell me why you called me here."

"See, now the two of them have actually become truly inseparable best friends," Jeff said while pointing at the monitor screen showing Cylo and Ivo who were hugging each other.

"Yes, this saves us from having to split up to find our respective partners."

"You're right, but I can't stand the mafia bastards who made my Cylo cry. I want to destroy them." Jeff said while unconsciously squeezing his own hand.

It was as if there was something in his grasp then the object would be crushed instantly. Jeff couldn't stand seeing Cylo's tears coming out due to the actions of the Blood mafia who destroyed Cylo's house and killed his older sister.

Not much different from Jeff, Law also felt that way. He was really angry because the Blood mafia destroyed his favorite hacker's residence and even killed his future father-in-law too. The anger even increased after seeing how Ivo wept bitterly while burning his father's corpse.

Even though they were stricken with deep sadness, Jeff and Law knew that their respective partners would survive and maybe even now they were both planning revenge.

There's only one thing that's certain, after seeing how sad and sad Cylo and Ivo were, Jeff and Law wanted to make them a couple, even more, hug the submissives and protect them wholeheartedly. Apart from that, Jeff and Law also wanted someone to lean on when they were tired of carrying out their mission as a mobster.

"I'm going to give them this offer, do you think Cylo and Ivo would be interested, Jeff?" Law said while showing his computer screen to Jeff.

"Apparently not because they look so innocent and simple, like doing missions for their own satisfaction and not for money so if you offer them with money then I don't think it will work."

"I also think like that actually but of course, this is okay to try."

"Yes, because if this works it will be easier for me to get my Cylo."

"Yes, I will also have an easier time getting my Ivo."

After that, Law actually sent messages to Cylo and also Ivo which contained how much the mafia leaders liked them and what they would get if they became lovers of a mafia starting from money, power, and respect. Apart from that, Jeff and Law also provide other best offers in the form of information about the current whereabouts of the Blood mafia and some other important data so that Cylo and Ivo can more easily take revenge. Even Jeff and Law will also provide additional troops to make it easier for Ivo and Cylo to kill the leader of the Blood mafia as well as massacre its members.

"You definitely won't waste this offer right."

We are even willing to deal with the Blood mafia or with other mafias if that can get you. Let's just say Jeff and Law are crazy now because indeed the Black Wolf mafia never seeks trouble if it's not another mafia that starts it but if Cylo and Ivo accept this offer then the Black Wolf mafia is happy to help finish off the Blood mafia even though they have no problem with Jeff's group and Law.

"Hopefully there is good news baby."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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