
Double Date With Mafia

Anything can happen in this world, including when your enemies become friends as Cylo and Ivo did. As a result of the fierce battle they waged over forbidden items in the underworld, they chose to become partners. But without the two sweet men realizing it, there are two supreme leaders of the BlackWolf mafia group who are targeting the two of them to be partners. *** Cylo is a sweet young man who works as an assassin with his older sister. He is a talented young assassin who can defeat his enemies before they know it. One day, Cylo faces a very fierce battle with a professional hacker, Ivo, in fighting over forbidden items in the underworld. Realizing that if they are fighting the same enemy, Cylo and Ivo agree to become temporary partners. On the other hand, there are two top leaders of the Black Wolf mafia group who are targeting temporary partners who are none other than Jefford who is the mafia leader, and Lewis who is the right hand of the mafia leader. Jeff is very interested in Cylo because, besides his toughness in using taekwondo, Cylo has a sweet face, soft white skin, and a sexy body. Meanwhile, Law is very interested in Ivo because of his intelligence in hacking and Ivo also has a sweet face, cute black hair, and a small slender body. "Stay there baby, no one should have you beside me." – Jeff “You are only mine baby, only mine without exception.” – Law

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10 Chs

[5] Mafia Traps

"WHAT IS THIS?" The owner of the rental house shouted, which made Cylo and Ivo immediately look at each other.

"UNLUCKY." The two of them shouted simultaneously in panic.

How could I not, this rental house is already very destroyed and messy. Broken glass everywhere, broken cupboards and sofas and even the walls of the house had holes in the gunfire. This is really dire.

As if he understood, Cylo immediately left with Ivo through the back door. Both of them used excellent running and jumping skills. Passing the rooftops without fear of falling, running fast, and using the parkour jump technique several times. Truly a very lively sweet man.

"Let's go to the hotel, we will discuss a plan to destroy the algorithm." Said Cylo while doing a beautiful jump on the roof of the house.

Ivo just gave a thumbs up in agreement and then started to follow the direction taken by Cylo. Is this really his feeling or what it's clear that Cylo who is an assassin isn't as bad as Ivo thought? Yes, at least as a temporary partner.

Cylo also felt that because he had several partners in carrying out missions, including one of them, Jack. And none of those partners are as close as this. However, with Ivo, it feels different as if they are friends who have known each other for a long time but Cylo still has to be vigilant.

After about 20 minutes of running and jumping, they finally arrived at Cylo's hotel. Quite luxurious and comfortable, not even like an assassin's room.

Ivo immediately sat up on the bed while Cylo walked towards the bathroom and then came back with a medical box. True, after that incident they almost forgot about the injuries they suffered.

"Treat your wounds." Said Cylo who sat down below and then started to open the medical box because his body was also full of wounds.

Ivo understood so he also sat himself down and took some equipment to treat his wound.

Silence. The two sweet young men treated each other and of course were still stiff.

Ivo really couldn't stand all of this. He was not used to not speaking and going through situations with this silence.

"Tsk, is there nothing to talk about? I'm bored." Ivo said breaking the silence but Cylo only raised his eyebrows lazily.

"Tsk, so noisy. I was so hesitant to work with you."

"Hey. I'm a professional hacker, of course, I can do better than you."

"Even I should be the one to hesitate to cooperate with you, you're not like a real assassin. Look at this room, very neat and clean like a girl." Ivo continued.

"Watch your talk. A hitman can't have a tidy and clean room, after all this is only a temporary room."


"Shut up, after you treat your wound. Let's talk about a plan to destroy the algorithm."

Ivo nodded and the two of them returned with their respective activities to treat their wounds. When he was finished, Cylo immediately cleaned up and returned to the living room to talk to Ivo.

Ivo sat on the bed while Cylo stood leaning against the wall. They have an eye lock.

"Because I prefer to carry out executions without a plan then I allow you to plan this time." Ivo raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

But the cute hacker is of course very happy because making plans is his specialty. Hmm, looks like Ivo didn't choose the wrong partner this time because he and Cylo complement each other.

Now Cylo and Ivo are starting to talk seriously about carrying out their mission of infiltrating the Black Wolf mafia headquarters and also how they can destroy that little thing containing the algorithm.

Even though you have to be wary of each other because this is the first time the two have become partners and they don't even know each other. But in their hearts, Cylo and Ivo admit that they are very suitable to be partners because they have qualified skills in their respective fields and they also seem to have an age that is not too much different so they can be more comfortable with each other.

"Like that, do you agree?" Cylo just nodded and he was really satisfied with the plan that Ivo made because it was very detailed and precise.

"Okay, we will leave now."


Meanwhile, on the other hand, two mobsters, namely Jeff and Law, were in the control room with very happy hearts because they had predicted that soon Cylo and Ivo would come to infiltrate this base to destroy the algorithm.

"Extremely impatient aren't you Jeff?"

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the arrival of that sweet and cute assassin," Jeff said.

"Wow, it turns out he's a great assassin because he was able to melt your little heart, brother." Said Law in a friendly tone.

Jeff slightly raised the corners of his lips. "I don't know, it's like I'm not myself."

"You're right, a mobster in love is very different haha."

"And yes, as per your orders. I have prepared the best members for their arrival." Report Law because indeed Jeff asked for tighter headquarters security.

Even though Jeff and Law know that the person who will infiltrate their base is the person who will be made a partner, so the guard should be weakened, not tightened, a mafia leader will not think like that.

In fact, this is a test where Jeff and Law want to test whether an assassin like Cylo and a professional hacker like Ivo whom they both adore deserve to be their life partner forever. Is it true that to be a mafia wife you have to be tough?

Even so, Law had told the other mafia members not to kill Cylo and Ivo who were going to infiltrate their headquarters.

"Hope you guys do well with our exams."


Now Ivo and Cylo have arrived in their country and are even now at a point that is precise enough to measure their level of success in infiltrating the Black Wolf mafia headquarters.

Cylo and Ivo exchanged glances then nodded together.

The two of them began to infiltrate the direction of the base. Using silencers, Cylo and Ivo began to paralyze the members of the Black Wolf mafia one by one, especially those in high places who could make known the whereabouts of the assassins and hackers.

After arriving in front of the middle gate, Cylo and Ivo started to split up because they couldn't guess where the item containing the algorithm was stored, so they were looking for the last option they could make. Even so, Ivo and Cylo continued to communicate using earplugs so they could share information with each other.

With a dark night like this, it was easier for Ivo, who was wearing all-black clothes, to easily infiltrate. He continued to observe without making a sound so that no mafia member would know of his whereabouts. There are several points that Ivo has targeted that have the potential to be used as storage areas for the algorithm, namely the room on the north side, the building on the west side, and the middle room on the inside.

On the other hand, Cylo, who is not very good at infiltrating, is noticed by one of the mafia members who is drinking water. Cylo quickly paralyzes the member but unfortunately, his whereabouts are known by other mafia members.

"This is what I've been waiting for," Cylo said then started to take out his weapon.

"If it's more than 20 minutes, just watch out for you Ivo," Cylo muttered and then started shooting at the mafia members who attacked him.

The assassin skillfully used various weapons at his disposal to paralyze his opponents, starting with pistols, and knives and even using his taekwondo skills.

The mafia members who outnumbered Cylo easily fell. Even though they are members of the mafia who are very skilled at fighting, Cylo does indeed have very good martial arts skills.

This made someone who saw the monitor smile with satisfaction. It seems that Jeff did not make the wrong choice in making a sweet and cute assassin to be his life partner.

"You are a very sweet baby, you deserve to be my life companion."

It's been 9 minutes and Cylo is still using his martial arts skills to defeat these members of the Black Wolf mafia. Even the bullets from the gun he used had run low, some of his knives had fallen and even he was now a little overwhelmed by the number of people attacking him.

At the same time, Ivo had checked all the points he suspected, but all of that was to no avail. When he was about to enter the inner room, Ivo accidentally pressed a button on the wall so that the secret door behind the black wolf painting opened and revealed a secret door.

"Hm, this must be the room."

Wasting no time, Ivo quickly entered the room which displayed a glass box containing the algorithm he was looking for. However, there are indeed many lasers surrounding the glass box so if Ivo is detected then, of course, his whereabouts will be known by the mafia members.

"Shit, only 4 minutes left." Instead of taking a long time and making it difficult for Cylo to distract, it's better for Ivo to immediately destroy the algorithm.

Ivo quickly passed the detection laser and after a few moments in front of the glass box, he immediately took his gun.


The bullet destroys both the glass box and the algorithm. As if dissatisfied, Ivo also planted a bomb and ran away from the area.


The room explodes and destroys the glass case with the algorithm without a trace. Meanwhile, the cute young hacker just smiled with satisfaction because he was a threat to the world and his mission was over.

But unfortunately, suddenly the alarm at the Black Wolf mafia headquarters went off and made Ivo's whereabouts known to the other members.

"Quickly run, I'm done with that algorithm," Ivo said to Cylo.

There were gunshots and blows. "Okay, let's get to the starting point." Reply Cylo.

Ivo and Cylo, who had finished their respective tasks, started to run away using the pre-installed bombs as a diversion.

After various diversions and escapes, the two of them finally met again and arrived safely at the starting point, an old house that was quite far from the Black Wolf mafia headquarters.

After meeting each other, it was as if they didn't realize they were hugging because they had successfully completed this thrilling mission.

"Let's go."

"Come on."

The two of them then climbed into the car that was parked there.

"Are you ready to go cute after making a fuss at our base?" Law asked with a creepy smile while Jeff just stared at Cylo meaningfully.

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