
Double- Faced Mage

Magic is the stronghold that binds everything together here there's both the source of magic and source of darkness in the world where majority of the population is magical and the rest uses magic every species must come together for the greater good of their universe

GodlyAsura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

James Trial

"Next up is James, the first son of the fifth elder of the elf's and Diane a commoner from the fairy village" the commentator announced as they both walked up to the stage. "Begin" the commentator announced. As soon as the matched start the fairy touched the ground and a huge tree the size of a building came out and she walked up to the tree and entered it while James just stood there watching not even making a move.

Suddenly vines started shooting out from the floor and She sent the vine straight to James but as it was about to hit his head for a split second I noticed the weird hand movement of James.


The vines were all ripped to shreds, for a mere magical it would've been unbelievable but to a magical like me I could see exactly what happened he moved his hands faster than the speed of lightning making it look like it shredded on their own.


" This kid might actually be something fun" I said to myself smiling at the amazing scene "When is this gonna get interesting "These words made the whole audience silent, James obviously wasn't taking this seriously. "Tch, I thought fairies were stronger than this but your are not strong, you're just weak.What a disappointment" James said while yawning, as if those words triggered the fairy twenty no thirty wood soldiers emerged from the floor James smiled"Moon blade, let's have a little fun shall we" he said dashing straight into the midst of the soldiers Stabbing and slashing. He easily glided through them all with his amazing swordsmanship, every slash he made emitted a moon like aura strong enough to cut down the toughest iron, for a second he seemed like was having fun but as he was about to slash the big tree a vine was thrusted into his heart and blood gushed out of his mouth as he turned into dust and disappeared.

"Woah" "Did he just die?" " No way " "Isn't that against the rules?" was heard round the crowd, the commentator came up the stage as it was against the rules to kill your opponent but stopped when he noticed James sitting comfortably on the floor behind the two of them .

"Tch you actually thought you could kill me,the son of one of the seven elders born from the pure lineage of the moon dynasty" he laughed sending chills down the body of the crowd "If you actually did your homework, you'll know the moon elfs are masters of stealth they can hide from even the eyes of God. Now I'll actually show you what real power is" he smiled like a maniacally.


He appeared in front of the fairy in the blink of an eye he grabbed the root of the tree and uprooted it and threw the huge tree out of the arena but the fairy got out at the nick of time. She started flying upwards but James followed her "Where do you think you're going, I haven't had my fun yet" he said to the fairy maniacally as she punched her to the ground


She hit the floor so hard denting it he appeared again bending down and dragging her hair "Don't tell me that's all you got I want to see you fight me" he said while staring at her eyes, he punched her up again but this time he kept tossing her around like he was playing cricket by himself with the girl as his ball over and over again until he got tired and kicked her.

"You no fun" he said disappointed, as he was walking away she stood up and summoned her last bit of strength "I've had dreams of coming to this school since I was a child and I won't let a spoilt prince ruin my dream. Nymph goddess come forth and fight for me" she shouted immediately she said those words she fell unconscious.

A glowing green creature emerged with long locks with roots coming out of her skin "This is gonna be fun" James smiled as his blade appeared he ran forward towards the nymph and slashed her but she disappeared, before he could realize what was going on a vine hit him sending him flying but before he could fall out the edge he stabbed his blade into the ground and zoomed forward, but the nymph touched the ground and thorns started coming out of the ground.

James saw them and leaped forward with a handspring soaring through the air while performing an aerial cartwheel he finally passed through the thorn and was meters away from his target but the nymph lifted her hands turning them to vines as she smashed James.

James zoomed behind her "Missed me" as he slashed her with his blade but she dodged it now facing each other head on, they were now moving at the speed of sound no they were going five times faster than the speed of sound. It became hard for others to see but I could see it as clear as ever, every clash they made kept destroying the stage until James had enough and moved backward.

"Moon containment" he said as he drew a moon like symbol on the floor and with a flash of light the nymph was drawn into the symbol and was changed into a marble.


"What a relief for a second there I thought I was actually going to lose" he said smiling so hard while everyone in the stage was shocked by the massive destruction on the arena the fight had caused

"The winner James" the commentator announced "we'll take a break to finish the stage till then everyone stay prepared"