
Double- Faced Mage

Magic is the stronghold that binds everything together here there's both the source of magic and source of darkness in the world where majority of the population is magical and the rest uses magic every species must come together for the greater good of their universe

GodlyAsura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Combat Exam

It's the next day, we were taken to a large field and left there to socialize, I didn't actually like the idea of socializing so I sat down on the floor until Mia and my so called roommate came and sat down next to me.

"Hey Harry,are you gonna introduce me or not" she asked I didn't want to say anything but I had to"James meet Mia,Mia meet James" I replied lazily,after I introduced both of them it felt like I wasn't needed anymore as they were both immersed in whatsoever conversation they were having not like I cared or anything.

"The combat exam begins now " A human shouted, I'm guessing she's a high ranking mage, everybody gathered together waiting for what would happen next as she took a deep breath " Terra sub me obedire meo imperio oritur!!" (Earth under me hear my command rise).

As she said those words the land beneath us started shaking and taking the shape of an ancient Rome arena with a large platform in the center for the combat I'm guessing. When the spell was over we all took our seats as the headmaster arrived.

"Y'all have made it this far, congratulations but yet this is a major part that'll determine if you're just a fluke or the real deal because the School of Magicals does not accept trash" he commented not feeling remorseful at all.

"You need to show you really belong here so let the combat exam begin" as he said a loud uproar came out of the crowd. A fairy came out with a scroll in her hands, "You have been assigned an opponent according to your powers,the combat exam is starting with Mia a witch and also a wielder" she said as Mia ran to the stage excitedly "And her opponent David a dwarf" as she announced the name of the dwarf a muscular looking dwarf came out with a sword the height of a human being shit she's screwed I thought to myself "Let the fight begin" the commentator screamed.

Mia let out a war cry as she ran toward the dwarf, she threw her fists towards his head but he jumped away while swinging his blade towards her as she leaped backward but the sword grazed her cheek so slightly letting out a tiny drop of blood.

"Shit this guy might actually be the real deal" she said thinking of a way to defeat him surrounding him like a tiger tracking his pray,she ran forward again "Uisio progressio" she screamed.

{Uisio progressio:A complex skill where the user uses air to create after images.But the skill is limited to the users ability.}

Ten afterimages appeared surrounding the dwarf trying to confuse him as they all screamed and attack at once, the dwarf looked so confused searching for the real Mia, he then smirked as a green like energy surrounded his sword and smashed his sword on the floor creating a massive shockwave strong enough to blow a whole lake away all the afterimages disappeared as Mia hit her head on the wall making blood come out of her head now she was actually pissed as it was written on her face "I didn't want to use this but I guess I have to"she said wiping the blood of her face "Ianuae jump"

{ Ianuae jump:An imperfect technique Mia created it grants the user the ability to teleport through a short distance .But if used excessively can cause nausea and make the user pass out}

She hadn't used this before cause of the strain it had on her body,I guess she was pushed to the wall she disappeared and reappeared like it was child's play,She punched the dwarf on his chin then teleported to his blind side and round kicked him then teleported above him and elbowed his head pushing him into the concrete floor she performed move after moves but after a while the after effects of the move slowed her attack realising this the dwarf knew what he had to do " Reel" the dwarf screamed.

{Reel:A dwarf related skill where the user is able see the opponents move and read it's next action and is granted a win. It's a gambled skill and it's used when the user is at its weakest.}

The dwarf took a deep breath and grabbed her neck and slammed her hard on the floor making blood come out of her mouth yet she smiled again then disappeared but the dwarf knew where she was going to be so he swung his huge sword at her stomach when she reappeared sending her flying out of the stage losing consciousness the dwarf walked up to her "You actually have potential I would've lost if the fight was dragged thanks for giving me a good fight"he said with a smile on his wounded face "David is the winner of this round" the commentator said as Mia was taking off the stage by the paramedics I rushed to meet Mia and she just smiled and whispered to me "Win for my sake " I nodded as I went back.