
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 384: Skills Inherent to All Martial Souls

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When Zhu Zhuqing asked about the choice for the seventh, eighth, and ninth spirit rings, Tang San explained, "The seventh spirit ring only grants you a Martial Soul True Body, which isn't particularly critical."


Just like the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and Nine Heart Begonia spirits, whose skills are fixed upon acquiring spirit rings, every martial soul inherently has a skill: the Martial Soul True Body.


Unless the seventh spirit ring is a hundred thousand years old and grants a second skill, any spirit ring, regardless of the spirit beast it comes from, will only provide a Martial Soul True Body.


This ability is naturally awakened by a martial soul upon reaching a certain level (Spirit Saint), but due to the world's rules, it can only be used after obtaining the spirit ring.


Through his research on Spirit Saints and comparing his and Xiao Wu's situations, Tang San discovered that the seventh spirit ring only enhances the martial soul if it's not of the same type as the martial soul.


His Blue Silver Emperor underwent a transformation, becoming the Blue Silver Emperor after absorbing Ah Yin's spirit ring and sacrifice. Similarly, Xiao Wu's Soft Boned Rabbit transformed into the Soft Boned Aspect after she used all her essence.


Of course, these transformations might be due to the perfect combination and synergy with their previous spirit rings.


Beast martial souls gain significant enhancements by choosing a spirit beast of the same type for the seventh spirit ring, whereas tool martial souls receive attribute enhancements like strength, defense, and sharpness, which makes them slightly weaker in this regard. However, tool martial souls concentrate on attributes during the Spirit Saint stage, making them stronger in these areas compared to beast martial souls of the same quality.


"So, should I choose a Ghost Shadow Cat for my seventh spirit ring?" Zhu Zhuqing pondered. "But finding a ten-thousand-year-old Ghost Shadow Cat won't be easy."


"That's not a problem. The age of the spirit ring isn't an issue," Tang San reassured. His seventh spirit ring could grow in age as his cultivation increased, and Ah Yin would help enhance it. Understanding the principle, achieving nine hundred thousand-year spirit rings in the future wasn't a dream!


Higher-age spirit rings have more complex and dense spirit power pathways, making it easier and faster for spirit masters to use their skills. Additionally, using high-age spirit rings consumes less spirit power compared to low-age rings.


However, the power of the skills doesn't necessarily increase with the age of the spirit ring; it mainly improves the efficiency of spirit power usage.


"Can you really increase the age of a spirit ring?" Zhu Zhuqing was astonished.


"Understanding the principle takes time, but increasing the age of a spirit ring isn't difficult. It should be achievable in a few days."


Where did Tang San's confidence come from? Naturally, it was Xiao Wu.


The spatial domain can sense the spaces left by previous Soft Boned Rabbits, forming a semi-plane-like world with spirit beast-like creatures.


Undoubtedly, this should be the predecessor of the Ascension Platform space in Douluo Three.


Killing the spirit beasts there provides energy that can be used to increase the age of spirit rings, though it requires a high level of spiritual power from the spirit master to withstand the energy.


"Is it the spirit beasts in that space?" Xiao Wu, realizing something, stopped her staring contest with Gu Yuena and joined the conversation.


"Exactly. That space continues to grow. Everything inside is energy-based, meaning only spiritual power can enter, not physical bodies."


Tang San explained, "Since everything there is energy, it can be absorbed. Remember when I was with you studying it? The energy there is similar to the energy I used to increase the age of my seventh spirit ring, suggesting it can also be used for this purpose and much more efficiently."


"We still need to research how to let others' spirits enter the space... Perhaps connecting it to my starry sky world could expedite the process."


Xiao Wu nodded continuously. The wonder of the Blue Silver Network lay in its ability to grant spiritual communication rights under Tang San's permission. With Tang San's approval, one could even enter the starry sky world.


That world could change according to one's imagination, much like a dream. Staying in it for a long time would passively enhance the quality of one's spiritual power through the starry sky world's refinement.

The energy dimension sensed by Xiao Wu's spatial domain required a key to enter. Without it, even a level 99 peerless Douluo couldn't perceive its existence.


Zhu Zhuqing didn't quite grasp their discussion about connecting two spaces. Meanwhile, Gu Yuena understood, feeling both surprised and pleased that Xiao Wu had acquired an energy dimension. Despite Xiao Wu's lack of respect for her as the sovereign of spirit beasts and her transformation into a human, Gu Yuena acknowledged her as a "subject" due to Xiao Wu's origin from the Soft Boned Rabbit clan—a fact that could never be changed.


"So, who is this child? Is she your daughter with Tang San?" Zhu Zhuqing asked curiously, noticing Gu Yuena deep in thought.


"That's right, this is my and Tang San's daughter, hahaha!" Xiao Wu raised her hand to pat the stunned Gu Yuena's head, teasing her.


Gu Yuena's face turned bright red with anger. How could this woman in black and purple leather, with such an impressive aura, have such poor judgment? How could she be Tang San's daughter? And this mischievous rabbit dared to touch her head!


"Ahem!" Tang San cleared his throat and said, "What are you talking about? Xiao Wu and I were only fourteen or fifteen when we graduated, and it's only been a little over three years since then. Does this girl look like a three-year-old?"


"I'm nine years old," Gu Yuena said, brushing Xiao Wu's hand off her head and glaring at her. She then looked up at Tang San and said, "If Tang San were my father, Xiao Wu would have had to be pregnant at eight."


Xiao Wu scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"


Gu Yuena smirked, "You're the little brat here."


"Oh, seems like you need a lesson to know who's in charge here!" Xiao Wu's eyes flashed as she swiftly attacked Gu Yuena's armpit, using the techniques Tang San had taught her, tickling her lightly and heavily, making Gu Yuena laugh uncontrollably. Her beautiful face contorted into a comical expression.


Tang San didn't intervene. Instead, he silently reached up and touched the left frame of his detection glasses.


Tang San had modified these glasses slightly, adding photo and video capabilities. That action just recorded Gu Yuena's embarrassed look.


[Collapse of the Silver Dragon King: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]


A worthy keepsake!


Zhu Zhuqing blushed, realizing her earlier misunderstanding. She also noted how mature this nine-year-old girl was and saw a similarity to Xiao Wu. She felt a tinge of envy, thinking, "Living with Brother San must be so joyful and happy."


The higher the spirit ring's age, the less spirit power it consumes when using spirit skills.


(End of the chapter)