
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter Thirty four

Vanessa headed back straight to the conference room, every step she takes is full of questions she couldn't wait to ask the men. She untapped them immediately after she got back into the room. The first man was so relieved to see her back unharmed.

"Welcome back from the lord's den", the other man said as soon as she removed the tape.

"Are you hurt?", the first man asked,

"no I'm not but I have lots of questions to ask and I am very confused about some things I discovered",

"What is that?", the first man asked again,

The voice sounds familiar to her, she couldn't stop staring at the man, trying to recollect if she has seen him anywhere before.

' just forget it, what secret did I know I'll find if I remember ', she thought to herself.

"Why is it that every single door I unlocked is like unlocking a version full of secrets, did you know how many doors I opened and how many secrets I discovered now I'm curious about what everyone is keeping behind the door",

"you'll find answers to all your questions later, but you have to leave now",

"though not without you", she proceed to untie them but they stopped her.

"no don't, you can't rescue us",


"you'll be tracked, it's really dangerous", the first man said,

"the moment I became the chosen one, I was bound to face danger, so that's not an excuse", she adamantly proceed to untie them,

"you'll save us but not now ",

"Seriously...", she cried out letting the tears she's been keeping flow out, " why the hell can't I save you<>what on earth is going on, a few minutes ago has turned into a nightmare and now I'm so confused at what kind of person is my father, who am I even?", she yelled emotionally,

' she's so weak and emotional ', the second man thought,

"you have all right to ask questions and be confused but you need to leave now, take everything along with you, the drugs, the briefcase, desk diary, just everything, and leave", the first man said worriedly, coaxing her,

"you heard him, just go, leave now.....",

She was rushed with those words and then find herself running out of the room. She packed everything she was told to get and proceeded to her room. She carried a bag and packed a few of her clothes and every other necessary thing including the prophecy book and her credit card. She couldn't wait to change her dress but put on her face cap. She hurriedly walked out of the house and boarded a taxi. She logged in to their group chat and found her friends chatting with one another, she was glad they were all online,

"hi guys please I need your help", she typed and added a crying emoji to tell them all is not well," please can we all meet at Honeywell and stay home", she texted and send it, then logged out. A few seconds later, Collins's call came in but she didn't wish to speak with anyone at that moment, she just wanted to think.

Honeywell stays home is a story building rented out as an apartment for a particular given period. It is filled with anything to make their clients convenient, people sometimes go there to rent a room or an apartment when they are on vacation from other states or countries or someone who just arrived over the sea and needs a place to stay for a while and some people call it BLOCK OF FLATS or OVERALL. Its big compound has a small bar beside the building, a relaxation center, swimming pool but you only have access to it if you add it to your payment.

( 30 minutes later, 5:00 pm)

A rented apartment in Honeywell stays home which is of a bedroom and living room was rented by Vanessa. She didn't want to squat with any of her friends or freeload, she didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or inconvenient knowing she's also the type that loves her privacy being respected and she knows she will need a lot of time alone.

Vanessa was staring into space, still on her base cap that hides away her red face from her friends. Collins knew something is wrong somewhere, she wouldn't sit close to anyone or let anyone touch her. Everybody did know something is wrong.

"there's surely a tangible reason for you to run away from home", Collins started hoping she'll be able to open up now but her reply suspiciously makes everyone quiet.

"is... there... anyone keeping any secret from me ", she asked with her voice full of pain. They looked at one another after the other.

She pulls off her face cap and looks at them,

"Why would we keep anything from you", Lissa said,

"that bald man is still not my father", she said,

They sighed, "we all knew about that", Max said,

"That man...I found out one reason why he was injecting me and poisoning my food",

"What? poisoning you? why would he do that?", Collins asked,

"why was he injecting you?", Vero asked,

"for whatever reason it is, I never liked him",

"Max!!", Lyndia pinched him,

"he's a vampire agent",

"WHAT!!?", they all exclaimed, surprised.

"there's a secret door he never permits me to go near, and today.., I found out the secret behind the door",

"And what's it you find?", Lyndia asked curiously,

"you won't believe it like I don't even know where to start", she cried,

Collins sat beside her and pet her. After she is calm, she narrated everything that happened.

Everyone was shocked, surprised, and couldn't believe it.

"All these in your house?", Vero shouted,

"a train? lord's den?", Max said and started hiccuping.

"Finally...", Collins smirked, finally knowing where the lord is but now isn't the time to jubilate, Vanessa is stressed.

"seriously doors and walls are keeping lots of secrets. Just as the Muslim hijab covers a lot of things including the clothes they wear under, the walls and doors are keeping things that are unbelievable from human views", John said,

Lyndia was moved to tears, the moment Vanessa talked about the two kidnapped men, she felt a thrill in her veins. Her hope was renewed but she didn't want to be too excited,

"It's fine Nessa, you are gonna be fine", Collins whispered to her and pecked her. She relaxed her head on his shoulder.

"you are not alone okay?", he said knowing that the fact her dad isn't an honest man and now, she has no parent literally, is what weakened her.

"I think we need to save those men", Lyndia said,

"Not now, Paul will be aware now that she knows about him, and going back there is just as dangerous. We need some time", Collins said,

"that's true", Max whose hiccups just stopped said,

Lyndia was about to talk when she sees another vision.

"what's it?",

"I just saw vampires heading to the filling station",

"guess another fight just arrived", Vero said taking out the knife from her jacket.

"always ready?", Lissa asked scoffing,

"you can't tell", she replied with a shrug.

"Can you guys go alone?", Collins asked,

"huh?", Max's eyes widened but Lyndia pinched him again. She chuckled hypocritically,

"Sure we can go alone, they ain't many", she said and dragged him out,

"see you baby girl", Lissa said referring to Vanessa who was just staring at them.

"take care guys", Collins shouted as he watched them exit the room.

Vanessa cuddled him more the moment they were left alone,

"Need a drink?", he asked,

"no I'm fine", she replied. They cuddled each other for some minutes. After she is calm and okay, she started feeling Collins's heat, she could feel his hot breath on her neck. Her heart started racing, it felt like she was cold. These feelings were all new to her but she knew he was doing something to her, something that arouse desires in her, something that wants her to turn around kisses him so hard, something that wants him to touch every part of her body that was already set on fire.