
doomsday spores

Scientists have discovered that a fungus can parasitize ants. This fungus allows the ants to walk according to their predetermined trajectory. When it reaches the most advantageous place for spread, the fungus will kill the ants mercilessly - scientists call them zombies. bacteria. . . How can a group of people survive and escape when the apocalypse comes? Keep running away? This book is a multi-person narrative. . . Doomsday escape novel.

Daoistog8zA5 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


December 30, cloudy

When I woke up, I found that the light was dim. When I walked to the balcony, I couldn't see the sun.

It's around 10 o'clock in the morning. At this time, I was awakened by a nightmare. I had a dream. I dreamed that the spores climbed onto my bed and got into my skin. My belly is getting bigger gradually. So I woke up.

I quickly touched my belly. Only then did I feel at ease.

On the balcony, I saw Building B opposite, and it seemed like there was something extra. There were three or four people standing on top of the house. They were motionless. Looking carefully, I was shocked. It turned out that those motionless people on the edge of the room were just like the woman with her head hanging in the next room. They are already dead. His head hung on his neck like a broken piece. These people are people infected with corpse bacteria. Maybe it's the residents opposite.

They were while I was sleeping. The virus has been released. It's like a monument now. Still standing upstairs.

On my floor-to-ceiling glass. There are many more traces of spores. Most of them don't move. Probably dead. When I was paying attention to the glass. I saw a bloody thing hanging on my railing. It's swinging. That's a piece of meat. There is also an eye hanging on the flesh. I instantly understood what happened. Just upstairs from me. It's the same as the other side. There are several "big heads" standing on their knees.

I went back to the bedroom. There was some fear in my heart. When people are in danger, they will not be afraid of how terrifying things are around them. But I am afraid that I will become these things.

I carefully checked the gaps in each window. Including the gap under the door. Spores have limited activity. Only wind and water are its accomplices. So I kept warning myself in my mind. Everything must be done carefully and carefully.

The warning I gave myself has been reflected in my current life. I don't want to become that kind of thing.

After confirming that my room was safe, I turned on the computer. Found the message from A Dong.

"Brother, I'm going out.--A Dong 08:06"

Only then did I remember what A Dong, the neighbor next door, told me yesterday. He wants to go out and do something today. The time I read the message. He had already gone out in the morning.

I tried to walk to the floor-to-ceiling glass and call his name. But there was still no answer. Maybe he really went out.

I looked at the weather. If it rains, that will be bad.

Now I suddenly started to worry about A Dong. Maybe, I am afraid that I will be too bored and lonely by myself. Finally someone to talk to sometimes. The most important thing is that he actually lives next door to me. Sometimes I think of someone like me next to me. I felt a little relieved.

All I can do now is watch TV and pass the time.

Turn on the TV, it's still the irrelevant news. They all seem to be repeating themselves. Other local stations don't have any programs to pass the time. They are all broadcasting information about "corpse bacteria".

Those troops were all wearing protective clothing. Holding muskets, they burned the corpses on the street. Some troops sprayed white smoke-like disinfectant.

If this continues, all infected people will die. He was burned after death. Then maybe it can be controlled. But I don't know how long it will take for it to end.

The sound of the TV is playing. I closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard a thunder. I just woke up.

I hurriedly ran to the balcony and looked around. The sky was covered with dark clouds. It may rain at any time.

On the balcony of the building opposite, the clothes hanging in the air were fluttering in the wind. It seems that no one has collected these clothes for a long time. I suddenly remembered.

The living room suddenly became dark. Then he was flashed by a bright light again.

That's lightning. Then I heard the sound of pattering outside.

  It's raining.

I turned on the light and looked at my phone. It was only around 4 in the afternoon. Although the winter nights come quickly. But today seems to come very early. I looked across. In the dark Building B opposite, only one house had its lights on. As expected, she looked at me curiously. I waved to her. She also waved to me. Then the curtains were drawn.

I don't know, but there are still a few lights on in my building, and I have an ominous premonition in my heart. But hope. Those families opposite. Maybe I just don't want to turn on the light, or maybe the power is out. Or maybe it's like A Dong. Ran out.

There was another explosion. That sound should be very close to me. I distinguished that it was not thunder. But I couldn't find the specific location. I can't understand what is going on. My floor-to-ceiling glass shook because of the explosion. I even thought about it for a while. What if my glass is shattered by this explosion?

I hate this rain. The musty smell in the room was about to disappear, but then came the rain. I haven't washed my clothes these days. Because it is not safe to hang it outside. Although that thing will die if exposed to the sun. But I always feel a knot in my heart. After I came back from meeting A Dong on the balcony last time. I still spent more than an hour checking myself. And the corner of the living room.

Maybe, I will become a paranoid.

Even if it's tap water, I can't trust it. I had to boil it for a few minutes before I could do anything with it.

After night came, it still rained non-stop. I looked across the street. There are more than 200 rooms in the area. Only 8 rooms have lights on.

I sent a message to A Dong on the Internet. But there was never a reply. Open the chat tool, there are more than 200 people. No one is online.

I started to worry about the situation outside. I don't want the situation to get worse. If everyone hides from me like this. I hid carefully. Maybe you can still be alive now.

  in my opinion. Although this plague is serious. But it's not terrible. That's what I was thinking.

There were several more terrifying screams during the night. At that time, I realized that the rain had stopped. Then there were explosions coming from far away. Even when I'm confused. I seemed to hear the emergency call of an ambulance.

When I wake up in the morning. It's already noon. The sky is still overcast. There is water on the balcony. I found some spores on the floor-to-ceiling glass. They squirmed on the glass. Subtle movement. If this is the case. So how many spores should there be in the water outside? We can only wait for the sun to come out. Dry it slowly.

I don't know if A Dong is back. Another day passed. I heard A Dong's voice.

I hurriedly walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass. Sure enough, it was Adong calling me.

I agreed to him.

All the water on the balcony has dried up. And the sun is very bright today. But I will not drive him out. More and more people are infected. How do I know the rooftop above my head? Is there a big head pointing his big head at me? Even though my whole body is wrapped tightly. But there is no guarantee that there will not be any opportunity for the spores to take advantage of. After all, spores are not immobile.

"I'm not going out." I replied.

"I have something for you." A Dong.

"What is it?"

Then, I saw something stuffed sideways into the railing of my balcony. That thing is very long. It fell on my balcony. When I saw it, it was a transparent plastic film. As it comes in. There are also scissors and nails. Finally, an iron hammer was thrown in.

"Did you see it?" A Dong.

"What are these for?" I asked.

"If you dare to come out, you will know what it is for." A Dong.

"Did you get this outside yesterday?" I asked.

A Dong:"No, these are the ones left in my room. I just found them in the morning. I don't know what they are used for. But they seem to be quite useful to us." A Dong:"And it's very simple. Just open it and then Fix the upper and lower ends with iron nails. Then stick them with glue. Then you can cover the balcony."

I looked at the roll of plastic film lying on it. It looks quite thick. It turns out that A Dong wanted me to seal up the balcony.

I still hesitate.

"Come out now and I will teach you." A Dong:"I have done decoration before."

"Can you get out?" A Dong.

I looked out the window at the railing. The stinky body parts hanging there. Thinking about the meaning of what I did. Maybe it is convenient to stand on the balcony and observe. You can also chat with A Dong at the same time. I put on my coat. The whole body is wrapped. Then walked to the balcony. I saw that A Dong's balcony opposite was covered with a transparent plastic film.

"Do it quickly." He lifted up a corner of the plastic film close to me. "Remember to leave a space and don't seal it."

I nodded. First, use chopsticks to poke the corpse downstairs. I also threw away the chopsticks.

"Let me teach you. First get a chair and stand on it. Fix one corner with iron..."

I quickly followed suit.

Soon, this simple sealing facility was ready.

"It's easy. You put glue on the unsealed area. Be careful and don't touch your hands. Otherwise, you will wait to tear off the skin." Adong instructed.

"I'm wearing gloves." I replied. Then carefully open the glue cap. I have to do it slowly. After all, it's hard to work with gloves on. . And A Dong was looking in my direction. Guide every move I make.

"Okay. I think you are quite suitable to be a carpenter." A Dong.

I checked it carefully again. Except for leaving a corner of the plastic film in the direction of A Dong unsealed, everything else should be fine.

"It's a shame what you thought of." I said.

"Yes, when I went out, I saw a home in Tainan District doing this. I thought we could do it, because I have these materials at home." A Dong.

"Well, you still have a way."

I am still happy when I look at my finished work. Thinking. When you go out to the balcony in the future, you will have an extra layer of insurance.

"Our current glue hasn't completely dried yet, so we have to wait. If it comes out in the future, we don't have to worry so much." A Dong.

"Do you have those things on your glass door?" I asked A Dong.

  he told me. There are many on its door. But they are all dead and dry.

"You can burn it with fire." A Dong. "But there's no need to be afraid of the dead ones. I've caught them all with my hands."

I almost thought I heard it wrong. Even if you die, your heart should not be touched.

"You went out and found something?" I asked.

"I found some instant noodles. One person could only move one. And it damn rained that day. I came back soon. I only walked to the sales department downstairs, which was almost empty. I moved forward again After walking for a while, I saw a supermarket. Unfortunately it was locked, so I smashed the glass door with a stone. I took instant noodles and something. Of course, there were also cigarettes..."

"Oh." I listened carefully to the situation outside. I still want to continue asking in detail.

A Dong continued.

"You don't know, there are a lot of corpses lying downstairs in our building A. I walked through the back door. There were fewer corpses at the back door than what I saw on our balcony. The strange thing is that although these corpses had split stomachs, I found that there were Things grow where the explosion occurred..."


"That's right, all the corpses we have downstairs have something growing on them." A Dong.

I doubt A Dong's ability to describe things. So I asked. Ask him to give an analogy.

"I didn't look carefully. There were about a dozen in each belly. Soft, round, disgusting balls. Just like the mushrooms we eat." A Dong.

"So, they are still growing."

A Dong nodded. "I don't know. On the contrary, when I was coming back after moving my things, two cars collided. There were several cars parked on the road."

"I thought no one was driving?" Me.

"Haha. Let me tell you something, you frog in the well. There used to be a lot of cars on both sides of the road in our district. Now almost all of them have driven away. There are only one or two cars left." Adong.

"Did you run away for your life?" I asked jokingly. I thought to myself that the house with dark lights across the street might not have left Hemen City. Maybe I didn't leave the room and didn't notice it. hope so.

"I brought you a gift." A Dong. I took out something from the balcony.

"This is frozen duck meat. I found it in the supermarket. I brought one for you too. You can make some soup at night." After finishing, A Dong picked it up on a hanger and brought it over.

"Thank you." I was extremely grateful to him.

"I'll go out and take a look when the weather is nice." A Dong.

"So..." I thought for a while. I looked back at the last box of instant noodles left.

"Then you ask me... let's go out together." I answered.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" A Dong.

"Haha... But I don't want to starve to death. Besides, I'm out of toothpaste." I answered.

"Haha... I have another can. I'll give it to you first."

"Then I'm welcome."