
Doomsday Romance : Space Power

In the year 2040, the world stood on the brink of human extinction as a devastating pandemic swept across the country, spreading far and wide. The government issued grave warnings about the imminent threat posed by a highly dangerous creature, heightening the sense of fear and urgency among the populace. In response, the government swiftly undertook the construction of fortified bases designed to facilitate the evacuation and survival of the remaining population. Amidst this chaos, Lin Rhe awoke to find herself grappling with amnesia, her memories fragmentary and disjointed. Yet, certain recollections remained vivid in her mind. She could remember her boyfriend of two years, once thought to be trustworthy, conspiring with her step-sister in a sinister plot to silence her. Before the world was thrust into an apocalypse, Lin Rhe held the predetermined role of inheriting the vast assets and responsibilities of her father's esteemed Asian company. However, the values of money and material possessions had dramatically shifted in this new reality. The true measure of survival hinged upon one's adaptability and the development of unique abilities or powers. As Lin Rhe navigated through the desolate landscape, she encountered a new breed of zombies unlike anything she had ever encountered before. These creatures were far from the conventional depiction of mindless, shuffling corpses. In the face of this extraordinary threat, Lin Rhe crossed paths with four exceptional individuals, each possessing their own remarkable skills and abilities. These chance encounters would prove to be transformative, shaping Lin Rhe's journey and challenging her perception of herself as she strived to navigate the uncharted territories of this unforgiving world on the brink of collapse.

missladyinlovee · Fantasi
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7 Chs


In the aftermath of the catastrophic global pandemic and the downfall of civilization, as we knew it, a fresh epoch dawned. The world had undergone an irreversible transformation, and from the ruins, a flicker of optimism arose. Individuals united, resolved to reconstruct, and forge a more promising future.

Societies emerged, each possessing distinctive attributes and assets. Collaboration became paramount, as communities pooled their wisdom and talents to guarantee their endurance and prosperity.

Darkness was all I could see as I wandered around the dark and shady room, my mind starting to lose its grip on reality. The noise in my head was unbearable, a harsh and loud ringing that echoed through my ears. All I wanted was to escape from this place, to find my way out.

Two hours before the apocalypse:

I woke up to a blinding light, squinting my eyes to see clearly. As I took in my surroundings, all I could see was the bright light shining in front of me, blinding me momentarily. For a moment, I thought of the light at the end of the tunnel, a glimmer of hope. But my hope quickly turned to horror as I heard a growl and a cracking sound behind me. I turned around, only to come face to face with a horrifying creature.

The creature had black, disfigured skin and ghost-like eyes that sent shivers down my spine. Its tattered clothes were stained with blood, making it look even more dreadful. I realized that this creature was once human, or at least, it used to be. As it stealthily moved towards me, I felt a surge of fear and adrenaline, prompting me to take off running, desperate to escape its grasp.

My heart pounded wildly in my chest as I sprinted away from the creature, my mind racing with thoughts of survival. I focused on the bright light ahead, my only beacon of hope. I refused to look back, pushing my body forward, determined to reach the light.

With every ounce of strength I had left, I pushed through the light, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. My eyes snapped open, only to find myself in a hospital room. The bright lights overhead made me squint, and I realized that I was surrounded by strange medical equipment. Confusion and disorientation filled my mind as I tried to comprehend how I ended up here.

I noticed that there was an oxygen mask strapped to my face, providing me with a steady flow of air. A nurse in a white uniform stood near me, her back turned as she attended to some tasks. I mustered the strength to remove the mask from my face and sat up, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

The nurse turned around, her expression filled with shock as she saw me sitting up. Without wasting any time, she hurriedly left the room, presumably to inform the doctor of my awakening. I took a moment to collect my thoughts and tried to remember what had happened to me.

Bits and pieces of memories flooded back to me. I recalled being involved in a car accident, and the pain and chaos that ensued. I also remembered the betrayal of my fiancé, who had been cheating on me with my step-sister. They had planned to kill me, with my sister inheriting my company. The pain of their betrayal and the realization that I couldn't trust those closest to me were etched into my memory.

As I pondered these memories, a sense of anger and resentment welled up within me. The one person I had trusted wholeheartedly had betrayed me in the worst possible way. The pain of their actions would never be erased from my memory. Leaving their house in frustration, I found myself in the accident that led me to this hospital.

The nurse returned, this time accompanied by a handsome man who I assumed was the doctor. I couldn't help but gaze at him, admiring his perfect features. From his prominent jawline to his beautiful eyes and full lips, he exuded an undeniable charm. He appeared to be in his late twenties, with strands of raven hair falling gently over his eyes.

"How are you feeling, Miss Lin Rhe?" the doctor asked, his voice soothing and comforting. I blinked a few times, finding it difficult to form words. He was tall, standing at about six feet, and his white coat revealed the outline of his well-toned muscles. He took a seat next to me on the bed, his eyes filled with concern.

"You have been in a coma for two months. You suffered multiple burns, broken ribs, fractures, and severe head trauma. It's truly a miracle that you survived," the doctor explained, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and relief.

I let the information sink in, my mind trying to grasp the fact that I had been unconscious for two months. It was a surreal realization, and I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for being given a second chance at life.

"I-I don't know what to say. Thank you for saving me, doctor," I replied, my voice filled with genuine appreciation.

The doctor offered me a charming smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I was simply doing my duty. I'm glad to see you awake and recovering. I will work on your discharge papers. Take care and get better soon," he said before leaving the room, leaving me alone with the nurse.

I got discharged from the hospital, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being given another chance at life. As I prepared to leave, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that I didn't get to say goodbye to the handsome doctor who had taken care of me. However, my attention was quickly diverted as an emergency patient was rushed into the hospital.

Covered in blood and trembling uncontrollably, she had a bite mark on her hand. The nurses quickly attended to her, and one of them went to call the doctor.

Curiosity piqued, I stayed outside the emergency room, waiting to catch a glimpse of what was happening. Suddenly, the voice of the president came through the television, announcing the outbreak of a deadly virus that had become a global pandemic. The symptoms described were horrifying, and panic filled the air.

As chaos erupted around me, with nurses and patients running away from something, I realized that the hospital was no longer safe. Without hesitation, I ran out of the hospital, only to find that the streets were also in turmoil. The infected, whom I could only describe as zombies, were approaching, growling and snarling. Fear coursed through me as I tried to evade them.

Just as I thought all hope was lost, a hand covered my mouth, pulling me away from danger. I struggled and fought against the person, but they were determined to protect me. It was the doctor, Harry Lee, who had cared for me during my time in the hospital.

"Good thing you're okay," he said, his voice filled with relief. "The hospital is already infected. We have to get out of here now."

He quickly started the car, and we sped away from the infected crowd that was closing in on us. The streets were chaotic, with people screaming for help and zombies attacking indiscriminately. The gravity of the situation sank in as I realized the severity of the virus outbreak.

"Why is this happening, Doctor?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear.

"This didn't just start now," he explained, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "It began about a year ago, with people showing symptoms of fever, seizures, and other unknown ailments. The government conducted tests, but they found nothing. Somehow, the infected individuals broke free and started spreading the virus."

I listened in shock as he continued, revealing that this outbreak was not limited to our country but had occurred worldwide. Governments had kept it hidden to avoid causing panic, but now the situation had spiraled out of control.

We drove through narrow alleys, dodging the infected who were desperately trying to reach us. Finally, we reached a safe camp that the government had established. It was located in a remote area, far away from the chaos of the cities. Harry had prepared a bag filled with essential supplies and equipment for our survival.

"Doctor Harry, do the zombies evolve?" I asked, my voice filled with desperation.

"It's unknown," he replied, his face reflecting the uncertainty of the situation. "We don't know if they evolve immediately or if there are different stages of the infection. We have to stay alert and be prepared for anything."

As we settled in the safe camp, surrounded by trees and nature, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and determination. The world had changed, and our survival was uncertain. But together, we would face the challenges ahead and fight for our lives.