
Doomsday at Marvel

I, doomsday, have remained in the core of the Sun for a hundred thousand years. Lu Yuan was originally a normal person, but one day he traveled back in time and became the famous Doomsday in the DC universe. Doomsday refers not to a single monster, but to a terrifying legion, coming from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not Superman, in fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by resurrecting the corpses of Kryptonians after gaining superhuman powers. Lu Yuan became one of the suns at the end of the world after traveling through time, entered the core of the sun and remained there for 100,000 years. One day Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he discovered that this was no longer the Earth of the DC universe. For some reason, he seemed to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, he'd be a god." This is a translated novel, please support me with good reviews and stars. Updates will be daily, one chapter per day, if I don't upload a chapter one day it's because something bad happened to me xd.

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Showing the power

It's no wonder people in the car were afraid of Lu Yuan; it was actually because of his appearance that they couldn't congratulate him. That fierce look was still fierce enough even if Lu Yuan didn't deliberately scare people. That's why he's considered a demon. Lu Yuan himself knew that his outward image wasn't good, but what could he do? Could he ever regain a human appearance? Just as he was thinking this, he felt a sudden change in his body. His enormous body began to shrink slowly, and the five-meter height suddenly became 1.9 meters. The shape of his body also diminished, although he still retained his strong muscles, they were no longer exaggerated. Especially his appearance. Lu Yuan's body was originally covered with a layer of terrifying bone armor, especially the sharp spikes at the edges. It was a terrifying weapon that could easily pierce even Superman's steel body. It was also a powerful armor that not even Superman could easily break. Now they were all gone. In addition to his skin and appearance, Lu Yuan's body was undergoing tremendous changes, from a monster to a human. Lu Yuan himself was surprised to see his new appearance through the armored vehicle's mirror. He had short black hair, beautiful features, black eyes, and fair skin. Isn't this a physical transformation? Since becoming the Day of Judgment, Lu Yuan thought he would never see this face again, but didn't expect there would be a day of recovery? Will he no longer be Doomsday and has returned as Superman? No, Lu Yuan knew very well that he was still the Day of Judgment; this was only an external change. To put it bluntly, it's because he already has the power and realm of a fifth-dimensional being and changed it to what he thought in his heart, but his outward appearance turned out like this. But there was no change inside; he was still who he was. This scene surprised Tony and the three soldiers in the car. "Wait a minute, put on pants first," Tony looked at the lower part of Lu Yuan's body with envy and jealousy. Lu Yuan was Doomsday before, and with Doomsday's enormous body, he couldn't find the right clothes. Moreover, he had stayed in the center of the sun for a hundred thousand years, and no clothing could withstand it. Most importantly, he was covered with armor, and he was nothing without clothes. But things were different now. Tony took off his jacket and tossed it. Lu Yuan took it and wrapped it around his waist, simply covering his body. Lu Yuan now looked like an ordinary person, but the people in the car had seen his transformation with their own eyes and knew he was not an ordinary person. They looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do next. Even Tony asked Lu Yuan, "What should we do next?" Lu Yuan looked up, listening to something in his ears, and said, "Someone is here again. It seems Mr. Tony is quite popular." Tony looked around and thought, "Is that so?" At that moment, another group of people suddenly appeared, fully armed and running towards the armored vehicle. One of them even carried an RPG and fired a rocket. The soldiers in the car still had enough fighting qualities and were about to take evasive action while exclaiming. As a result, Lu Yuan took the initiative to meet it, floating, standing in front of the armored vehicle, raising his hand and grabbing the rocket. Because he caught it instead of blocking it, the rocket was not hit and did not explode immediately. Both sides were stunned by this scene. Then, Lu Yuan saw him grab the rocket, threw it, and ran back to the original path. There was an exclamation from the other side. Especially the guy with the RPG launcher was about to flee, but the rocket had already returned. "Boom!." A cloud of smoke rose, and the man disappeared. This is very scary; the speed of the rockets launched by Lu Yuan is actually faster than those fired by RPGs. These people looked at each other. "Fire, kill him," the leader shouted, taking the initiative to take his rifle and pull the trigger. Suddenly, there were shots everywhere. All the weapons were aimed at Lu Yuan, who was flying in the air. The bullets were like a curtain of rain, forming a bullet rain and surrounding Lu Yuan. As a result, Lu Yuan still didn't take it seriously and flew there with his arms crossed, letting the bullets lean towards him. With just a 'Ding! Ding! Dang! Dang!', countless bullets fell on Lu Yuan to produce a crisp sound, and due to the weapons in the bullets, they seemed to take the form of countless bright fireworks. But after they all fired a lot of bullets, they found that Lu Yuan was still flying there unharmed. It can't be said that there was no change; his clothes, the coat that Tony gave him, were torn to shreds, and he was naked again. Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, among the three soldiers in the car, the one responsible for driving was actually a female soldier. "It's my turn to act," Lu Yuan waited until they finished their bullets before preparing to counterattack. He did it on purpose, not to mention that he is now immortal in the Final Judgment Sun. Even if he hasn't been in the core of the sun for a hundred thousand years, with the superhuman strength he has obtained and the superhuman body of steel, a simple bullet can't do anything. That's why Lu Yuan deliberately flew there as a target, and only then was he ready to counterattack. Flying in the air, Lu Yuan's eyes slowly lit up, and he suddenly shot two golden rays of light, like laser eyes, which were his unique golden heat rays. Heat vision is one of the most classic abilities of the Superman family. Anyone who is Kryptonian and has gained Superman's power can use it. But only Lu Yuan's heat rays are golden; he was red before, and almost all heat rays are red. Maybe it's because he's been under the sun for a hundred thousand years? The heat rays were at least the speed of light, and no one could escape. When Lu Yuan focused on everyone, the heat rays, which were more terrifying than lasers, easily pierced those people. In the end, even the soldiers behind him and Tony couldn't stand it anymore. The female soldier turned around and began to retch. Lu Yuan didn't take it seriously; they were the ones who attacked first, and he deliberately let them finish their attack before counterattacking. Moreover, these guys behind him are not strictly in their own country. Lu Yuan didn't even bother to talk about them, and there were some things he couldn't talk about or mention. Lu Yuan eliminated everyone in an instant, but when he eliminated the last person, he moved the heat ray aside and flew over himself. He needed some clothes, at least something to cover himself. So he took off the shirt and pants of the man, then threw them several hundred meters away and turned into a ball of flames in the air and died from his speed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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