
Doomed the destiny Rewritten

‘Rewrite the destiny And change the fate, Find the Doom And create a change.’ That's what the voice said. She didn't where she is and how she reached here but she knows this is a book and the whole plot is premeditated but somehow everything seems vaguely familiar. "Who are you?" she asked " Find the doom And create a change" the voice repeated again and again Xu Ran 7 year old who transmigrated into a book has to change the destiny of her and her family!! ………………………………………………. Insta:- @Thelittlemjs Discord:- @Mj#6274 Pinterest:- @Thelittlemjs

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Will the plot change? because I changed the destiny of Male lead and Mini-Villain

Pei Yu was the original male lead of the book who will destroy her brothers and Juan is his mother's sister's son who lived with them since young due to some reasons.

Juan was a small-time villain who only had a few appearances and his background wasn't explained clearly. He created a lot of trouble for male and female lead. He was Pei Yu best friend who turned to be his nemesis as Juan always thought that Pei Yu was the reason he became crippled.

There wasn't much knowledge about how Juan got crippled but it was given that he become a cripple on the same day Xu Ran got kidnapped

Now that Xu Ran thought about it a realization dawned upon her that if they used Juan's method of distracting the kidnapper by running she must have been kidnapped and somehow Juan must have losted his legs and Pei Yu must had lost his first best friend because of it he lived his half of life in guilt.

And when she thought about the voice in her mind which was encouraging her to follow along the plan a chill ran down her spine.

When Xu Ruan felt that her sister in his arms was trembling. He groggily patted her head and said "don't worry everything will be okay. I am here"

Listening to his soothing voice her tensed brows relaxed and she slowly fell asleep.

In the morning when she woke up her brothers, her mother and her father surrounded her for the whole day checking if she had an after effect or not.

After seeing she was okay and was behaving normally everyone felt relieved.

Next day when they were having breakfast a call from old mansion came where their grandparents were leaving asking them to go there in the evening.

Xu Ran doesn't know what it is but her mind could tell that something big is going to happen.

Anyways from the least encounter Xu Ran has decided to ignore all the kinds of voices in her mind and work hard so that she can help her family.

In the evening when the family of six went to the old mansion. They saw three unfamiliar people and a little girl of the same age as Xu Ran and Xu Ruan sitting there. They were smiling and laughing happily.

When Xu Ran saw the girl her heart skipped a beat.

'No it can't be'