
Doom of valhalla

This is the 1st book of 7 where it shows how the land of god dies by their own hands and this series of books and books related to this series are based on a multiversal saga. Every story is connected and takes place in different reality with a lot of time travel throughout the series. this book follows 2 main characters Luke and ... how they both crossed their ways and also gives a little insight of their backstory. both are the 1st 2 of the 7 main characters who will build the story and find the truth about them self and other LUKEs.

Ronix_Max_199 · Fantasi
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Luke opened his eyes and found himself lying down under a tree. He looked around, confused and disoriented, not understanding where he was or how he got there. He was in a dense forest, surrounded by tall trees and the sounds of birds chirping. He was wearing a tunic and breeches, and he had a sword at his side. But he couldn't remember anything. Not his name, not his past, not how he ended up in this strange place.

As he tried to get up, a white-haired man emerged from a nearby cave, armoured and armed with a sword. The man didn't speak or make a sound, but he immediately attacked Luke. Luke was taken aback, but he reacted instinctively and managed to block the man's sword. The two engaged in a fight, and Luke soon realized that he was a skilled warrior, even though he couldn't remember how he learned to fight.

As the fight continued, Luke stumbled and fell, asking the white-haired man who he was. The man didn't respond and continued to attack him. Luke managed to get up and fight back, but he was no match for the white-haired man. In a last attempt, Luke asked him again, "Who are you?" The man finally spoke, "Death."

With those words, the white-haired man moved his sword towards Luke's face and sliced him in half. Everything went white, and Luke felt a surge of memories flooding his mind. He saw glimpses of his past, of battles and wars, of love and loss. But they were just fragments, and he couldn't remember anything in full. When he opened his eyes again, he was back under the tree, but now it was night, and the white-haired man was far away, killing someone.

Luke approached the man, determined to find out what was going on. The man disappeared, and Luke tried to find him, but he couldn't. He saw the man far away, killing soldiers and other people, and Luke decided to follow him. As they walked, they heard a horn sound in the distance, and they continued walking towards it. The horn sound grew louder and clearer, and they eventually reached a big palace, where the horn sound was coming from.

The white-haired man killed the guards and used his intelligence to break into the palace. Once inside, they discovered that the horn sound was a warning of a threat marching towards the castle.

The castle was filled with chaos and screams as the white-haired man made his way through the halls, taking down soldiers one by one. Despite the many stab wounds and sword cuts he received in return, he refused to stop his ruthless killing spree.

The remaining soldiers banded together and attacked him all at once, but the white-haired man survived their attempts and continued on, badly wounded but determined.

Finally, he reached the main hall where the king sat, a smiling old man with an unknown sword with the inscription "Valnar" written on it. The king taunted the white-haired man, saying, "You like to play, huh? I should have saved you when you were drowning. Or maybe not."

The white-haired man stumbled forward, but eventually regained his strength and stood before the king. The king tried to kill him, but the white-haired man dodged the attack and instead plunged his sword into the king, slicing him in half.

Luke, who was lost somewhere in the castle, stumbled upon the aftermath of the massacre. In shock, he approached a dying soldier and asked who the white-haired man was. The soldier coughed, gasping for breath, and whispered, "He...he...he is the god...save me please, I am sorry...please...god." And with that, the soldier passed away.

The white-haired man sat on the throne, holding the king's sword.