

The turbulence started ,it was almost 15min after the plane was in air, he realised that mum ,dad and his elder sister sitting next to him were somehow uncomfortable, that sound when he tapped the window increased the discomfort level of his family ,he asked to mum,"what happened mommy" ,she replied not to worry dear nothing happened. He observed that the words of his mother were not following her heart,he said, " You didn't understand my question mom, i was asking that are you guys alright ? you all are looking upset, I'm absolutely fine but you all seems terrific".

" oh no no my child its actually just a turbulence ,so we all were uneasy"

suddenly a voice came, " you all are requested to stay calm, we can face more turbulence as the weather is not much favourable "

his sister loudly said, if its not favourable why you are not doing any arrangements for emergency landing, I hope no one wants to see heaven too soon!

everyone started shouting and screaming and were saying for emergency landing, He,yes the 5 nd half year old started singing a song,a sudden silence occurred probably an awkward one. Once the noise dropped, he stopped singing and loudly said, hey everyone hope you all are doing well I hope you ll listen to me without considerings that I'm 5 and half year old kid. I hope that you all heard to Staff,if not then let me tell you and remind you that her words were ,STAY CALM. They are already here,if you guys know that you cannot do anything atleast try to stay calm because this is the only way we can help each other,its just a turbulence, at this height ,and at this weather, emergency situations are not possible , Hope for best ,if they'll feel to do an emergency landing they will,there is no need to rush and make difficulty for them,If airlines take good care of us all the time and provide us facilities can't we just do a favour of not panicking,atleast they won't get upset.


and at the same time if you ll scream and shout or speak bad it will not only make yourself frightened but the surroundings too. So please CALM DOWN.

No one ever imagined that a kid can say that all.

Right after his words,Staff announces that as "we have already faced turbulence now,and now by considering the present and predicted weather conditions, we can have a peaceful journey "

which shows that during his entire conversation with plane fellows they passed that turbulence time without even feeling it .

people started conversation right after what happened there,Definititely a judgemental conversations,mix views, positive and negative both.

As he listened some of the voices he came to know what people are talking about and then what could happen next his stream of consciousness begun...

again some confusions and some questions

for the time being his family was shocked by his words too and when he looked at them,the stare or expressions he get from them were questionable but he didn't asked anything and start looking out from window and went to his confused set of thoughtful questions that

how people can react like this,why they can't have patience, why he spoke too much,does there was any need of that all?, what would they have been thinking about him that how a kid can do that? ,was that all right or wrong ? how can I think in that way or talk in that way,what if my sister gets me wrong as I opposed her ,why people are now commenting on him,why some of them are thinking negative about me?,have I done wrong,whether a good or bad why someone wants to think and rethink on what I have said,it's over ,why these people are not over,I thought of singing for stopping that situation, was that a silly thing,.....oh come on I'm a kid too I can't stay without doing anything kiddesh...OK now stop its enough I need to breath in and out .

he gasped closed his eyes and tried to sleep.....