
Mirror Mirror....Worst Wish

Door opened,

Yes whose this.....He asked

ah!!!! whose this...she replied

who the hell are you to say this..

How can you say that to me...

what do you mean, he said

what do I mean...Was it Spanish, you didn't understand.... How can you ask

You a little toddler, Not even grown from soil yet is saying that

I WAS BORN NOT SOWN....He replied

Ill mannerd ....she wend to cloak room

He was standing in front of mirror of dressing table. He was not capable of reaching it out so he placed Hassock to see himself in a mirror

Before she came in , he was in his imaginations and they were distracted and disturbed by her entrance. He was looking himself basically analysing himself internally.

After his conversation with her, he started questioning himself that can't a toddler have some privacy? oh man no ,not again

another question or stream of questions....

why she said that, what was her intention, what was she upto, oh no has she observed me while looking myself in mirror, what she thought about me,was I just observing myself or I said something too, Will she judge me on that ,

OK stop how can I be so pathetic

I mean I can think in a way that why was she so rude , how can she come in my room without knocking, and come on when she entered she did not even hesitate and when she came she just argued why? what kind of attitude was that, she entered my room and she didn't even bothered to tell me that why is she here ? was that appropriate? what if I went to her room like that ?

will she bear it?

no no I shouldn't think in that way

lemme stop myself here

Once she'll get out from cloakroom I'll ask her

yes definitely I'll ask her .....

he again started staring himself in mirror...

suddenly cloakroom's door opened. she came out .

He started questioning her that why she talked to him in that way...

First she didn't bothered to reply...

she went out of room

he loudly said, You can't ignore me like that...

She stopped suddenly ,get back and said with a smirk

Oh you are asking me that now .... You are standing in front of a mirror with a help of footstool, you are already looking yourself in a mirror but you are not getting it...oh you minor comeon !

She left.....

A moment of reticence.....

Wait what he stare at mirror...himself.....

what was that ..... was that all because she is elder ......No I mean what's wrong

And at that time he for the first time wished a worst thing and it was.....May I quickly pass my childhood...