
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Taoist priest, you have a beautiful girl hidden in your golden house

In the Taoist temple deep in the mountains and old forests, besides Su Han, there was actually a stunning little Lolita, who was wearing ethnic minority clothing, which made her look even more charming and attractive!

The fans in the live broadcast room were stunned and their jaws dropped to the ground!

The barrage exploded instantly!

[Lotus Root and Spare Ribs]: "Great! Taoist priest, you actually have a beautiful woman hidden in your temple. I seem to have discovered a big secret!!"

[Farmer Bandit]: "I didn't expect that Taoist priest actually likes lolita. Her taste is quite similar to mine. To be honest, this girl is really beautiful!!"

[Strawberry Sweet Sauce]: "Wow, there is a woman in Taoist priest's temple. I am so sad. Taoist priest is no longer pure!!"

[My grandma often slaps Zhao Zilong]: "This girl is so beautiful. She even plays cosplay. Taoist priest's taste is quite unique. But this outfit looks really beautiful on her!"

[Digging Sweet Potatoes in the Middle of the Night]: "Everyone should bless Taoist priest. Besides, this girl's appearance and temperament are barely worthy of Taoist priest!"


It has to be said that Ning Qiqi is really a rare beauty!

Her skin is as white as snow, her facial features are delicate, and the clothes she wears with the characteristics of Xiangxi ethnic minorities perfectly set off her temperament and agility!

Except for her petite figure, she has almost no flaws!

"Don't joke, this girl is just staying in my Taoist temple!"

Noticing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Su Han shook his head and laughed: "She was strolling in the mountains alone, and happened to come to my small Taoist temple this morning!"

The audience in the live broadcast room said that no one would believe it!

"Master, can you please write a draft for your nonsense? It should be reasonable. How could such a weak girl walk around in the deep mountains and forests in the middle of the night!"

"Yes, Master, if you are in love, just admit it openly. Anyway, we are fans of you because of your skills and character. It has nothing to do with whether you are in love or not!"

"I know. This girl must be a crazy fan of the master. She ran to the Taoist temple thousands of miles away to pursue true love!"

"Is it possible? I will book a flight right now. Not to mention that the Taoist temple is in the deep mountains and forests, even if it is on Mount Everest, I will climb up at all costs!"


The audience in the live broadcast room thought Ning Qiqi was Su Han's female fan!

In order to pursue Su Han, she ran to the Taoist temple!

Such an explanation is very reasonable!

After all, there are indeed a lot of female fans in Su Han's live broadcast room!

And Su Han's appearance and temperament are a killer for many girls!

Seeing that someone had taken the lead, many female fans in the live broadcast room were furious!

Some even opened the ticket purchase software to check the latest air tickets

Su Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and didn't explain too much!

When she came to the firewood room, Ning Qiqi simply cooked a bowl of white porridge!

With some pickles and dried radish!

Ning Qiqi was not picky about food at all, and she drank it up!

The audience in the live broadcast room had a guess at this moment!

"Is there a possibility that this girl is not a human, but a fairy in human form? Fairies are very beautiful when they transform, and this feature is completely consistent!"

"Your guess above is very bold, but I think this girl is likely to be some kind of mysterious profession, look at her clothes. Those who understand will understand!"

"I understand, this girl must be from Miaojiang, maybe she is a Gu Master, she won't give the Taoist priest a love Gu?!"

"Really a Gu Master? Then I want a Hongyun Qitian Gu!!"

"As a Miaojiang person, I want to dispel the rumor. The clothes she wears are not the characteristics of our Miaojiang. It looks a bit like Xiangxi."


The audience in the live broadcast room was full of curiosity and speculated!

And at this time, the speech of an account attracted the attention of fans!

[The Sea of ​​Learning is Endless]: "Taoist priest, can I connect with you? I want to tell you about my father's situation!"

This barrage was immediately pushed up by enthusiastic fans!

Just now, everyone was discussing Ning Qiqi's identity, but now all their attention has been diverted to her!

This Xue Hai Wu Ya is Li Zhanpeng, a student from the Department of Nuclear Physics at Tsinghua University who was connected to the microphone last night!

And his father, Li Guoguang, suffers from pancreatic cancer, which is known as the king of cancer. Last night, Su Han prescribed a prescription that made all Chinese medicine practitioners tremble with fear!

Even Le Jingxuan, the leader of the Chinese medicine community in China, criticized this prescription, claiming that Su Han was sensational and took human life lightly

Last night, this matter dominated the hot searches, and Su Han's fans and many netizens argued endlessly, and it can be said that they had been arguing with each other online for a whole night!

And netizens are naturally curious about the result of this matter!

Su Han also noticed this barrage, and after drinking the last mouthful of porridge, he nodded and said, "Okay, you can send an invitation!"

In a single-family villa in Kyoto, a bright and pretty girl instantly flipped over from the bed!

Le Yao put on her slippers, hurriedly left her room, and came to the small courtyard of the villa!

As expected, I saw an old man with gray hair, full of energy, wearing a white training suit, holding a soft sword in his hand, and practicing a set of health-preserving sword techniques!

"Grandpa, Grandpa!"

Le Yao came to Le Jingxuan excitedly with her mobile phone and said, "The son of the patient last night is going to connect with the Taoist priest!"

"I don't know what the situation is, and I don't know if the medicine will work!"

Le Yao has been paying attention to the result of this matter!

In order not to miss it, she even set an alarm early and squatted in Su Han's live broadcast room!

Le Jingxuan stopped his actions, shook his head and said: "Do we need to see the results? If the patient takes that prescription, he will definitely die!"

"There is no other possibility!"

Le Jingxuan said: "I told you to study hard but you didn't listen. If you drink that prescription, do you think there is still a possibility of survival?"

Le Yao pouted and retorted: "According to common sense, he will definitely die, but what if? Taoist priests can't be judged by common sense!"

"The combination of those medicines may have special effects!"


Le Jingxuan said disdainfully: "If that prescription can really cure the disease, I, an old man, will lose my face and directly worship this Taoist priest as my teacher!"

"It's hard to say whether he will accept you or not"

Le Yao muttered softly.

"What did you say?"

The old man was about to get angry, and Le Yao waved his hands hurriedly: "Nothing, nothing!"

And there are also many Chinese medicine practitioners who pay special attention to this matter!

Because from their point of view, this prescription was designed to kill people, and they didn't believe there would be any other results!

And at this moment, Su Han connected to the video link sent by the other party!