
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasi
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55 Chs

One fate, two luck and three feng shui

"Hello, Taoist Priest, my name is Zhou Wenmo!"

The man in a suit introduced himself, and then said: "Can the Taoist priest see what I want to do?"

Su Han smiled and said: "Think about whether to retire!"

Zhou Wenmo was stunned for a moment, and then said with admiration: "The Taoist Master is really clever!"

Hearing the word "retirement", many workers in the live broadcast room felt a little defensive!

"Retiring at a young age is like a magical life!"

"If I earn two million, I will retire and live a free life from now on!"

"This guy looks like he's only in his thirties, but he wants to retire. He's really... so enviable!"

"I'm working overtime every day. It's hard to say whether I can survive until retirement!"

"I also want to retire, woohoo~"


"Fans are all envious of you!"

Su Han smiled and said, "If you don't mind, I can introduce you to the legendary story of your fortune."

Zhou Wenmo was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from the Taoist Priest!"

"In this case, I will share my story with everyone, hoping to inspire everyone!"

"Everything I have now is actually something I worked hard for step by step!"

"When I was fifteen, my father unfortunately passed away and my family had no source of income. I dropped out of school and worked as an apprentice in a car repair shop."

"When I had some free time in the repair shop, I came into contact with a stock forum, which was full of short-term speculators. I learned a lot of knowledge from it!"

"During this period, I used the simulated market to play stocks when I had nothing to do. When I became an adult at the age of eighteen, I entered the stock market with my savings of 30,000 yuan!"

"In one year, thirty thousand turned into three hundred thousand!"

"When I was nineteen years old, I was a full-time stock trader. It took me one year to invest in stocks, and my capital exceeded one million. By the time I was twenty-four, my capital had reached tens of millions!"

"Later I met a noble person and entered the futures market. Now more than ten years have passed and I have established my own investment company. The total assets are not much, but there are more than 2 billion!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned!

This experience sounds indeed legendary!

"666, is this the legendary experience of a stock genius? It makes people jealous!"

"How much? Not too much? When will two billion not be too much!!"

"Holy crap! You can really make money by stock trading! Then why do I lose half of my principal when I buy a fund!"

"It is true that you can make a lot of money by stock trading, but it may also make you bankrupt. Just take a look at this brother's experience. Don't start stock trading full-time as soon as you get started!"

"Stock trading is okay, but this guy is playing futures. The futures market is even more ruthless and extremely risky. It's just like gambling!"

"There are tens of millions of investors. Nine out of ten people lose money and one makes a profit. Only one out of ten people can make money. It's just a survivor bias. Moreover, this kind of people are born for stock trading. They can't be compared, they can't be compared!"


Zhou Wenmo smiled gently: "My experience is difficult to replicate, and most people are not suitable for stock trading and futures trading!"

"Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the industry!"

[Old Cat at the Construction Site]: "A futures boss like you actually wants to retire. You can earn millions with just a few clicks. Only construction site workers like us should retire!"

[Crocodile Tears]: "The boss is so young, he shouldn't be at the peak of his career, but he is willing to retire!"

[Stock Trading Lao Wang]: "Brothers, don't think that trading stocks and futures is easy. It's really tiring. I sit in front of the computer from morning to afternoon and watch the market. After the market closes, I have to review and summarize. In addition, the mental pressure is very high. Sometimes I really couldn't sleep all night long!"

[Tianmo Phantom]: "Enemies! My cousin is a full-time stock trader, and he suffered from depression last year!"


"At my age, I'm at my peak!"

Zhou Wenmo smiled bitterly and said: "But some bad things happened, plus several short-selling futures failed this year, and I lost a lot of money!"

"So I think I still have more than a billion in assets, so I might as well retire. I will most likely not be able to spend all this money in my lifetime!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was simply silenced. Are there any Versailles people like you?

"More than a billion, how many digits are there, I can't even count them all at once!"

"If I had three million, I would retire immediately, not pay the mortgage, buy a shabby car and drive it, and live a comfortable life for the rest of my life!"

"I don't ask for much! Just one million!"

"It seems that the economic environment this year is indeed not good. Even the financial giants are losing money!"


Zhou Wenmo looked at Su Han at this time and asked, "Taoist Priest, could you please help me calculate whether it would be better for me to retire where I am, or to continue to shine in this industry."


Su Han gave the answer and said with a smile: "Now there are more than a billion left to retire. If you keep working, maybe there will be only a few million left in a few years!"

Zhou Wenmo was stunned for a moment, and then became unconvinced: "Taoist Master, what you said is a bit exaggerated. Although I have made some investment failures this year, my skills are still there!"

"No matter how desperate I am, I can't possibly have only a few million left!"

Regarding Zhou Wenmo's current status and wealth, it was hard for him to imagine...how to live a life with only a few million? !

"Every time comes, heaven and earth all work together, heroes of luck are not free!"

Su Han smiled and said: "Your luck has gone. No matter how strong your personal ability is, you can't stop the general trend!"


Zhou Wenmo said unwillingly: "Does it mean that my whole life depends on luck, so what does my hard work mean?"

The audience in the live broadcast room complained one after another!

"Sure enough, people's lives are different. We deserve to be forced to work as coolies. It's so miserable!"

"Boss, what else are you dissatisfied with? I believe there are people who work harder than you, but they don't have your luck and talent, and they are still struggling at the bottom of society..."

"That's right. It would be great if I also have good luck. I don't want to work hard anymore. Working hard is so tiring!"

"Even the Taoist Master said this. It seems that the saying "one fate, two luck and three feng shui" really makes sense!"


Seeing Zhou Wenmo's disbelieving look, Su Han smiled and said, "You don't think that your achievements today are all due to your own efforts, do you?"

"How many times have you danced on the edge of a knife with your investment, and you were not even sure of it. In the end, you were lucky enough to take a huge risk and get a huge profit!"

"Isn't this luck?"

Hearing Su Han's rhetorical question, Zhou Wenmo couldn't help but be stunned!

Because he had to admit that what Su Han said was the truth!

He had made many risky investments. Based on his knowledge at the time, he could not tell whether he would lose or make money, but he basically won every time!