
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasi
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55 Chs

I cannot help you.

Do not make any grammatical mistakes when translating into English.

Taoist priest, I can't help you.

The audience in the live broadcast room, seeing Sun Shaobin in this state, was also moved to compassion!

[Iron Pot Stews Goose]: "This uncle looks a bit miserable, tortured to the point of death, Taoist priest, you should help him!"

[Romantic]: "I was also scared, I really dare not go night fishing anymore after this!"

[Doesn't Eat Roasted Chicken]: "This ghost is a bit unreasonable, did this uncle offend him? Why torture him like this?"

[Yellow River Little Meng Chang]: "Everyone don't panic, since he has found the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest will definitely help him solve his troubles."


Everyone now admired Su Han's abilities quite a bit, feeling that solving this matter should be a piece of cake for the Taoist priest!

However, Su Han's next words were somewhat unexpected by everyone!

"Taoist priest, I can't help you!"

Su Han shook his head.

The audience in front of the screen was startled, and Sun Shaobin was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat!

If even Su Han couldn't help him, then he really didn't know what to do, he could only wait to die!

"No way! Is this drowning ghost so strong that even the Taoist priest can't solve it?"

"The Taoist priest is still young after all, probably not enough Taoist practice!"

"Right, right, right, I think those powerful Taoist priests are all old Taoists with an immortal appearance, this young man is too young, probably not enough cultivation!"

"I thought this little Taoist priest was very powerful, but it turns out that he can't catch ghosts at all!"


Hearing Su Han's words, many viewers in the live broadcast room began to doubt his abilities!

Sun Shaobin asked nervously, "Taoist priest, is there really no way?"

"I don't want to die!"

Su Han sneered, "To this day you still haven't told the truth, how can you expect me to help you?"

Sun Shaobin's face changed upon hearing this!

The audience outside the screen smelled something fishy!

"According to the Taoist priest's meaning, this uncle seems to be hiding something, probably not telling the truth!"

"Shocked! Could it be that the person who drowned in the reservoir was done in by this uncle?!!"

"My god... this shouldn't be possible, right?"

"Maybe it was the uncle's fishing buddy, the uncle saw him catching more fish, felt imbalanced, and thus committed murder!"

"The one above, yours is even more absurd, okay."


"Taoist priest! I was wrong!"

Sun Shaobin cried and blew his nose, while slapping himself twice, he told the hidden things.

"I was momentarily possessed by evil, seeing a gold necklace on the corpse's neck, I couldn't control my greed and secretly took it!"

"Later, seeing that their family seemed very poor, I regretted it, but I was afraid to take it out and didn't know how to explain, so I didn't dare to take it out!"

Hearing Sun Shaobin's words, the audience in the live broadcast room scolded him!

"Turns out this old guy also stole, I just felt sorry for him, but this is simply retribution!"

"He really is bold, even daring to take things from a dead person!"

"Haha, then he deserves to be tormented!"

"Taoist priest, don't help him, he deserves it!"

"Exactly, if it weren't for the Taoist priest's divine calculations, he would have wanted to hide it, I think he deserves it, let him fend for himself!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was very angry!

Sun Shaobin was very nervous and terrified at the moment, Su Han was currently his only hope!

If Su Han wouldn't help him, he really had no way out!

"Taoist priest, save my life!"

Sun Shaobin pleaded, "I was indeed momentarily possessed by evil, but I am not guilty of death, and the torment I have suffered over the past month has been enough!"

"As long as the Taoist priest helps me drive away the ghost on my body, I will turn myself in!"

Su Han did not speak, but looked behind Sun Shaobin!

Standing there was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, but his body was semi-transparent, and only Su Han could see him!

Su Han said to him, "Let him return the gold necklace and give some financial compensation to your family, and then forgive him!"

"He is not a bad person, there is no need to take his life, you can also quickly reincarnate, if the soul stays in the human world too long, it will slowly dissipate, and then you won't even be able to reincarnate."

The boy's soul nodded and said with a bow, "I listen to the Taoist priest!"


"Who is speaking!"

Sun Shaobin was startled and jumped up from the chair!

The audience in the live broadcast room felt a chill down their spine!

"Just now... Was the Taoist priest talking to the drowning ghost?"

"Definitely, how can a ghost appear during broad daylight?"

"I'm home alone, I admit I'm a bit scared!!"

"Could it be that there is a ghost floating around us right now? It's terrifying to think about!"

"Isn't this scientifically impossible? This world really has ghosts?"

"Taoist priest says this is a fortune-telling live broadcast room, you talk to me about science?"


Su Han said calmly, "The one who tied the bell shall untie it!"

"Go to the boy's house and return the gold necklace, and take out thirty thousand yuan to compensate his family."

"This matter will be over, and he will not bother you anymore!"

Hearing Su Han's words, Sun Shaobin hurriedly said, "I will do as the Taoist priest says, their family is from a nearby village, less than ten kilometers away, I will drive there with the money right now!"

"Taoist priest, can you not cut off the live broadcast, I feel safer seeing your face connected to the line."

"Get lost!"

Su Han said helplessly, "This young man is still considered kind, he doesn't want your life, if it were someone more ruthless, you wouldn't have lived until now!"

"Yes, yes!"

Sun Shaobin hurriedly nodded, "I will leave immediately!"

Seeing Sun Shaobin rushing to another room and taking out a large stack of red banknotes from an inconspicuous safe in the corner!

"Taoist priest, I will take fifty thousand yuan to compensate them, just hoping to make amends for my mistake!"

Sun Shaobin was really scared, he even increased it from thirty thousand to fifty thousand on his own!

As long as he can live, any amount of money is worth it!

At this time, more and more people came to the live broadcast room, and in a short time, it actually broke through five thousand people!

The popularity soared straight up!

"Is it really okay like this? Isn't it too cheap for him?"

"Right! I think he should be punished a bit more, taking responsibility means bearing the consequences!"

"A gold necklace can cost how much? And to take it from a dead person's body, this is simply creating disaster!"


Sun Shaobin took the money and hurriedly drove his pickup truck to the drowned boy's house!

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that such punishment was too cheap for him!

Su Han then said, "He did make a mistake, but he is not guilty of death, this drowning boy is only seventeen years old, there is another younger brother in his family who is currently in high school, and the family is relatively poor!"

"After his family gets this money, they can also improve their living conditions a bit!"

Hearing Su Han say this, the audience in the live broadcast room subconsciously nodded!

A gold necklace costs thousands of dollars at least, even if it's a working adult, they might not be willing to buy it!%MCEpastebin%

I cannot help you.