
Don't pretend, Dao Chief, we know that you can do immortal arts

Master Su Han from the mystical gate traveled through parallel universes, starting off by inheriting a run-down Taoist temple and awakening the "Three Divination a Day" system. Consequently, a fortune-telling live stream exploded in popularity across the internet!

DaoistupXj2f · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Focus on checking couples

Zhong Xiaoxue was originally an atheist and dismissed this kind of fortune-telling theory!

But now that the facts are before us, Su Han is indeed right!

This forced her to accept it!

Faced with the lack of monitoring and the lack of clues in the entire case, Zhong Xiaoxue's first thought was to ask Su Han for help!

Su Han did not answer directly, but asked instead: "In this situation with no clues, what will you do immediately?"

Zhong Xiaoxue replied subconsciously: "In this case, we can only investigate the whole community one by one!"

Su Han smiled and shook his head: "But what if the murderer and the victim are not from this community?"

Zhong Xiaoxue was speechless for a moment, and then her eyes lit up. Su Han was clearly reminding her.

"Taoist priest, you mean that neither the murderer nor the victim have anything to do with this community?"

Su Han nodded and said: "Although this murderer is not smart, he also knows that after killing someone, dumping the body in the community where he lives is not a wise choice!"

"But in this case, it will be more difficult to investigate!"

Zhong Xiaoxue frowned. If the murderer was from this community, it would be much easier to investigate!

If not, the scope of the investigation may cover the entire Yangcheng, and the difficulty of solving the case will suddenly increase!

Su Han stopped trying to be pretentious at this time and said directly: "Isn't there a Daheng Community next door? I suggest you go there and check it out!"

"Especially those residents who live together as couples!"

Zhong Xiaoxue was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, Taoist Master!"

Su Han has already made it so clear. If this still can't be found, the uniform can really be taken off!

The audience in the live broadcast room liked it one after another!

[Lemon is not sweet]: "As expected of a Taoist priest! It's simply amazing!"

[Kill without blinking an eye]: "Hahaha, if I were a bad person, I wouldn't dare to steal the Taoist Master's lucky bag. When all the details are exposed in front of the Taoist Master, there will be no way to hide the evil!"

[Monkey Stealing Peach]: "Upstairs, I see your nickname... you really don't feel like a good person!"

[Little Tuqiu]: "The Taoist priest specifically said they were lovers... Then I think it was love killing. Sure enough, falling in love is a dangerous behavior!!!"


"Taoist Master, can I use our Douyin account to video chat with you later?"

Zhong Xiaoxue begged: "If we run into trouble later, we may have to ask the Taoist Priest for help!"

"Taoist Master, agree, I want to see the follow-up!"

"Yes, yes, handsome Taoist brother, we want to watch the police catch criminals live!"

[Newton Gravity gives Taoist Carnival ×1! ]

[Newton's Gravity]: "Master Taoist, I also want to see..."


The audience in the live broadcast room is looking forward to it!

Some rich fans even gave gifts!


Su Han nodded and said, "You can just send the invitation to Lianmai later!"

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

Zhong Xiaoxue was overjoyed and said, "I'll directly use our police station's official account to chat with the Taoist priest later!"

Although she also has a Douyin account, if she uses her own account to chat with the Taoist priest, she is a bit suspected of gaining popularity!

Even if she doesn't have this idea, netizens may not necessarily think so, so it's better not to cause trouble!

Internet violence is sometimes unreasonable!

After Zhong Xiaoxue cut off the microphone, she returned the phone to Hu Xiaokang, leaving two policemen to investigate here, and all the remaining police forces went to Daheng Community!

Arriving at the gate of Daheng Community, Zhong Xiaoxue quickly started a video chat with Su Han!

"Taoist Priest, we have arrived at Hengda District!"

Zhong Xiaoxue said: "The community property management provided us with a list. There are dozens of couples in this community. We plan to check them one by one!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are waiting to eat melon!

"It turns out that falling in love is really dangerous, and it may cost someone's life!"

"I want to share this live broadcast with my mother and let her watch it, so she doesn't have to rush me to find a partner every day!"

"If Taoist Master were to do criminal investigation, wouldn't there be no unsolvable cases in this world?"

"The Taoist priest is a cultivator. If you ask him to do criminal investigation, the Taoist priest will definitely not be willing to do it, hahaha!"


"Check them one by one? No need to go to such trouble!"

Hearing Zhong Xiaoxue's words, Su Han, who was fishing, didn't even raise his eyelids and said with a smile: "Thirteenth floor of Building 5!"

A flash of light flashed in Zhong Xiaoxue's eyes, and she immediately checked the information given to her by the property management company!

"The 13th floor of Building 5...is really where a couple lives!"

Zhong Xiaoxue was so shocked that she was speechless!

If she was unruly at first, now she is simply in admiration!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked!

"Taoist Priest, have you installed surveillance on 7 billion people around the world?! This is incredible!"

"Is fortune telling really that magical? Then I also want to learn fortune telling from a master!"

"Upstairs, you don't think that any fortune teller has the skills of a Taoist priest, do you?"

"Taoist priest!! From now on I will be your crazy fan!!"


After receiving Su Han's reminder, Zhong Xiaoxue immediately took action and led the three policemen straight to the thirteenth floor of Building 5!

Standing in front of the door, Zhong Xiaoxue knocked on the door!

"Who is it?!"

After a while, a pretty but weak-looking girl opened the door!

After seeing that it was the police, the girl subconsciously took a step back. There was some fear in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down!

When they saw this girl through the live broadcast, many fans were in disbelief!

Because under this girl's delicate appearance, it is really difficult for people to associate her with a murderer!

[Titanium Alloy Dog Eyes]: "No way, no way... This girl looks like an honest person, how could she be a murderer?"

[Wen Xiang Bi Mo]: "That's right! She really doesn't look like such a weak girl!"

[Nanfeng Cooking Wine]: "I can't accept it either. This is simply my ideal type. She is beautiful and ladylike..."

[Little Red Flower of Justice]: "Brothers, have you made any mistake? Haven't you heard that people should not be judged by their appearance?"


When seeing this girl, even Zhong Xiaoxue was stunned!

But as a police officer, she clearly knows that some people's appearance is completely inconsistent with her behavior!

Among the cases solved over the years, there are many people who look kind-hearted, but actually do countless evil things behind the scenes!

"Hello! We are the police, here is my ID!"

After Zhong Xiaoxue showed her ID, she asked, "You are Shen Manman, right?"

 "it's me!"

Shen Manman nodded and asked calmly: "Excuse me, why are you looking for me?"

"Wu Jiangpeng is your boyfriend, right?"

Shen Manman shook her head and said, "It used to be, but we broke up a month ago!"