
Don't Let Tobi Out!

[Based on the Naruto Series, Alfir presents to you 'Don't Let Tobi Out!!'] [AU] “No one cared who I was until I put on a mask.” One very unusual morning, Obito Uchiha wakes up a different person. Well, he is still the same in some sense… He is still that same boy who laughs, jokes, and plays around but there is more. Inside his head are memories of a distant future of an alternate version of himself— a version of Obito Uchiha he never thought possible. The kind that brings pain, suffering, and hate. On top of the extra lifetime of memories, the young Obito also now has an extra friend living inside his head… Tobi wearing an orange mask with a spiral pattern converging on his right eye is standing before his bed. This Tobi is rather hysterical, “Say, nice to meet’cha, ya meat of sack, please call me Tobi! And we are going to have lots and lots and lots of fun! Kehahahah~!” Eh? Huh? Wha-at? Tobi continues, referring to himself in the third person, “Don’t worry, Tobi~ is a good boi!” #Serious #No Harem #No Self-insert #Naruto Fanfic #OP Protagonist #Character Growth #Weak to Strong #Misunderstanding ************************ I will upload five chapters a week on average. Author’s words, “Hello! There is no need to read this ‘Author’s Words’ but I am very happy to share my thoughts. I have been dreading, writing a fanfic about the Naruto Series for years because I freaking love its story to the point I fear violating it! But here I am! This Fanfic ‘Don’t Let Tobi Out!!’ centers on Obito Uchiha as the main protagonist when he is still just starting as an average tad weak little Genin. For some mysterious reason, he wakes up one day with memories of a future version of himself! What happens next? Of course, with all of the wickedness the future Obito has done, a normal kid like little Obito would go insane and mentally break! But who is Obito Uchiha? He is among the characters with the strongest mental fortitude in the Naruto Series… The tragedy he experienced gives me the chills even just by recalling it. I will be honest, when ‘Tobi’ first appeared in the anime, I already had the suspicion that this guy was definitely hiding something! So imagine my thrill when Tobi revealed himself as Obito! Unusually goofy characters are frequently the most suspicious especially if they are a member of something like an Evil Organization. Obito has been my favorite character in the Naruto Series, following Minato next to him. Okay… enough with the side track. This fanfic here is like a Time Regression story with the MC possessing memories of the future but with a twist. You see, the ‘young Obito’ has survived the awakening of his memories of the distant future version of himself. He remains the untainted and pure-hearted kid despite the painful knowledge of perhaps a tragic destiny! As a self-coping mechanism in part of his surviving the ‘information overload’ of knowledge from the future, he develops a split personality— he subconsciously has created ‘Tobi’, thus the title of this fanfic— Don’t Let Tobi Out!! Jinchuriki? Bah! Obito is sealing a kind of complicated ‘madness’ in him, so that’s mighty new! And sheesh… I swear, when moments this ‘Tobi’ gets out once in a while, there will either be a bloodbath or… maybe just some normal baths with rubber ducks.” More Author’s words, “Okay, okay… this is the last one, I swear. My intention for writing this fanfic is so that I can give Obito a second chance, this is for the sake of Obito Uchiha, the character itself. This will not be a self-insert. I will do my best to stay true to the world-building of the Naruto Universe, and if I do make mistakes, just know that everything that will be happening in this fanfic is going to be in an Alternate Universe. Uuh… and also, this fanfic is written with the extra intent of forgetting the Boruto Series. Also, the book cover is not mine.”

Alfir · Komik
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40 Chs

Minato Namikaze

Minato loves his life. He wakes up, wifey in arms, eats wifey's home-cooked meal, and then he gets to work. And oh, he loves monopolizing his wife's cooking. The two of them have a schedule of who to cook on which day, and Minato always looks forward to those days.

But today is not that day. Kushina has been specially assigned a mission relatively distant from Konoha so for some time, Minato won't be able to enjoy her cooking.

There is a reason why Kushina has been sent to another place despite her sensitive identity as a Jinchuriki. It is because something big is about to happen inside Konoha. Minato uses his Flying God Technique after he eats his breakfast.

Waiting for him in the Hoakge's office is the Third Hokage himself, Hiruzen Sautobi. "Minato, splendid timing as usual. Orochimaru has yet to move. This is good for us. Since he is convinced that we are yet to discover his macabre experimentations, this is a perfect opportunity for us to raid his lab."

Minato nods as he listens attentively to the Third Hokage's briefing. "I understand, Lord Hokage. We need to act swiftly before Orochimaru realizes that we're onto him."

Hiruzen Sarutobi leans forward, his expression serious. "Exactly, Minato. The safety of Konoha is at stake. Your mission is to lead a team and infiltrate Orochimaru's lab. Gather as much information as you can and put a stop to his experiments. We cannot afford any delays."

Minato acknowledges the gravity of the situation. "I am enough, alone."

"Hmmm..." Hiruzen narrows his eyes dangerously at Minato's remark. "I hope that is not bravado I am hearing. But I am fully aware that you indeed alone are enough... Here is the warrant of arrest..."

Minato receives the piece of paper from Hiruzen and reasonably offers his explanation as to the thought process behind him going alone. "Orochimaru is well-connected. I cannot risk him learning that we are unto him... It took me a good full month to verify the information that had been tipped on us... not to mention moving the resources that would be needed to entrap him with certainty."

"I know," Hiruzen sighed. "I am the one who signed the documents, and I also permitted usage of the resources you required. But isn't it too overkill to set a perimeter using Anbu to the docks, and even go so far as artificially destroying the outposts we have scattered around Konoha?"

"I am sorry," Minato doesn't know what to say.

And Hiruzen understands as to why... Orochimaru has been Hiruzen's student, and it must have been hurting him knowing that he would be a part of Orochimaru's downfall. Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade have been like children to him. Hiruzen doesn't really have a choice considering that Orochimaru has gone to the far end of madness.

Hiruzen adds, "Be cautious, Minato. Orochimaru is a formidable opponent, and we don't know the extent of his experiments. Your safety and the success of this mission are crucial."

Minato gives a determined nod. "I won't let you down, Lord Hokage. I'll get the job done... and... I will do my best to bring back Orochimaru..."

"Don't," Hiruzen shrugs his head, "Don't hold back. There is a reason why Orochimaru has been called one of the Legendary Sannin. Kill him if you must..."

As Minato prepares to leave, Hiruzen's voice stops him. "One more thing, Minato. I... Please tell Orochimaru, I am sorry..." It hurts Hiruzen especially since he cannot go to Orochimaru now.

The village has never experienced such a shaky period since its founding. Signs of war are reappearing, and Hiruzen is unsure if it is going to be a civil war or a war with their fellow villages. It is possible that both happen at the same time, a war on all fronts. Reports of small skirmishes with other villages keep on piling up, and the attitude of the Uchiha clan is getting worse.

Thus, Hiruzen cannot even go on his student, Orochimaru's side, to personally confront him.

Minato affirms, "Understood, Lord Hokage."

Before Minato can fully use his Flying God Thunder Technique, a sudden thought occurs to him, "Lord Hokage, do you have any information for... Orochimaru's claims of someone claiming to be Madara Uchiha attacking his lab?"

Exactly the day Orochimaru and Minato receive an anonymous tip about Orochimaru's experimentations, Orochimaru files a report of someone claiming to be Madara Uchiha attacking his lab... 

"Chances are Orochimaru is not lying, but I am more inclined to believe that the self-proclaimed Madara is an impersonator from the Uchiha Clan trying to stir trouble... I have been talking with Fugaku about it, and they have also begun investigations about this impostor." Hiruzen takes a puff from his pipe as he deliberate on his thoughts.

Minato nods in understanding, absorbing the information. "An impostor claiming to be Madara Uchiha? This complicates things. If there's someone else involved, we need to be cautious and ensure we don't fall into any traps."

Hiruzen exhales a puff of smoke, his eyes narrowing in concern. "Indeed, Minato. The situation is delicate. Orochimaru might have enemies within and outside the village. Keep an eye out for any unexpected threats, and don't underestimate the potential danger from this false Madara."

Minato assures him, "I'll be vigilant, Lord Hokage. I won't let any surprises catch me off guard. My priority is to neutralize Orochimaru's threat and gather information about his experiments."

With a determined expression, Minato activates his Flying God Thunder Technique, disappearing in a blur. Hiruzen watches him go, and a heavy weight of foreboding begins to creep into his imagination. "Madara, huh?"

As Minato travels towards Orochimaru's hideout, he contemplates the complexity of the mission. The village is on the brink of turmoil, and the presence of an impostor claiming to be Madara Uchiha only adds more uncertainty. Minato can't afford to fail; the fate of Konoha hangs in the balance.

Arriving at the outskirts of Orochimaru's lab, Minato surveys the area with caution. The forest seems to have experienced recently rather a fiery encounter, parallel to the reports of the Madara Uchiha who infiltrated the facility and killed a quarter of the lab's guard details.

Using his Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato silently infiltrates the lab. His goal is to do this as quietly as possible and apprehend Orochimaru with the least resistance... which is infinitely harder done than said.

Within the dimly lit corridors, Minato moves stealthily, avoiding any potential threats. His senses are heightened, while he listens for any signs of Orochimaru. Suddenly, he senses a presence ahead, and he swiftly hides behind a corner.

Peeking out, he sees a figure clad in dark robes, confronting Orochimaru. Their conversation reaches Minato's ears, and he eavesdrops to gather information.

"Danzo," Orochimaru remarks with disgust in his tone. "You have come to extort me again, don't you tire of it?" The dark-robed contingent removes their hood, and leading them is Danzo's familiar mug.

Danzo condescendingly looks down on Orochimaru, "You should thank me instead, Orochimaru. My spies have informed me that Hiruzen is unto you. Without me here giving you intel, you'd most likely be attacked by the Hoakge's favorite dog... You wouldn't want the Yellow Flash to come here ruining your progress, don't you?"

"The Yellow Flash is indeed a very efficient killer, even Jiraiya acknowledges what he can do... No level of jutsus can reach him, and he'd only need something sharp to slice your throat. That's why it is a subject of curiosity to me why he has not killed you yet..." Orochimaru slyly smiles.

Though he is surrounded by Danzo's subordinates, he is totally undeterred so he continues, "Do you want to know why the Yellow Flash has not killed you yet, Danzo? It is because he has not yet found a reason to kill you, but now? Conspiring with me is enough to land you in jail, but who can say Minato would actually put you in jail." Orochimaru laughs grimly as his eyes land on the hiding Minato.

'As expected of a Legendary Sannin,' Minato laughs self-depreciatingly, but he chooses not to reveal himself yet. The Yellow Flash continues to watch, waiting for the opportune moment when to strike.

The current situation is favorable to Minato career-wise considering that Danzo's death ensures that Minato no longer has a competition for the title of Fourth Hokage, but that will be disadvantageous for Konoha in the long run.

After all, Danzo's death means that no one will keep the Uchiha in check, and no one does it better than Danzo Shimura.

"This is what is going to happen," Danzo is unmoved by Orochimaru's wordplay, "We'll stage a play here... I have come to confront you with your evil experimentations, and while fending you with everything I got, you manage to escape by the skin of the teeth... Of course, I am not so heartless, you can leave with what you can handcarry."

"Always the politician," Orochimaru sighs... and then he stretches his hand...

One of Danzo's subordinates falls dead on the ground. There are a total of seven of Danzo's subordinates, and now there are only six of them. "How dare you?" Danzo doesn't flinch, but he is pissed. Orochimaru has just thrown a kunai at one of his own.

But it doesn't end with just that...

One by one, Danzo's subordinates fall, flat dead on the ground... A clear bloody gash on their throats is presented to Danzo. He has a look of terror in his eyes. "You..."

"I didn't do it!" Orochimaru's smile is playful and he seems to be relishing Danzo's reaction.

Appearing from the shadows is Minato, his kunai already bloody, "But I did."

"Tsk," Danzo clicks his tongue, evidently rattled, "Have you come to take my life?" 

Namikaze means discordant wind and it is a surname that Minato has earned on the battlefield and has been granted to him by the Third Hokage for his meritorious service. Discordant Wind because that is what he is on the battlefield, but the truth is, Minato has never liked this name.

As a commoner, pursuing the ninja profession is but a hellish and unreachable dream.

Though Minato doesn't like his surname, he has grown acquainted with it.

"No," He replies to Danzo as he vanishes in a blur and unleashes a Rasengan at Orochimaru. "No, I won't take your life, Danzo..."

Orochimaru barely escapes the Rasnegan and has gotten his right arm shattered, and ground to a bloody paste. Though he is clearly hurt, he doesn't show pain and methodologically deals with his stump by wrapping a cloth around it.

"This is what is going to happen," Minato's eyes remain on Orochimaru, but his voice is directed to Danzo. "Orochimaru killed your subordinates, and through your and my combined efforts, we have succeeded in apprehending Orochimaru."

And then, Minato looks at Danzo dead in the eye, "Decline my proposition and see what will happen."