
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
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55 Chs

The Ceremony

"Hey, look at me," I said trying to lift the mood. When she looked, I leaned in to give her a kiss. That was the first time she pushed me back. I looked a little confused. "I don't want your kisses I just want your love," she said in an unsettling tone. "Lets just go to sleep," she said in her usual tone.

I couldn't piece together why she just wanted my love. If I let her close to my heart, will she break it. If I can learn to love her maybe she's the one. I hope so. After all, I haven't heard the name Amelia since my days back at the orphanage before I ran away. I was lucky enough to be taken in by a rich family who happened to be a gang mafia. It wasn't a tough childhood, but more so a wild one. We didn't have to worry about being arrested.

When I woke up Amelia was still in my hoodie asleep next to me. If waking up every morning would be like this then being in a relationship again wouldn't be so bad. "Morning princess," I said to Amelia. She looked up at me and smiled. "Morning my queen," she responded.

Skylar busted into the room in a panic. "Miss rose, your fiancé is here," she said in a panic. "Right, I will get dressed," I said back. She nodded her head. "Amelia get dressed," I said in a hurry. I put on my classic black skirt, black jacket, and white shirt. After I ran out of the room Amelia followed shortly.

"Amelia, you shouldn't follow me he could be dangerous," I said sounding concerned. "I don't care your going to be my girlfriend soon," she said back. When we walked into the main room a man was sitting on the couch. He had broad shoulders, an evil grin, not to mention the gun on his belt was in plain sight.

"Hello wife," the man said. "Leave my girlfriend alone," Amelia said bravely. "Girlfriend?" the man said sounding even more annoyed. "The marriage is off. I just personally don't like you," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Very well," he said. His grin looked like he hadn't come here without a plan. "I'll just tell your parents you called off the engagement," he said with an evil tone. Amelia could sense I was losing the words in my mouth, so she grabbed my hand. That for some reason gave me confidence Amelia however was one step ahead of me. "Tell them then and don't forget to tell them she has a girlfriend," she said making sure she got the point across.

The man looked stunned to hear this. I was stunned normally my parents wouldn't mind me calling off an engagement, but they didn't really like the fact that I was gay. Sure, they supported me in everything I did, but when I told them this a year ago, they were delighted. That was until, she broke my heart. My parents saw what happened and of course the took pity on me.

They thought that they could fix the mess she made, so they started arranging marriages for me only this time they made sure it was a boy who I married. I know they only want what's best for me, but this gets annoying. After all I am 23 years old. I was about to say something when Skylar came running into the room.

"Miss rose, your parents are here!" she said frantically. My heart dropped. "Is it just them?" I said not showing that I was worried. "I'm afraid not. It's your entire family," she said even more frantically.

That's right I missed my ceremony due to the war with the Red clan. God why was I so stupid. "Thank you, Skylar," I said then nodded my head. "The engagement is off now, leave my house," I told the man. He grabbed his fist and walked out the door where all my family members were. "Hey it'll be okay. We'll get through this together," Amelia said trying to calm me down. "It's not that. I just want them to know that I want the chance to get a girlfriend, but I can't because every single time I get one a soon to be fiancé comes to my door and they get the wrong idea," I said tearfully. "Hey even if the other girls won't love you there's still one more person who does. You just need to realize it," she said trying to lift the mood.

"And besides I can always just be your fake girlfriend," she said in a cheerful mood. Then it hit me. She was trying to tell me she liked me, but it could be a trap. "Fine you'll be my fake girlfriend till the nights over," I replied to her a little bit more enthusiastically.

Her face lit up with a bright smile. "Let's do this," she said confidently. I nodded my head and got up. When we walked to the front of the house Skylar took a deep breath. "Here she is Miss Rose of the heartbreaker gang," Skylar said like she was presenting me. I waved my hand, and my parents came running up to me.

My mom and dad gave me a hug. Soon after they gave me a hug my sister gave me a hug. "Our little girl is all grown up," my mother said proudly. "That's great however me and your mother had a question for you," my dad said a little bit less proud. "Who's this girlfriend your ex-fiancé told us about?" my mother asked me concerned. "Mom, Dad meet Amelia. My girlfriend," I said hesitantly.

Amelia walked out and waved her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you all," she said as if she was a princess talking to her subjects. "She's so precious," my mom said adoring her. "I already met her, multiple times," Sarah said. "That's right she was the girl with you at the ceremony," my dad said.

"We hope that she's a good match for you unlike that Amber girl," my mom said. "Well, I hope I can provide the best for your daughter," Amelia said cheerfully. Enough standing around. We need the ceremony to begin soon. "Skylar dear can you help Rose get ready," my mother said in her usual voice. Skylar nodded her head.

"Sis before you get ready can I talk with you," Sarah said. "I am so sorry you have to go through this," she said in an apologetic way. "It's fine and after all I will legally be a princess. So, it's a win, win," I said. "It's not like I am making a deal with a demon," I said jokingly. She nodded before we went our separate ways.

Skylar handed me a dress longer than I expected. It stretched out on the floor. When I finished getting dressed, Skylar told me I couldn't come out my room till dark. The new moon was supposed to be three days ago, but the cycle got messed up. Lucky me, I guess. I heard a knock on my door.

"Rose, can I come in?" Amelia said in a soft voice. "I can't see anyone, nor can someone see me till the ceremony," I replied in a sturdy manner. "Very well," she said, and her footsteps faded into the distance. I wonder what's so special about this ceremony that I can't see anyone.

As the sun set, I waited to be told that I could make my way to the living room. The lights were off and there were black candles lit. My heart started racing as I walked down all the way to the living room. When I got there my entire family was sitting in a circle and a priest was sitting at the center top of it.

Once I stepped in the living room Amelia and Skylar stood there in the circle looking scared. "Rose Crystal, do you promise to protect your people from harms ways," the priest said. "I Rose Crystal promise to protect my people from harms ways," I replied.

The priest got up and had me stand in the middle of the circle they made. He took out white chalk and drew the circle. However, after every few feet he would draw a circle big enough to fit a candle. Once the circle was complete, he had drawn six circles in the big circle. He then placed six black candles on each circle.

My heart was racing. My family all grabbed hands and started chanting a verse. I saw the circle light up. I saw my feet lift off the ground. Suddenly I was in a completely dark area. Was this my subconscious. "Hello human," an eerie voice said. When I turned and looked it was a demon. "Hello," I responded.

"You aren't showing me any fear," the voice said in a gruesome tone. "I sense you aren't like the others," the voice said. "If I am like the others than get it over with," I said sounding annoyed. "I like the way you are," the voice said. "I will grant three wishes," he said. "If you wish to grant a wish now speak up," the voice said. A smirk appeared on my face. "I wish that we lived in a world with mages knights and demon. Part of that wish includes me being the demon queen,"

"Your wish is my command," he said enthusiastically. "I also wish that everyone could keep loving whoever they love now no matter what part of the world they are," I said. "Your wish is my command," the voice said. "That's all for now," I said to the demon. "Very well whenever you're ready to make your wish rub this necklace," the demon said and handed me a necklace.