
Don't leave me again!

Everyone knows one thing for sure, everyone wants something in life. May that something be money, fame, love, or people it's desired and they want to have it. In this story read to find out what everyone wants in their life because their wants become their needs.

Love_story101 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Family problems pt: 3

I missed this feeling. His kiss, his touch, his energy. I missed him. Granted he gave me kisses before everything happened but I had only felt this kiss once. "Last time I messed up," he said softly. "This time I'll make sure you stay safe," he said calmly. "Leo I don't know why you still stay with me," I said softly. "Because I love you Skylar," he said softly. As he leaned in to kiss me again I stopped him.

"I never knew what love was because everyone was always taking it from me," I said tearfully. "This time I'll fix what I broke," he said calmly. Looking into my eyes he smiled a little letting me know he meant it this time. "I still aren't a hundred percent good," I said softly. "I've barely been eating, my body is frail, and it hurts to breathe," I said softly. He smiled at me as I watched his hands turn purple. As he placed them on my body. After about five minutes I was feeling better.

"Much better," he said. As I leaned in and kissed him I realized he was showing me a feeling of comfort. After all we hadn't see each other in weeks. As I broke the kiss he looked at me with concern in his eyes. "What's wrong," I said concerned. "I'm tired of being king," he said softly. "I wanted to be a father who loves his wife, not a father who leaves his wife and children," he said with tears forming. "I never wanted to be a king," he said tearfully. He covered his face with his hands.

As tears streamed from his hands I gave him a hug. "I understand you Leo," I said softly. "I never wanted to leave you, I never wanted you to go back. But in the end I knew we couldn't be together," I said tearfully. As I buried my head into his shoulder I realized he was sobbing too. As we cried together we laid down in my bed. "Skylar, don't leave me," he said tearfully. "If you don't leave me first," I said wiping the tears from my face.

I turned to face him and wiped the tears from his face. He smiled a little before hold my hand. "Let's sleep together for this first time in a while," he said pulling me close. As he laid his head on mine I felt my eye lids grow heavy. Soon enough I was sleeping peacefully in his arms.


As Skylar and Leo got their small fairytale just for tonight. What they didn't know is that Amelia saw all of it. If only she was the only one who saw…


As morning came the couple said their goodbyes and Leo left the castle. When he arrived back at his palace he was shocked that everyone was still asleep. No one had noticed he was gone at all. Well except for his sister. She saw everything. It wasn't until Leo turned on a lamp that he saw her sitting in a chair.

"Leo why were you at that girls room even though mother told you not to go back," she said annoyed. "I can't keep covering for you," she said frantically. "If it weren't for the fact you're my little brother I would've told mom," she said annoyed.

Leo stared in shock at what he had just heard. "How did you find out," he said calmly. "I have my ways," she said teasingly. "And I won't lie. She looks pretty cute for an elf," she said blushing. "She's mine," Leo said demandingly. "You can keep her," she said calmly. "I don't want her," she added. "Just promise me you'll tell me when you're going to visit her," she said concerned. "I promise," Leo said eagerly.


Back at the castle. Skylar was happier. Clover knew she did a good job bringing back Skylar's happiness. "thank you for that Clover," I said softly to Clover. She nodded her head and walked away. As I went to the baby room where Primrose and Ocean were I saw how Primrose had beautiful eyes, her eyes were a lovely pink and they shined like diamonds. Oceans hair was a soft green color and she smiled when she saw me. "Mom," she stuttered.

I gasped in shock. I hadn't heard her say a word ever. "Yeah I'm your mom," I said picking them both up. As I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn to look and was met by a familiar face. I hadn't expected him to visit me in daylight. I saw Leo's hand on me. He hand a gentle smile and his eyes met mine. "So mom was her first word," he said softly. "I guess so," I replied.

He hugged me with the kids in my hands. "I told you I wouldn't leave you at all," he said calmly. "Cmon were going on a family picnic," he said picking me up. "Leo I can walk perfectly fine," I said softly. He put down and handed me a stroller. "Leo," I said curiously. "Yes," he responded. "Can I pet your ears," I said calmly. "Unless you want another kid not a good idea," he said teasingly.

" I wouldn't mind," I teased him back. He laughed for a little then, his face went serious. "You're joking right" he said hesitantly. "Not really but I don't want another kid right now," I responded softly. He sighed a little before he stopped in his tracks. "Skylar I don't think you can have another kid," he said calmly. "And why not elves are the most fertile monster," I said annoyed. "Not to mention we don't have to wait till mating season to have a kid," I said eagerly. "Skylar I don't want another kid," he said coldly. I gasped and put my head down. "It's just, what's with you and having kids," he said rudely. "You were so eager when Rose asked us to raise Ocean. And you didn't mind having Primrose," he said harshly. "I'm sorry Leo I shouldn't have asked," I said holding back tears.

"Maybe my mom was right, maybe you just want kids because you can't let go of guys," he said coldly. I felt my heart shatter when he said that. "Leo what the hell is wrong with you," a girl called out from behind. "In case you didn't know Skylar never had anyone to talk with as a child. In fact she craved a sibling after her mother died," the voice added. "Hi Skylar I'm Leo's older sister," she said proudly.

"I'm sorry he said all those things," she said calmly. She walked up and hugged me. "And I know Ocean isn't either of y'all child," she said softly. As tears came down my face when she hugged me. Leo looked angry. "But she wants another kid," he said protesting. "So what! Be glad she chose you instead of someone else," his sister said fiercely. She let go of me and walked to Leo.

I watched as she slapped him. "Leo I told you to respect her no matter what," she said angrily. "She nearly died for you and this is how you repay her," she said in a cold tone. "You're probably the worst father I've ever seen. And you're most certainly the worst brother I've ever had," she said harshly.

His face went pale when she said that. He looked as if he couldn't believe what she just said. "Hey you're an amazing mom and women," she said calmly. "Leo go home to the slut Nova I'll be attending to Skylar until you can get your shit together," she said calmly. He sighed and shoved his sister out of the way. "I'm not going anywhere," he said standing in front of me. "Both of y'all can go back before you get in trouble," I said softly. They sighed and walked away before disappearing in a black and purple portal.